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Category : Best ADHD Memes

Those Who Forget The Past

By driddles

Those who forget the past and fail to remember their own history are destined… to be tested for ADHD Take […]

I Miss High School

By Admin

The good old days? Even with my spotty memory and tendency to forget the bad stuff, I can’t say I wish I was young again. Having my whole life ahead of me? Well, I suppose you could argue I still do. It’s just a smaller amount. Two things help me maximize whatever I have left: Taking better care of myself. And being really impatient and focusing on what matters. But with ADHD that’s a constant challenge. Daily. Sometimes, hourly! Ha!

5 signs you have ADHD

By driddles

I’m so poor at Self Assessment I actually think I’m great at Self Assessment.

Emoticon of ADHD

By driddles

Still waiting for the World Health Organization to confirm this should be the official symbol for ADHD.   I decided to […]

What Will I Say Next

By driddles

It’s exciting. But when I come up with something new that’s really good, I’ve forgotten what it was a minute […]

Enjoy The Ride

By driddles

Some days I’m just hanging on and trying to enjoy the ride TotallyADD meme