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Category : Blogs

Adult ADHD

ADHD Burnout and Exhaustion

By Sandy Pace

Have you experienced ADHD burnout or exhaustion? When you think of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder do you think of things […]

Adult ADHD | Experts

Odd Ways of Coping with ADD

By J. Russell Ramsay

Let’s focus on a couple of unorthodox coping strategies. These are two of many clever innovations discovered by my clients themselves, ones that helped them successfully personalize some familiar ADHD strategies.

Adult ADHD

ADHD and Productivity – 6 Influencers

By Cathy Rashidian, Certified Professional Coach

In my conversations with professionals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, they often want to know; “How can I organize my day / schedule so I can feel productive?”