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Category : Best ADHD Memes

Pay Attention in Class

By driddles

I always did well in subjects where the teacher was passionate about their subject and presented it in a way […]

I Love Coffee

By driddles

Many of us have a morning coffee or tea.  I’m not about to suggest that is a problem, but for […]

Tags On Clothes

By driddles

It’s NOT just about uneven attention. Or a deficit of attention. It’s a challenge around managing information. External stuff coming […]

Simple Instructions

By driddles

I think I have an audio processing issue. On top of my ADHD. Or beneath my ADHD. Or maybe as […]

Time Management Skills

By driddles

More Information about Time Management: Time Management and Task Focusing The Procrastination Game The Days Slip Away  

I Should Be Studying

By driddles

What people say ‘I should be studying, but I’m just so ADD’ What it’s really like ‘I’ve been staring at […]


By driddles

It doesn’t happen as often as I’d like. Or as often as everyone around me wishes it would. (LOL) But […]

Exercise and ADHD

By driddles

More Information About ADHD and Exercise Cycling and Exercise with Greg LeMond Greg LeMond Talks About Having ADHD Olympic Rower […]

Woman with ADHD

By driddles

More Information about Women with ADHD Do Women With ADHD Have Extra Challenges? Common ADHD Symptoms in Women Tribal Traits.  […]