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Category : Best ADHD Memes

Didn’t Get Much Done

By driddles

Guess who got a lot done today? It wasn’t me but congratulations to someone out there who did!  If procrastination […]

Book About ADHD

By driddles

I read a paragraph, or ten paragraphs and have no memory of what I just read… It must be in […]

Never Say Never

By driddles

Not that the adult world makes sense to me. Not much about the experience of being diagnosed with ADHD inspires […]


By driddles

Working as hard as everyone and not getting the same results makes me frustrated and overwhelmed

I Wish I Knew Sooner

By driddles

From age 21 to 71, this seems to be a universal regret. I think it says something about how transformative […]

Patience is a Virtue

By driddles

Patience is not one of The 5 Superpowers of ADHD, but being calm in a crisis is.

If at First You Don’t Succeed

By driddles

I’ve written a lot about my emotional ups and downs. My moods are too often driven by my failures and successes or, […]


By driddles

Do I Have ADHD or does ADHD have me?  Well, it depends on the day.

Has Social Distancing Affected Me

By driddles

Mind you it took 8 evenings.  Not the Glossary, Index, Notes, Appendix, Selected Sources, and Acknowledgements as they were another […]

Explaining ADHD Wrong

By driddles

It’s tempting, isn’t it? It’s hard to resist. It’s infuriating to hear the same crap over and over. That’s why […]