The Forums › Forums › What is it? › Other › Open Chat Room
March 29, 2011 at 8:15 am #100777
AnonymousInactiveMarch 29, 2011 at 8:15 amPost count: 14413I would LOVE it!
You know, there is only NOW and NOT NOW with us ADHDers……….waiting is NOT our strength!
It is really hard to write a post and desire immediate feedback
only to find out
I am replying to a post from three months ago!
Plus, not sure how many of us actually make it through the posts when we do read them:)
Just sayin’
I love ice cream too!
REPORT ABUSEMarch 29, 2011 at 8:21 am #100778
AnonymousInactiveMarch 29, 2011 at 8:21 amPost count: 14413PS: Just read someone’s post (can’t recall member’s name, are you surprised?)
Sayin’ we could all “Just show up and post at the same time” if chat room not possible…………………..
Funny concept: We would all show up late………………
At least I would
But NOT cuz I don’t love to connect with my “Peeps”
cuz of my relationship with TIME
REPORT ABUSEApril 18, 2011 at 12:12 am #100779
AnonymousInactiveApril 18, 2011 at 12:12 amPost count: 14413I was looking into Adult ADD because I feel my brother has it, then I saw Totally ADD on PBS and realized my very good friend at work has ADD,He is 55 and has no idea he has it. His lfe is a mess and he has just about every ADD symptom,including self medicating with alcohol.
How do I approach him and tell him that he should look into it without him blowing a fuse which I know he will ?
George B
REPORT ABUSEApril 18, 2011 at 1:45 am #100780Any updates on starting a chat room?
REPORT ABUSEApril 18, 2011 at 12:58 pm #100781I thought, somehow I missed the chat room. How funny is that? Can you miss the chat room, when it doesn’t exist?
REPORT ABUSEApril 18, 2011 at 1:04 pm #100782Am I the only one with reservations regarding a chat room? I understand that it would be up to each individual as to whether or not to join in, but really? I have read so many member’s comments regarding impulsivity and taking so much time on an individual response to a thread, that I worry that some of us may not handle the immediacy of a chat room. Maybe I’m just being a wet blanket here, and to each their own, but I think it might be good to, at the very least, consider this. Not in deciding whether or not to have a chat room, but on how to moderate it.
…..That’s it. Done being a downer!
REPORT ABUSEApril 21, 2011 at 2:21 pm #100783
AnonymousInactiveApril 21, 2011 at 2:21 pmPost count: 14413Yikes Dspice……… supervision? What next…………just kiddin….
I guess if folks really wanted to chat, it could start with picking a date, time and somebody to start an open discussion thread at that time. It could be titled hmmmmmm Open Discussion Thread (how original), or just a thread with the date and time. That would work if people wanted to just get together.
A formal chat room is likely not required???? Where there is a will there is a way……
REPORT ABUSEApril 21, 2011 at 6:26 pm #100784toofat-reread your first line to me. then put that in “real” time. and then imagine what my ADD thoughts might have been, and what my ADD words might have been as a response. Although I love your posts and strive for your level of self-wisdom, I am at this point in my life (if I am to be honest) way too impulsive in thought and deed.
My post was not intended to dissuade the TotallyAdd powers-that-be, but rather to advise caution. Just like any other member would advise when watching a fellow ADDer enter a situation that has flashing warning lights all over it.
As stated in my post….to each their own.
Personally, I like having to think twice, three, four times about what I typed before sending it off. I’ve caught a few really insensitve comments that were never intended…..ya missed a few as well..sorry….I’m just sayin’
REPORT ABUSEApril 22, 2011 at 12:42 am #100785
AnonymousInactiveApril 22, 2011 at 12:42 amPost count: 14413About the chat room… I thought it was ‘on’! That it had been created. Didn’t Aerin or someone announce it sometime ago somewhere? I thought it was that thing next to the webinar! I tried to log in but you get sent to another page asking for your personnal info… No way! I got outta there!
Anyway, I’m not quite sure now if a chat room whould be good. At least for me! I say way to much, and mainly to vent out. But I must admit sometimes I need to speak and there’s no one around then who understand me except you guys on this site
Well if it’s on… I’ll join (except if I have to give my personnal info to some other site?!?) 😉
REPORT ABUSEApril 22, 2011 at 1:42 pm #100786
AnonymousInactiveApril 22, 2011 at 1:42 pmPost count: 14413Chat room I love the idea..However I can envision problems in having one. DUH I MIGHT BLURT OUT MY ADDRESS .. That said has anyone given the reasons why we need one. Is it that we want to communicate with everyone or just a few persons in private about a specific topic or item. I might suggest the masters of this site visit a forum I belong too about Post traumatic stress disorder. It is called … they have many topic and threads like this site but they do allow for private messaging between individuals or groups of people. There are many features that allow for confidentiality and privacy protections to suit most everyone’s needs and it is set up to allow for the outing of those that abuse the system…..The PTSD site sometimes does get a little overwhelming and the instructions for its use are not extremely ADHD friendly but I enjoy the features of the site none the less…
Just my 2 cents! I would have given you a dollars worth but I lost my wallet…… again!
REPORT ABUSEApril 22, 2011 at 3:37 pm #100787
AnonymousInactiveApril 22, 2011 at 3:37 pmPost count: 14413‘Hi Dspice…………….I know often, I’m a “beast” (or so I’ve been told)………but….in this case, to clarify D….. my response was just “tongue in cheek” foolin around…..nothing meant by it, and certainly nothing personal…that’s why I stuck the “just kiddin” at the end of the line. Hug????
Fact is D ( this is where I attempt to rationalize my behavior )… this format is so easy to derail from, to be misinterpreted if you will……… as you well know 90% of communication is non-verbal so… it is dangerous to attempt to intimate things……….but…….”fools rush in where angels fear to tread”. That would be me!!!! Hope the hug is accepted D …….
REPORT ABUSEMay 19, 2012 at 11:35 am #100788“The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it is taking place”
I wish I could remember who said that… That’s part of the fun with a chat room. The misunderstandings are funny with folks like us who have had to develop excellent senses of humor. huh?
So a chat room or what gang? I say we go for it. It would be an excellent exercise in self restraint, learning to be less impulsive, and most of all fun!. So many of us have witty lines just waiting to be punched into a chat room screen. Huh?
I’ve only participated in about 3 chat rooms, in 15 years. w/people I had a lot in common with, always fun, er… mostly. I looked at it kinda like a talk show. Lot’s of folks just watch the chat, some talk a lot, some a lil. I’m sure it would be a good learning experience if anything else.
Ya think? I’m thinking positive. Sure we’d have to be careful. But we would have each-other and our interest in each other to keep us from talking about ourselves too much. A place to self regulate and also kid with each other in “ADHD language” that the other 96% of the population won’t/can’t understand.
Every thread is a chat room in slow motion if ya think about it, right?. Yep, huh? dang rite scooby! ***Grin*** Imagine the clownin around and fun ADD jokes only we get?
I hope this finally happens here. I’d be stoked.
PS, this jus popped into my idea machine (brain); we could have time limits, and/or number of words limits. It would be not only fun, but a place to refine our ability to enjoy the strengths of ADD/ADHD and lessen the struggles. Not easy code to write, but heck. Ya got adds all over and the dough from them will help pay for the labor. We also have some excellent webmaster talent among the membership here. I bet they could help out some. Yep, I’m sure they would. Cuz that’s the ADHD way. Help out our common soul surfers in cyberspace.
B less lonely 2
PSS I will pout and mourn if we don’t get ta chit chat here, isn’t that kinda sad you guys? hmm jus sayen )
REPORT ABUSEMay 19, 2012 at 1:48 pm #100789
AnonymousInactiveMay 19, 2012 at 1:48 pmPost count: 14413I like the idea obviously…..but so far…….hmmmmmm….I think there was one about a year ago but that was the end of it.
REPORT ABUSEMay 19, 2012 at 6:32 pm #100790ohhkay, thanks toofat.
I didn’t really have my hopes up that much anyway. Mebby a lil.
I’ll come back around after I pout about this a lil bit.
REPORT ABUSEMay 19, 2012 at 8:33 pm #100791
AnonymousInactiveMay 19, 2012 at 8:33 pmPost count: 14413Whoaaaaa……..that’s not what I was getting at. The more people that request the Chat Room…..the better chance it has of coming to fruition!!!! Soooo…….if folks want to chat live……the “Site Keepers” need to know that…..they try be customer driven here!!!