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Category : Best ADHD Memes


By driddles

Elaine Taylor-Klaus tells us in her excellent blog Parenting ADHD Kids When You Are Stressed  “It’s one thing to parent […]

Choosing TV over Urgent Work

By driddles

“Tons of urgent work due in two days vs. TV shows” Image by Art By Juliet AKA Procrastination, and if […]

Password Retrieval

By driddles

Another day, another ‘Password Retrieval’ request.  F is for Forgetful, you can learn about the rest of the ADHD alphabet […]

ADHD Trait Number 1,392

By driddles

ADHD Trait #1,392 I go online at 9:15am to check email.  At 3:45pm I finally go to my inbox.  Feeling […]

Trauma and the Roly Poly Toy

By driddles

“This is a Roly Poly Toy.  No matter how hard you push it down, it’ll always get back up, like […]

Bad Parenting Advice

By driddles

For good parenting advice check out our blog Parenting ADHD Kids When You Are Stressed

I Don’t Recognize Faces

By driddles

It is nothing personal. I know we met before, or maybe I don’t, but if it makes you feel any […]