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Category : Best ADHD Memes

Sometimes I Can Hyperfocus

By driddles

There’s a term that’s used a lot now, “EXECUTIVE FUNCTION DISORDER.” I prefer it. During talks I explain, “Imagine a […]

Get Stuff Done

By driddles

I thought this was just me but on this week’s Patron Live Chat there were a lot of nodding and […]

Wake Up Screaming

By driddles

I wake up screaming. I go to bed screaming.  Basically, I scream a lot. In reality I’ve felt like screaming… […]

I Begin Each Day Procrastinating

By driddles

Which aspect of your ADHD do you dislike the most?  Which trait, or if you prefer, ‘symptom’, does the most […]

Life Hands You Lemons

By driddles

It’s all about how you process the input. And we all do it differently. See also: Dyscalculia and ADHD