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Category : Best ADHD Memes

Lost and Found

By driddles

Argh. I just had them a minute ago! Lost in thought again! It’s upsetting. And we all know how being […]

Lost In Thought

By driddles

And I would get creative. Best strategy? Answer a question with a question to buy time. “Do you want the […]

A Pencil for ADHD

By driddles

A pencil for neurotypicals has 8 inches of pencil and a 1/4 inch eraser. A pencil for people with ADHD, […]

Made Up Words

By driddles

Procrast-urbation: Doing something fun that feels good instead of getting to that thing you should be doing.

Road Rage

By driddles

I can be consumed by road rage waiting in line at the ATM.  ADHD and Anger, I’m frustrated and overwhelmed.

Working 9 to 5

By driddles

Working 9 to 5 every day is not for me.  It doesn’t work for my brain.  It doesn’t tap into […]

I Can Hyperfocus

By driddles

Hyper focus, or Hyperfixation … A real strength. Potentially… If I control it and apply it to what’s important. That’s […]

Smartest Person Ever

By driddles

I may not be the smartest person on the planet, but I am one of the top three, so I’m […]

Calm In A Crisis

By driddles

On our last Patron Live Chat there was an interesting discussion about whether a tendency to overreact and being overly […]