The Forums › Forums › Emotional Journey › My Story › 99% sure I'm ADHD & now I have to circumnavigate getting diagnosed?? Cruel joke!
September 23, 2011 at 12:10 pm #108429
>>Great at defending others, not always so good at doing it for me. <<
That’s me…………
no_dope – I’ve seen my report cards. It hurt. My parents believe they are getting old and don’t want us boys to one day have the daunting taks of sorting through things, so they are giving us things now and then. Among those was a scrap book they’d kept. All my old report cards were in there. “Doesn’t hand in work on time”, “doesn’t pay attention in class”, “disruptive”, “doesn’t give others a chance to answer”, “not working up to potential” – it’s all in there – some comments on EVERY single one, quarter after quarter, grade after grade.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 23, 2011 at 3:22 pm #108430The thought of going through my mountain of boxes in search of the report cards that I know are in there is terrifying! I could get swallowed up in that for weeks!
For now I think I’ll just try to put together a list of effects/incidents that stick out from my childhood, and the things that have been plaguing me for my adulthood. The more research I do, the more I remember. And sometimes when I say it out loud it sounds silly. Like the time I stood over the kitchen sink for the better part of a day with a big bowl of strawberries that my parents wanted me to clean while they were out. Think I did it as they pulled in the driveway. Panic & fear of reprecussions are my best motivators. I’m sure I did a hundred other things that day, continually coming back to the strawberries, unable to do the job. Actually might have been the day I set up a still-life photo session in the living room….
Anyway, I know I’m going to feel more than a little ridiculous telling stories like that, but that’s my experience…
REPORT ABUSESeptember 23, 2011 at 3:38 pm #108431no_dopamine: I am in the same boat as you. First had an appointment with Dr. Tanguay – who was renowned for his work with ADHD patients, but he passed away before my appointment date, so I had to see another psychiatrist. Went through a battery of tests and was then diagnosed as having ADHD. However, the psychiatrist didn’t treat me – instead I was sent back to my family doc who had zero experience treating ADHD patients. I was able to find another family doc who specialized in ADHD and so finally, after all these years without a diagnosis or treatment, I’m now getting treated. Wish I could say everything’s rosy but we’ve just started so I’m learning to be patient.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 23, 2011 at 6:10 pm #108432I made a list. I even divided it into categories: “Reasons I don’t have ADD”, “Reasons I do have ADD” and “Reasons I can’t decide if I have ADD.” Third category was by far the biggest!
I had planned to just read a few things off the list to the doctor, but she asked to see it and carefully read through the entire thing. She even photocopied it for my file. Turned out to be worth every moment I spent on it, especially because I tend to go blank in doctor’s offices.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 23, 2011 at 7:05 pm #108433@wolfshades – Why wouldn’t the psychiatrist treat you? That seems unfair. Like getting a recipe from a world-class chef and then giving it to a short-order cook to prepare. (no offense to any family docs reading!!) At least you can feel confident in your diagnosis, and glad to hear that you are finally in treatment. Another example of how each person’s path is very different, so I am learning.
@quizzical – I’m not sure those specific categories will work for me, but I like the idea. Hope to have time between now and Monday morning to sit quietly alone and make a list! I too go a bit blank in the doctor’s office without some notes. I would suspect that will be particularly true this time around as the issue is so multi-faceted.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 23, 2011 at 7:46 pm #108434Stash – I have no idea. He wasn’t all that easy to talk to either. I got the sense he specialized in children’s ADHD, so that might be it.
In fairness, he at least was quite thorough in making a determination that I had ADHD. The follow-through was a bit of a bitch though (understatement).
REPORT ABUSESeptember 24, 2011 at 2:07 am #108435
AnonymousInactiveSeptember 24, 2011 at 2:07 amPost count: 14413@billd – my mom passed away almost 3 yrs ago and I got our report cards, for all 4 children. The ADD consultant I am seeing says that girls typically fly under the radar because we are not disruptive. My younger brother certainly made up for me! But there were consistent comments about “could do better if she just applied herself” and a lot of remarks about being poor in arithmetic. I was glad to have my siblings’ report cards to compare.
@quizzical – now I have the added indecision of deciding whether or not I have ADD or narcolepsy or both or neither (and it’s something else). I’m confused, and there’s no way out except for whatever the specialists decide. I just have to wait now, something that’s very hard for me.
@wolfshades – fortunately the ADD specialist I am seeing will give a complete treatment plan to my family doc. The specialist only assesses (sp?????), he doesn’t treat, so I am somewhat at the mercy of my family doc, but he does say she WILL follow what he prescribes.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 24, 2011 at 4:01 am #108436no_dopamine: good luck. I know the waiting is pretty tough. As you are probably aware by now, there are different kinds of ADHD – some of us (me included) lack the “H” part of it. We’re just inattentive without the hyperactivity. But oh *man* are we easily distracted.
I’ve been keeping a close eye on my behaviour now that I’m finally getting treatment. Really looks like the doc will either have to increase the dosage or try another drug. Hopefully just an increase will do it, because there are no appreciable side effects so far.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 24, 2011 at 12:14 pm #108437
AnonymousInactiveSeptember 24, 2011 at 12:14 pmPost count: 14413Wolfshades, my wait has been shortened to 3 weeks now (sleep study results followup) – that has to be treated before any ADD treatment. But if the sleep specialist is correct, the sleep disorder is more impairing than the ADD. He marked my input form URGENT, so I’m very hopeful they will get on this right away once the report is complete. Hoping my doc will not drop the ball on this, I will have to be persistent with her to get in and get treated in an effective way.
Hope you can tolerate an increase – I tried ritalin 10 mg / 3x day and it worked well for me but increasing it to 15 mg made my body feel strange, admittedly I didn’t do that more than once.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 26, 2011 at 4:55 pm #108438Well, I just finished my first doctor’s appointment broaching the subject of ADHD. Managed to get there on time too! (after losing car keys and cell phone when trying to leave, almost being out of gas, speeding on the QEW and freaking out that it cost $5 to park, but managing to scrape it together out of the bottom of my purse.)
Female dr, which was a nice surprise (more comfortable for me), and she was very open to listening. Next appt in 2 weeks to do some questionnaires. She acknowledged that she’s new to adult adhd too, so will be doing her own research in the next couple weeks. Teaching hospital family practice, so there’s a team of support behind her (and me!)
Overall I feel just relieved to have put someone else in charge. Just the kind of handholding I require to move forward!
Thankful for the support of this forum. Made me feel less alone as I waited (paced) in the waiting room!
REPORT ABUSESeptember 26, 2011 at 7:04 pm #108439
AnonymousInactiveSeptember 26, 2011 at 7:04 pmPost count: 14413just watched the WNED show the other night, I have walked away from everything my entire life, high school too hard ?? I quit, work too hard .. ? I quit my main problem is that I cannot concentrate or retain anything I have read. I lucked into a good paying Union job that I kept for 32 years then thanks to our never ending recession they closed our plant.
Now I am a 55 year old male without high school, I bought the G.E.D. book with good intentions but I find I have to read something over and over again to finally get the meaning and I cannot remember anything I read. Can’t get a job because everywhere wants high school diploma and I can’t do it. I can work out problems but it take’s me100 times longer than normal people .Does this sound like ADD ??
REPORT ABUSESeptember 26, 2011 at 7:21 pm #108440Hey Stash, that’s great news. Glad to hear you finally were able to see someone. Now comes the easy part – going through all of the testing and waiting for the results before getting the right treatment.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 26, 2011 at 9:58 pm #108441Thanks wolfshades! ..”easy part”.. funny! But honestly, I think it will be easier than sitting and stewing on my own. At least there is progress happening!
I cried off and on through most of my appt. I was admitting things that I’ve never admitted to myself before. And have been reviewing the last 40 years and I’m overflowing with examples. It’s like I’m looking at my entire life through a new lens. Then, of course, there’s the fact that I don’t remember lots of stuff. But things like riding my bike into a parked car when I was kid – that stuff tends to stick out!
So while I felt like I was all over the map, I feel like the next appointment, where I’ll be answering questions instead of searching my brain, will be a less overwhelming experience. A little structure around me can do wonders.
…..ok, have 2 weeks passed yet?? 😉
REPORT ABUSESeptember 26, 2011 at 11:02 pm #108442
AnonymousInactiveSeptember 26, 2011 at 11:02 pmPost count: 14413I’m in the U.S I don’t know what the exchange rate is but $1200 just to get things started and the wait time on top of that seems insane, worth every penny but how can an uninsured guy afford something that? It’s out of reach for too too many people. so many of us are suffering with ADHD, we need to move on to just having ADHD. Our politicians are working on a health care system similar to yours if this is what it’s all about I don’t want it………
A little off the subject, I know but hey, I’m ADHD.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 26, 2011 at 11:26 pm #108443
AnonymousInactiveSeptember 26, 2011 at 11:26 pmPost count: 14413Stash, I must agree that the initial appointment is the biggest hurdle. The first one for me was with my GP to get a referral to a psychiatrist (I got the appointment for the psych 4 months ago after weeks of agonising and procrastination, and have only last week seen my GP…..). My usual GP made a “brush off” type comment when we were going through the diagnostic process with my son, so I decided I would go to another GP I had taken my daughter to earlier in the year (as I wanted a female for her) and was so relieved I did. She was really approachable and extremely supportive, and also has had no experience with adult ADHD – though she also said that it was no excuse for not listening to a patient as my male GP had done with my son and I (he told us it was most likely that he would turn out to be diagnosed as a normal teenaged boy….but this happened AFTER a confirmed ADHD diagnosis!!! Suggests to me that he didn’t listen to what I said and didn’t give proper credit to the diagnosing psychologist). The female GP I saw was thrilled I had picked her because we had been happy with how she listened to my daughter and dealt with her issues, she openly admitted to her lack of experience with adult ADHD, but also said she would give me full support if I didn’t have luck with the pshychiatrist I am to see later this week. She told me to come back to her and she would give me another referral. She also gave me some more ideas on how to find a suitable psychiatrist (as the ones I found who treat adult ADHD were either not taking new patients or had retired). I felt soooooo relieved after seeing her. The psychiatrist appointment seems less daunting now I have my GP’s support.
I did make sure I took some online tests with me (including the WHO one and one from a psych website) that I had printed out and completed. I also got hubby to do one on my behalf to confirm that other people noticed and were affected by my symptoms. I plan to dig out my report cards too, for my psych appointment.
I hated waiting, and I hope that I don’t have to do too much more of it. I am a wreck as specialist appointments approach, and I know from previous experience that I fall to pieces afterwards too, as I always think of questions I should have asked and things I should have said when the appointment is over and done with. I really feel let down. I am just hoping that I get someone like my GP, and like my son’s paediatrician, who is also a comfortable person to be around and doesn’t make us feel rushed.
I hope all goes well with your next appointment, Stash. Good luck!