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March 4, 2011 at 6:20 pm #100586
Oh! Please do let me know how it goes and what you talked about!
Ive been very tired today. Went to bed around 11pm then was up at 3am with my 4 year old who suddenly got the flu and was up vomiting. That lasted until about 5am. I slept until 8… Then got up for maybe an hour since my mom called. Went back to bed until now at 11am, my dad called. hahaha Goodness. I just took my dose. I figure I should get something done today. I just want to sleep!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 4, 2011 at 6:24 pm #100587
AnonymousInactiveMarch 4, 2011 at 6:24 pmPost count: 14413It’s interesting how you say MDMA affected you. I tried MDMA a couple times as well and felt very calm too. More so when I tried LSD did I feel completely understanding though. But drug experiences are drug experiences and I feel like what I did, there was salvia too, has almost left me in a depersonalized state sort of. Nothing is quite the same since and I often wonder if they affected my ADD in any way as I feel totally on edge and just a different person now.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 4, 2011 at 6:41 pm #100588A lot of people get that from LSD. I didnt. I was just on a magical adventure while playing Minecraft! More like stuck in a hole and couldnt climb up for the life of me. hahaha I did MDMA a lot… Too much. In one night I took 7 hits. And would do it daily. 4 days in a row. I havent done it in months now. But I still remember the after calm, clear, understanding. You would have to see me before and while on it to truly understand what I mean by that. I miss that calm, clear, understanding, but I dont miss the drug. Nasty, nasty gross thing! SOooooooooo not worth it.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 4, 2011 at 6:59 pm #100589
AnonymousInactiveMarch 4, 2011 at 6:59 pmPost count: 14413My last LSD trip had me crying in a bathtub that’s how bad it got, the tear your hair out I’m going actually crazy in a mirror kind of bad. All from having my girlfriend call me at the time who didn’t know I was on it, accusing me of cheating because of some stalker who fed her information for her to rage at me, didn’t help. I made my situation worse by not being able to communicate all well or talking extremely fast. I felt like my brain was tore a little from then, the crying, the stress, the amount of whatever flowing in my head in that state couldn’t have been good. It’s hard to type that stuff, it’s definitely an experience that I hold that makes me a little weak.
MDMA never really burned me out in any way and I agree, it’s pretty gross after a while. The experiences often varied for me. I only think I got the pure stuff twice.
I envy that you got your meds, it sounds too good to be true sometimes, but for some it seems like a day/night transition. I’m waiting on my specialist and hoping for any kind of results.
Didn’t mean to hijack your post or anything with this bible
REPORT ABUSEMarch 4, 2011 at 7:08 pm #100590Hey no worries. I hear you with the bad trip. Sorry to hear that. I hope everything worked out with her! Nothing worse than that eh! The first time I took MDMA (always had the pure stuff, you can always tell the difference) I found out there was an attempted murder on my uncle. 2 people held him down while one took a knife to his face. That was a bad experience… very bad. I was ready to kill. I scared my friend because I went into detail how I was going to stalk and kill the ones who did it to him. I was armed and ready. Thank goodness he lives 6 hours away or I would have gotten into some serious trouble.
I stopped taking MDMA after I blacked out from taking too much. It was scary. I walked up my stairs and saw my husband walking out the door and I took hold of him and said “everything is black” next thing I knew he was holding my arms telling me to sit down and asking if I was ok. I didnt know what happened and I said, “Im not sitting, Im going to bed” then my arm was pounding, so I said “Ouch my arm hurts” he said “Yeah you just blacked out and were heading face first into the closet before I caught you” All that day I had to move very slow or would start to black out. He HATES drugs and alcohol, everything about them and never knew I took them until I was on them and saying how sorry I was. Im glad hes so patient.
Yes, waiting is the hard part. Very hard. As you probably read through all these posts here, well before my meds anyways. But all in all it still went by fast. It always does!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 4, 2011 at 7:16 pm #100591Your bad trip just reminded me of that movie “Fear, Loathing and Las Vegas” I started to watch that and couldnt finish. It reminded me too much of the drugs days and all the gross feelings. BLEH!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 5, 2011 at 11:11 pm #100592Today was a hectic day! One nurse didnt show up so I had to cover the entire floor! Did alright. Ran right off my feet! haha
Not too much to update really. Same as always. Will be seeing the Doc this week to get another prescription for either more Ritalin, or im hoping Concerta like suggested! The psychiatrist said if I tolerated Ritalin well I can start Concerta so lets hope thats the case!
Hope all is well your way! Let me know how the coaching went!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 6, 2011 at 1:55 am #100593Im so excited! Today while talking with my husband he asked “are you on your meds right now?” I said no. He said “I thought so” wooooooooo He has noticed the difference! A new one I hadnt noticed! Before meds I would always say “shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” even though no one was talking to me.. I did it often to quiet my brain. I didnt realize it until he pointed it out! While on meds I never shush my brain aloud haha
REPORT ABUSEMarch 6, 2011 at 5:11 am #100594
AnonymousInactiveMarch 6, 2011 at 5:11 amPost count: 14413Hey there. The group was great, we talked about coaching but the best part was meeting others, hearing their stories; it was very validating…and a little mix of sad and happy. Some have really suffered a lot more than I have. I feel pretty fortunate. Amazing how many things we were all relating to, it’s like you had others speaking on your behalf : )
Yes, I’m hoping to try concerta also. seems to be the one Most are talking favourably about.
Cool about your hubby noticing the difference. Means somethings happening.
I have woken in the middle of the night 3 times this week with insomnia, like 4 or 5 hours after falling asleep. Weird. Any issues like that for you? Is it the ritalin, or the rebound from it, or the fact that I’ve got pressing issues? HHhhhmmmmnnn!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 6, 2011 at 5:19 am #100595Sounds awesome! I wish there was something like that around here!
I have not had any insomnia from the Ritalin besides the one time I had 2 drinks… I was up until 4am wide awake! Not doing that again!
It does cause insomnia though… The only side effect I have gotten is a dry mouth. No headaches, dizziness, insomnia, decrease in appetite (that one would be nice hahaha).
REPORT ABUSEMarch 6, 2011 at 6:13 pm #100596
AnonymousInactiveMarch 6, 2011 at 6:13 pmPost count: 14413The funniest thing about the group was everyone wanting to chime in/interrupt while others spoke, and then forgetting what we wanted to talk about again : D But so much in common, I’m hoping to keep it up with them.
Took some melatonin last night. 3 mg usually helps me fall asleep but won’t keep me there. Took 9 mg last night….much better sleep. I see my doc in a couple weeks so will tell him about that.
I’ve been a little better with my food cravings. I’m extremely overweight, have used food as a distraction from doing tasks for years. Also love to cook, instead of doing other boring tasks. Anyway, the R won’t help me get slim by itself but the practice of new routines should.
Have a good day.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 6, 2011 at 6:14 pm #100597
AnonymousInactiveMarch 6, 2011 at 6:14 pmPost count: 14413Haven’t had as strong a craving for alcohol since starting the R. That”s a good thing!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 6, 2011 at 11:06 pm #100598That is really funny! Yeah stopping the consumption of alcohol will help your weight go down too! Nothing new here. Good day at work. Have a few days off and need to run errands. Another panic time! I HATE errands! We will see how I do on meds!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 7, 2011 at 3:46 pm #100599Off I go to take my daughter to strong start! Like preschool but I sit around while she plays… I HATE going there… I ALWAYS panic… This time im on meds! Lets see how it goes! Wish me luck!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 7, 2011 at 8:14 pm #100600It went very very well! I actually enjoyed it.