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  • in reply to: Food sensitivity and ADHD #124466

    Post count: 8

    To me a reputable source is not always those who think there is a connection. Anecdotal evidence is often an oxymoron. Experience can be a place to start but for it to be applied more universally more steps have to take place. After I posted in here I did some research online. Daniel Amen and the celiacs people have the best information. Amen has been studying dietary cause and effect for many years in his ADHD/brain differences practice. The usual suspects are gluten, dairy, eggs and processed sugar. As my rheumatologist recommended, an elimination diet is the best way to figure this out. I would really like an expert to weigh in on this – why I posted it in this section.

    in reply to: Writing a paper – need help with accountability! #120274

    Post count: 8

    I found one piece of advice from “ADD and Mastering It” to be absolutely true for me: action makes for motivation, not the other way around. Like the vast majority of ADDers getting started is hard beyond hard. Take a note from NIKE: just do it. Write one word or read one citation and I’ll bet you will be off like a shot. Gentle hugs and encouragement from a fellow traveler 🙂

    in reply to: Have you been taking your medication? #120273

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    @Faequine if you live in the US you can contact The Partnership for Prescription Drug Assistance. Some drug companies offer ADHD medication for little or no cost. Their website is pparx.org. If in Canada there may be something similar. You can sometimes also contact drug companies directly. Good luck!


    Post count: 8

    I would ALWAYS get a 2nd opinion about a BPD diagnosis. Lots of things can generate BPD “hallmarks”. You didn’t mention what kind of testing you were subjected to, but good diagnosis means eliminating absolutely EVERY other possibility. I can’t tell you the number of times people laid that one on me without any sort of real knowledge or understanding of my personal history. Even though you are rural I hope the opportunity to meet with another MPH will present itself. IMHO opinion it will be well worth the time and effort. No matter what DBT is a great course of treatment and benefits anyone with mood disorders. Gentle hugs and encouragement from a fellow traveler 🙂

    in reply to: Communicating about ADD #102274

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    Read the part of the posts about spouses with interest and concern. Made me think of how very very VERY easy it is to make someone else an identified patient. The patient part is more often a true and positive label for a spouse or loved one who has put up with our crap – ADHD or otherwise – for any length of time. It really sucked being the scapegoat for whatever was bugging my parents when I was growing up. I refuse to do that to someone else.

    The best advice I ever got during a particularly troubled stretch of my working life was to focus on myself and not others. While I certainly don’t overlook the things about my partner’s actions which make my life as an ADHDer so so much harder, AND I am pretty certain he suffers from the same, AND I think I know what he ought to do about it, ultimately I am in control of my own destiny. I laid down my concerns to him based on how it affected ME, not how much I think his actions suck. If we are asking people in our lives to understand and walk alongside us in loving acceptance we better damn well be willing to do the same. This is a case where us ADHDers best learn to go against our wiring and learn to suffer fools gladly.

    in reply to: SSRI''s: Do they understand how they work yet? #116000

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    Hi Robbo. I think you are very courageous to share your journey. I too have an emotional existence for which an adult ADHD diagnosis doesn’t explain everything. There is no doubt from the study of all brain-based illnesses ADHD involves dopamine and seratonin shortages. We may be born with them or we may have life experiences with a negative effect on our brains. Most people I know have both. I know I do. The good news is making progress in one area of our healing leads to improvement in all areas. Once the grief and anger you feel over all the pain and lost time and opportunities I think you will find this for yourself. In the meantime find the best therapeutic and peer support you can. Try every support group and as many physicians and therapists as needed to get the best treatment team. Do your research carefully while remaining open to treatment suggestions. Don’t take any crap from any of them, but do remember to make them feel like being part of your team will be a joyful journey to recovery instead of a pain in the butt every appointment. Most of all, live inside your truth and insist your feelings and point of view be respected.

    in reply to: Distraction During Sex #115657

    Post count: 8

    Distracted during sex? Uh what did you just say? YES. One reason I would never care to sleep with anyone who wants me to show them anything new. Has gotten progressively worse with age. I can’t have music unless it is turned on really low. No lyrics – even better. Regular TV? No way. For me high “stim” works the best. Every part of me needs to be engaged. Toys, tools and other “inventive” approaches to pleasure are a big plus. Just don’t dilly dally moving things forward. A break in the action for anything but absolute necessity is hard for me to deal with especially if I am not extremely aroused. DId I mention the extreme skin sensitivity that often goes along with ADD? Yeah, had that since I was a kid. Menopause doesn’t help that one bit. TMI yet? Bet you all have even more TMI of your own.

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