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Category : Best ADHD Memes

My ADHD is Cured

By driddles

Wishful Thinking! Anyone else prone to riding this roller coaster of expectations?

This Is Normal

By driddles

When my son was first being diagnosed I read that list of 18 symptoms and snorted, “Who doesn’t struggle with […]

I’m Always Restless

By driddles

Nothing happening? No worries, I’ll just fall into my imagination and go for a mental vacation. Oh, sorry, something was […]

The signs of ADHD

By driddles

That was me on the left. Uh oh…  As the doctor explains the signs that suggest your child might have […]

My Working Memory

By driddles

I always thought keeping busy and having lots on the go would keep my mind alert and young. Now I’m […]

I Don’t Need Medication

By driddles

Until I was diagnosed it was coffee and work, work, work. Adrenaline and pressure did the job, but eventually it […]