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Taking Action on What you Learn

by Linda Walker I’ve got a real treat for you today! I’m announcing a contest for adults with ADHD. I want to tap into your creative genius, and I’m giving away a great prize… but first a quick story and a lesson. Remember, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down! Years ago I was attending an ADDA Conference and one of the attendees and I were browsing through the books at the Conference’s bookstore when she mentioned she had read a lot of books on ADHD and been to several conferences on ADHD, most of them very informative.  The problem was that she never took action on all this information. Man Selecting BookThis is a common problem many ADHDers face. You energetically gather all sorts of information about ADHD – after all, information is power, isn’t it? You unfortunately never take the concrete actions that would allow you to thrive with ADHD. Or you try to change everything all at once, pulling yourself so far out of your comfort zone that the discomfort becomes unbearable and you quickly fall back to your old ways. Unfortunately each failed attempt at change builds your belief that you can’t change anything. Believing you can’t means you never try again so you never truly tap into your full potential. In my ten years as a coach, I have found that the best approaches to adopting lasting change with ADHD is a combination of 1) create routines and 2) take one baby step at a time.

Routines, Ewwww!

I know many of you are resistant to routines partly because you associate the word “routine” to the mundane and boh-ring! stuff you have to do, and partly because you’ve tried them before and couldn’t keep them going, and who needs to fail again, right? If you don’t like the word, let’s change the language from “routine”, to “habit.” Habits are, after all, what we really want to cultivate in the end because habits make your actions automatic, which leaves your brain with the required energy to think of other things while you’re doing that ordinary but necessary task on autopilot. Successful people with ADHD tend to have success habits.  Think about it.
  • How do you avoid having a messy house? You get into the habit of putting things away as soon as you’re done with them.
  • How do you get more work done? You get into many habits such as planning your time and saying No! to interruptions.
  • How do you have better relationships?  You get into the habit of listening more than you talk, among other things.
So you see habits help you win the ADHD game of life.

Taking Baby Steps

The other step to making changes that last is to build your habit muscle by starting small and building from there, in essence, by taking baby steps. But which steps? Let me tell you.

Free Help Coming Up

I am creating a new members’ program that will give you free tools to help you build your good habit muscle to better manage ADHD. You’ll get small doses of new information each week along with one action step you can take to start applying what you learn in your life. And you can’t beat the price! That’s right… the introductory offer will be free when I launch it in the spring.

You Can Win

I’m looking for a fun name for the program and am asking you creative geniuses out there to help us find one. If the name you submitted gets chosen, you’ll win a Fitbit Flex or a $100 credit for enrollment in any of my programs. For more information, visit http://coachlindawalker.com/adhd-adult-program-contest/

Even If You Have No Ideas to Share, You Can Win

Even if you have no ideas, or you have an idea, but your idea isn’t the winning idea, you still stand to benefit by enrolling in the program – remember, it will be free – when I launch it. To find out when and where to enroll for this free program, subscribe to my newsletter and you’ll already be a winner

Lidna Walker 2

because I’ll give you a free report on the Top 10 Productivity Myths, Busted!  Enroll at http://coachlindawalker.com/focus-more/ Linda Walker is an ADHD Coach and Trainer.
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  1. Mars88 February 25, 2015 at 1:20 pm

    How about “Catapult” or “Slingshot” for the device on aircraft carriers that, for lack of a better term, ‘pushes’ a fighter jet off the deck?

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