ADHD Coach
What is ADHD Coaching?
Did you find out you had ADHD? Were you impatient to get it under control? Figured you could deal with it on your own? Searched through websites looking for possible options for thriving with your ADHD, only to find yourself still stuck and impatient with the progress you are making on your own?? Is your house, career, family life a mess?
“Our patients could learn all that stuff themselves, but why would they want to go through 20 years of living with a condition when they can hire someone who can teach them all that in 3 or 4 months?”
– Dr. Derryck Smith, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
You are not alone: Our 6 video series answers the following:
• What sets ADHD coaches apart from doctors and life coaches?
• What does an ADHD coach do?
• Is coaching right for me?
• I don’t live in a big city, is that a problem?
• How do I choose a coach?
• How often do I need to see a coach?
• Are coaches expensive?
More Information about ADHD Coaches
“I liken coaching to say…a tennis coach. A coach can’t manufacture talent in their athlete, but they can help the athlete recognize that they’re stronger on one side vs another side. Play to your strengths.”
– Robert Tudisco, Disability Attorney
Are Coaches Like Doctors?
“It’s quite different than a doctor. They are not diagnosing ADHD, but they are experts in learning how to live with it and how to manage it, often based on their personal experience”
– Dr. Derryck Smith, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Get Past the Struggles and Into Success
Find out the magic of having a coaching partner who gets ADHD and can help you get, and stay, on track. Identify your strengths and learn the skills that empower you to maximize those strengths every day.
An ADHD coach helps you to:
• Organize
• Prioritize
• Track your progress
• Finish tasks
• Manage your time
What do the experts have to say?
“…it’s about meeting them where they are and helping them figure out where they are on their journey and where the next step is for them.”
– Elaine Taylor-Klaus Parenting Coach, ImpactADHD
“ […an ADHD coach is] a person who will understand their ADHD, where does it show up? The invisible challenges, where does it get in the way of them accessing their strengths?”
– David Giwerc, Founder and President of ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA)
Hello what can I do you for? Hello Mr. Smith its Natalie from Dr. Ahmed’s office. You had an appointment with us this morning at 10 a.m.. Today are you let me check my calendar. oh yeah. I wrote it down for Thursday instead of Tuesday. Ah this is Thursday. This is Thursday. oh I’m listen can i reschedule? all right but because it’s the third time I’m afraid I’m gonna have to Bill you the $160 for the appointment Ahmed and his assistant are very busy. yeah 160 bucks worth of stupid. Okay that’s it that’s it I’ve got to do something. Now. [Plays video games]
I am totally disorganized and it’s killing my business and my life. Suggestions? Coaching. hi my name is Bill Smith I’m calling because I’m interested in ADHD coach. I’m not sure I’m interested but I you know I need to know if I need it or I guess what I’m asking is. What is ADHD Coaching? well I think coaching is like in any other service when you see the need for it when you want something in your life and realize you need some support for it that’s what coaching is good for. hello I’m calling around asking ADHD coaches about what it is that coaching does for people? So really it’s about meeting them where they are and helping them figure out where they are on their journey and where the next step is for them because I’m really big about the next step.
hello doctor um quick question I’m thinking about getting an ADHD coach but who are they exactly? Coaches are someone who has learned
something about how to manage it and is prepared in a very hands-on kind of way to teach people the skills that they have learned. hello yes I’m calling to find out what a coach does for people? hi I’m calling about ADHD coaching. I’m thinking about hiring an ADHD coach I’m looking into ADHD coaching.
What Does a Coach Do?
what is it you do? So first of all understand their ADHD where does it show up the invisible challenges where does it get in the way of them accessing their strengths and what we do is we see the greatest things happen when they begin to empower themselves this is what I do really really well and this is what I need to start my day off. We get paid to share our intuition and perceptions and to say the truth for that client no matter what lovingly for them to grow you know toward their goals but I’m for the client more than I’m for their goals.
Are ADHD Coaches Doctors?
Like a doctor? and that’s quite different than a doctor they’re not diagnosing ADHD but they are experts and learning how to live with it and how to manage it often based on on their personal experience. There’s no one else in your life that’s going to tell you the truth really truly and listen and hear who you are who you’re becoming and what you really want and just keep holding that for you and keep holding you toward working toward that. That’s a the coaches job. You know the strongest ladder is not a straight ladder if I put a straight ladder in the middle of the room and let go it’s going to fall down strongest ladder is a slanted ladder which rests against a wall.
So a coach is part of that wall. Our patients could learn all that stuff themselves but why would they want to go through 20 years of living with a condition when they can hire someone who can teach them all that in in in three or four months this makes sense to me to do that. True yeah that is a good point good point yeah I can see that. We have to take a marathon view and we have to prepare for the long haul but really the only thing we can impact is what’s right in front of us what’s next.
Coaching is unique in that it employs what’s known as a non directive questioning approach in that coaches will pull information from the client and get them to realize the talents that they have and also the challenges and where they come from and how to kind of work around them and they problem-solve. so it’s not like an ADHD doctor or like a counselor right?
Is Coaching the Same as Counseling?
Coaching is a little different than counseling so in coaching it’s more of a partnership. Coaching is built out of a strengths philosophy that’s what makes the coaching profession different from the mental health world the medical model. They’re all working and I’m globalizing here and that’s not quite fair but they’re all working from a brokenness model. Coaches don’t work from that we work from are whole complete capable incredible human-beings. Who aren’t happy with some parts of their lives and want something more and are willing to work for it.
Difference Between Life Coach and ADHD Coach?
So what’s the difference between a regular life coach and an ADHD coach? so this is really a profession that is accredited by a governing body and we have to show that we’re able to perform these skills that facilitate a process of a discipline conversation between me and my clients that empower them to move forward and that’s life coaching. ADHD coaching we have to learn more because we have to learn about the invisible challenges that impair a person’s neurological ability to regulate, pay attention, self-awareness all the executive functions and all these things that people take for granted. ADHD coaches are experts in ADD where as the doctor you may go to as a generalist and so may not actually know as much about ADHD is your coach. oh okay so you’re trained yeah of course I guess that makes sense it’s just it says the you know first call is about gathering information asking questions and I guess there’s a lot of other people who have the same questions. I have questions yeah I have questions yeah I have a lot of questions I actually have a question as well.
Why Have an ADD Coach?
so I guess we’re all wondering what’s the point of adding in a coach I mean we’re already overwhelmed with stuff we have to do. The coaching session is a pause for us to sit still and look at things and take a little time with them to value them to see what they mean to us to look forward and decide where we’re going and what we want to be and who we want and you know who we want to be that’s what a coaching session is is a chance to practice a little mindfulness and a pause. Oh get it sort of it sounds a bit vague. What I do is I work with my clients to help them identify their goals and then work with them to help them come up with plans to reach their goals. So the more you work with them the more they realize you’re only gonna do something for them you know it’s not my agenda. But that’s the cool part about coaching is as if you listen to them everybody got their own time answer for them. I think most people think coaching is gonna be okay so you are you have a disorganized office. Well the first thing you have to do is a and then you have to do B and then you do C and coaching really isn’t about telling you what to do it’s. People come to me and I have absolutely no idea what your your solutions are you actually it’s all there we just have to look at your patterns because it will reveal itself to to us if we relax and pay attention to it.
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