You’re reading this because at some point you, or a loved one, saw a video, read an article, did an online ADHD test, or took our Unofficial ADHD Quiz, and the penny dropped, you thought “maybe I have adult ADHD”.
You got diagnosed.
Or did so much reading and research you’re certain you (or a loved one) have this mindset.
(I recommend getting it confirmed by a doctor who knows what they’re doing.)
Now you’re eager to learn more. (Or desperately worried and anxious to find help.)
When I was diagnosed I wanted to learn everything I could about ADHD. But I soon realized that while the science and neurology were interesting, what mattered more was getting it handled.
Tools, Strategies, Tricks, Tips… Please!
It was enough knowing this disorder is highly heritable, that many suspect genes are involved, that it’s very situational, and every adult with ADHD has a unique combination of symptoms.
The more I read about the symptoms, costs, and negative impact, the more I wanted to know what, if anything, I could do about it.
Some adults could care less about the neurology, genetics, and ‘neurotransmitter re-uptake.
They get it, and they want to deal with it and get on with life.
They look for a list of ADHD tools and strategies.
But since your particular collection of challenges will be different from mine, (some common ADHD symptoms may not be a big issue for you) then not every strategy will be helpful to you.
If some aspects of your life are humming along brilliantly, no need to change a thing. If clutter isn’t causing you or your loved ones grief, then great!
The question to consider is, “Where does it hurt?” No point in putting a cast on someone’s arm if it’s their leg that is causing them pain, right?
I often say, “You have to figure out your particular flavor of ADHD.” And then decide which symptom is hindering you the most, and start there.
Take Small Steps and Experience Small Victories
15 years into my own ADHD diagnosis, I am convinced one of the most universally powerful ADHD strategies is to ‘Get Started & Start Small.’
Of the 36 ADHD-Friendly strategies that Patrick McKenna and I explore in our video, ADD & Mastering It?, this may be the one I use most often.
Usually a dozen times a day. (It’s how I’m writing, or rather rewriting, this blog.)
Whether I’m overwhelmed at work, resisting a new fitness regiment, wanting to finish a complex project, or simply feel the need talk to my coach about feeling stuck, I can only get past if I do one small thing.
Otherwise I continue to stew and strategize and ruminate. And then go off and do something irrelevant, some trivial task that only postpones the feeling of frustration.
When I’m procrastinating, which is often, it’s a powerful strategy.
Just Start? Sounds Simple
Don’t get ambitious. Curb your natural ADHD enthusiasm. Just pick one task. Something quick. A ‘no-brainer.’
Go for a five minute walk. Make one phone call. Sort one shelf. Donate three things you never use.
And then decide if you can continue walking for another five minutes. Or make a second phone call. Or add 3 more things to the ‘Charity’ box.
Taking that first step, no matter how small, is how anything and everything is ever accomplished, right?
Which I find reassuring. Because when I’m faced with something that feels huge and overwhelming, I can always find one small thing that is manageable.
It’s the Secret of My Success
After I was diagnosed I understood why I had written hundreds of episodes of skit comedy. Thousands of short sketches.
And only a few ½ hour sitcoms, and heaven forbid, no full-length screenplays. Even the stage shows I worked on were basically a collection of skits and songs around a theme.
A movie screenplay takes months to write—tracing character arcs, blocking out action, the saw tooth of rising action, developing characters and back story.
The fun part, the snappy dialogue, comes last. (I was so disappointed when I learned this.)
I can write a short skit in a half hour. (And then rewrite it, again and again, until I’m happy with it.)
I divide complex tasks into doable chunks. Not just creating a TV series, but things as simple as cleaning the car, or In fact, I keep dividing the task into smaller chunks until it does feel doable.
The Payoff? I Can Do This
With ADHD, having successes, achieving small victories, is so energizing.
Each little win gives me a boost of Dopamine, which is what I need to do the next step. And every step. Until it’s done. It’s not just being on a roll, it’s having the mental juice to take on what’s next.
Of course, dealing with my ADHD is the one task that will never be ‘done’.
There’s no final destination. Just getting better and better. One step at a time.
Rick Green
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TotallyADD.com is an independent website created & owned by Big Brain Productions Inc. (Rick Green). We tell you this because so many people ask if pharmaceutical companies paid for any of this and the answer is absolutely not. Purchases in our shop, and our Patreon community pays for content creation.

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