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Category : Best ADHD Memes

Slept Through Alarm

By driddles

It’s never one thing. Because one thing quickly triggers second, a third, a fourth….

ADHD Genes

By driddles

This isn’t a matter of ‘belief’ or ‘opinion.’ It’s a neurodevelopmental issue and until it’s diagnosed and dealt with it can ruin your career, your relationships, your finances, and your self-esteem.
Read more about ADHD & Genes at https://totallyadd.com/what-is-the-adhd-gene/

Fast Talker

By driddles

I know I talk way too fast and I know I don’t finish half of my sentences but if I did this story would take even longer to tell. Is that what you want TotallyADD meme

Working From Home

By driddles

My boss said work from home and use sticky notes. I’m running out of wall space

ADHD Challenges

By driddles

My biggest challenge in my daily life is that every day there is a new day of … challenges

Maybe It’s Not ADD

By driddles

Take our ADD Test and see.  You may not have ADD! You may just be a restless, impatient, anxious, driven, […]


By driddles

Some people get annoyed when people mention ADHD and Squirrels.  We rarely make Squirrel references in here, I wondered how […]