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About Gina Pera

Gina Pera, now author of two books (Amazon Link) about adult ADHD, was an award-winning print journalist before turning her attention to ADHD. Her work for USA Weekend magazine won the prestigious Best Magazine Edition award from The Association for Women in Communications as well as a Unity Award in Media from Lincoln University of Missouri, recognizing accurate exposure of issues affecting minorities and disabled persons. For the past 16 years, she has researched and written about Adult ADHD while also advocating for better awareness and treatment standards. A popular speaker, she provides education and support for the ADHD community, leading discussion groups in Silicon Valley and a 1,000-member Internet-based group for the partners of adults with ADHD around the world. A native of Memphis now based in the San Francisco Bay Area, she enjoys gardening, exploring Bay Area hiking trails with her husband, and connecting with her favorite online communities.

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