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Category : Best ADHD Memes

What is Urgent

By driddles

Today was not one of those days. Haven’t had one in a while. Not sure what has changed or what […]

My Exam Paper

By driddles

And yet somehow I managed to be a straight C student.

Driving alone

By driddles

I’m sure I’m not the only one… What?… I am? Oh.

My ADHD is Fine

By driddles

The long and winding road… more ups and downs than an elevator.

Self Confidence

By driddles

It’s all in my head. And on my face. And in everything I do! I’m not fooling anyone!

Act Normal

By driddles

The only problem is I keep forgetting my lines! ⁣ ⁣And the costume seems to be getting snugger as the […]