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Does Everyone Have ADHD?

ADHD is an issue with how we process and filter information. With millions of bits of input from our senses, sorting through it all is already a challenge. When you are short of key chemicals, the neurotransmitters that allow messages to flow, then sorting is more difficult. Filtering is impaired. Information overload. But nowadays, with the internet, the media, and the pace of life, who isn’t overwhelmed and overloaded? ADHD is different. It’s there 24/7. Making it hard to focus and plan, regardless of how far ahead or behind you are.


Patrick McKenna – You’re probably thinking My God I lose my Keys! I Must have ADHD! Not necessarily in fact as we travel around North America every one of our crew members ultimately thought they were ADHD.
Dr. Laura Muggli – People are more distracted because of things going on but it’s still different you know when you have ADHD it interferes with your ability to get things done and that’s really important that people know that. Yes a lot of people especially in Manhattan you know where I live are running around like crazy people all the time, but it’s not they still get everything done they’re organized they don’t stay up all night doing things because they lost some piece of paper that they needed to finish the assignment and found it and you know three hours before they had to complete it.
[Dr. Margaret Weiss] – I think that if you go on Facebook or any other probe you’re going to find that the concept of ADHD is being integrated into our social language and our conceptualizations that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s being distinct sized and it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s being adequately understood.
Patrick McKenna – it’s funny when you list out the symptoms of ADHD because everybody thinks they have ADHD everybody has symptoms of ADHD but do they have to say six of the ten components that kind of put them over the line that they might want to get diagnosed usually not but it shows how people can easily be confused between ADHD and depression ADHD and overwhelmed ADHD and distressful day.
Dr. Annick Vincent – a lot of people who don’t have ADHD look like they have ADHD because they want to do so much in so many shorter period of time that they end up in our office saying I may have ADHD and when you look at it they’re trying too much at the same time and to get this organized.
[Patrick McKenna] it’s no wonder the skeptics dismiss it huh I mean that’s why self diagnosis is so dangerous because being ADHD is not about being occasionally overwhelmed or occasionally confused this is ongoing.
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