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Still Skeptical

Still Skeptical2011-01-27T18:13:32+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Still Skeptical

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    Post count: 14413

    Carre… I find life will put the same learning opportunities in front of me again and again and again………. they are there for a reason. I find if I’m gentle with myself…… and listen to my heart not my head at those moments…… the insight will come. The key for me was learning to follow my heart not my head. This is just a tiny bit of my story………not advice.



    Post count: 14413

    i’m sorry but i’m laughing my arse off at the red nose story- thats a classic. :P


    Post count: 529

    I guess being gentle with ones self and listening to the heart is key! Works well when your impulsive! :P hahaha

    I love all advice, and all views!


    Post count: 14413


    I’m sure you can do it “Give it a whirl” just remember you will occasionally fail “to err is human.”


    I’m laughing about the “red nose” now but I tell you I wasn’t then. Well! nobody could say I wasn’t adventurous! and you are right It is a classic!


    Post count: 14

    Hi Carrie…

    I too have an AWESOME husband, who totally gets me, and although he does get quite frustrated with me sometimes, I am completely convinced that there is no one else in this world that could put up with me as long as he has (10 years). Our children are the most forgiving beings on the planet!! ;)

    I havent been on this site for months, mainly because I too have been in denial. I bought the DVD, I watched it, I cried, and was so relieved that there were other people like me. Then, I decided I wanted to go off my meds, as I have a long-held disposition that I don’t want to take pharmaceutical medications. Let’s just say that lasted about 2 weeks, and that was 4 months ago, and it’s taken me about this long to get back on here and realize that hey, I am who I am, and I have ADD. I might as well get as much support as I can, and try to support those who might feel like I do, and did. I truly hope that more people take the time to learn about this disorder, open their minds and forget about everything they;ve heard about ADD, and instead of looking at us like scatter-brained forgetful nimrods……seeing us for who we are: truly passionate, intelligent people, who have tons to offer in this world but with a totally different and unique approach.

    I am very cautious who I tell, who I choose to discuss it with, because at this point in my journey it is still so easy for me to be influenced by others’ opinions. I watched a documentary called “Marketing the Madness”, and although fascinating, it lead me to believe that the companies who make my meds are lying to me and that there really is nothing at all “wrong” with my brain that needs a mind-altering med to “fix” it. Now, I can speak from both sides of the fence. I have gone without my med, and it may just be something I take forever. I hope not, for health and side effect reasons, but for now its working for me, and I feel a sense of peace I have never felt before in my life.




    Post count: 14413

    gracious- it might help you get your head around the meds thing if you put your ADD into the same sort of mental category as things like epilepsy and type 1 diabetes- its not something you got as a result of some dreadful failing on your part, and its not something you can make magically disapear with any amount of willpower- you have some chemical stuff that just doesn’t work particularly brilliantly if left to its own devices, and you utilise medication to support your body to function effectively- short and long term. maybe you don’t NEED medication any more than an epileptic or diabetic with incredibly good management of their diet and environment combined with a lot of luck might, but your life is quite possibly a damned sight harder to keep functional and enjoyable without it.

    thats how i look at my depression (which you can trace back through myriad generations on both sides of my family tree). i can do things to support my mental wellbeing, i can make lifestyle changes that are constructive, but i just cannot make my brain chemistry into something that it can’t physically be by itself, no matter how much i focus or strain myself trying to- and trust me, i have tried- frequently and repeatedly. i wanted to be ok, i convinced myself that i should and could be ok, i had a damned good go at being ok, and it turns out that i wasn’t ok without medication. and thats really ok.

    i think that a big part of the cultural taboos around ‘mental’ conditions is that firstly they’re invisable (its not like my ADHD is gonna make my head go green and swell up like a watermelon- so for all anyone else knows i could be making it up, and i certainly don’t look disabled), secondly, they’re really not that well understood by the mainstream (who ‘know’ about them from innaccurate and dramatic pieces in the newspaper involving badly behaved small boys with totally shockingly poor parenting), and thirdly, many people with ADHD and/or depression seem to potter along generally quite well as far as onlookers are concerned (onlookers who don’t see them go home and cry with sheer frustration and exhaustion, who don’t watch them running about like a headless chicken trying to get ready for work every day, or trying with all their might just to drag their sorry arse out of bed in the morning, etc), and we’re judged through the eyes of those people- who think they know what being a little distracted or somewhat impulsive or pretty hyped up or quite sad or generally a bit defeated feels like- and assume that its the same for everyone else.

    if someone has a broken leg from an accident, you can see it, its pretty easy to imagine how much it must hurt even if you’ve not ever broken a leg, and its clear to see what additional help they’d legitimately need, and naturally you’d be running to the pharmacy to get their pain pills before they could yell “help!” . if someone has ADHD or depression you’re pretty much taking it on their word, people tend to apply their experience to our challenges and think “well, i was sad when my hamster died, and i got through it ok…?!”, and it quite possibly sounds a bit suss and like they’re swinging the lead- cos everyone has been a bit distracted or despondant once in a blue moon, and they coped…. yeah?

    i think that similarly to with depression, its really upto us with ADHD to decide if something is ‘wrong’, or just different, how much we can cope with, and how much really is too much to bear, and whether we want to use medication to ‘fix it’ (‘enhance our abilities’ might be a better way to put it) , or to just carry on as we are -perhaps with a bit more willpower and some self-help books thrown in. cos to be honest, while education is a very important thing, other people are always gonna think what they want to think, regardless of what we do- and at the end of the day, we’re the ones living our whole lives, in charge of our bodies, and consequently what matters is how *we* decide to feel about our conditions, and how we want our experience of the world to be- what we decide to do about our challenges, and how we perceive ourselves. :)

    i’m not by any means broken, nothing is ‘wrong’ with my head and how it works, – maybe it is just different (and sometimes that differentiness is sucktacular, sometimes its great) but regardless- i prefer not to flail about like an upside down bewildered woodlouse with the attention span of a small fish, and wail incessantly as a result of experiencing intense feelings of woe and doom, if i don’t have to experience that- at least not on a daily basis. if there is a pill for that stuff, i’mma be waving my hand in the air requesting it- everyone else can do or think whatever they want! :D


    Post count: 14413


    Great post… Read it 4 times to absorb its content the best I could. Of course all three times I extracted more and more from it……. But It muddled some of the information I read the times before…… I had been trained to read and re read and read it again…. I get it. Sure sometimes many “normal” brained persons need to do it that way occaisionaly but why do I need to do it everytime I try to read……… HMMMM just one of the many struggles for me Jenn. Unfortunately I had been trained that Meds unless absolutely necessary are BAAAAAAAADDDDDD. That said when is “absolutely necessary”?

    Just as you said Jenn… There is no broken bones (although I had many from agressive sports and activity playing, and working as a contractor not performing tasks safely) No green heads (but mine was often spinning inside when expected to perform tasks my inner brain would not let me) to show others my mental injury and anguishes. I had to educate myself as I am 48 and only recently did persons outside my then circle tell me Hey! Get tested you are working way to hard!

    I struggled tremendously and unfortunately I did not learn the basics of life as I skipped over them to just try to make as much money as I could as I was taught money was the salvation of life (maybe because of ADHD that was all that interested me and i became side tracked during the intricacies of money management and other important life necessities)………Sad part is I had successes but only because of really hard physical work and the vision afforded by my ADHD as the administrativel stuff I often ignored or left up to others and did not take the responsibility to learn the boring but ever so important administrative tasks ……….IIIIKESSSSSSS !!!!!!!. That lead to some great falls (as I have read other ADHDers on other posts here as well have gone through) I am so happy that many hear have inner circle persons that at least aknowledge (though often after times of many frustrations) there might be some truth about this ADHD thing. (I am stil trying to build a circle of understanding) Yes I am waving as well Jenn as It is through education and the sharing of related issues does someone like me “Get It”…….

    I am moving forward slowly, maybe to slow for some but I need not to make the same errors in judgement I had before. For many around me they know it is out of character therefore radical as they even ponder if I am faking or trying to take advantage of this disease and the possible benefits and tools that might be afforded to me as deamed disabled by the professional and often scientifically trained community of mental health.

    As a survivor of the many struggles I have had to deal with as one having the syndrome of ADHD. I will strive and thrive… eventually. And it might not be the same WIN in life i thought before the diagnosis of ADHD but I feel it may be more rewarding (Heck the rewards so far have really been crappy so it has to be better right!)…. Yes there are some great family persons in my life and I will try not to lean to hard although I have already possibly done so on them. I need to take charge of me through knowledge and the support of qualified and competant persons. Upon using all those tools afforded me “I” will make the final decisions as to what is right for me…….. and yes the correct medication at the correct dose is a definite need, want and desire for the right reason when it comes to me as part of the systematic solution to mine and only my ADHD issues.

    Jenn as a fan of some of your posts….. Thank You


    Post count: 529

    Love the posts!

    Njadd, I think we all have to re-read things a million times! I too read them 3-4 times to try and get it all in! hahaha I find it helps a little bit if there are paragraphs then I can take a break then go back to what I was reading.


    Post count: 14413

    I went back to college 2/3 years ago and reading and comprehension was extremely difficult and often I struggled. If not afforded a tutor I would never been able to pass the English class…… The writting was not as tough as there was latitude in the writting assignments as creativity was allowed. But it was still a challenge, If I go that route again I definately would seek a tutor.

    I get so pissed off at myself as I do not / did not read many if not any/ nor comprehend many documents I have signed over my life and depended on others to tell me if it was the right thing to do……………. Yikes has that been a huge mistake in my life……. If they were on audio and I was afforded videos that stimulated my brain like that here on Totallyadd.com (yeah right) do maybe I would have stood a fighting chance……

    I wish I could put a camera on my body and do a reality show as someone with ADHD I think I could be a star…… In reality I would like to “scare straight” young adults into why they should follow there parents and mental health profesional advice and follow there recomended plan of treatment (especially because of the extreme highs and lows I have experienced) in most heck all aspects of my life. …….Unfortunately that would probably make the Big Pharmas even more profits and a greater policy and lobiest group here in the state of NJ. After all we are where krazy reality shows like Life at the Jerzey shore and housewives of NJ gained famed and fortune. It would be horrible for our national defense though as after seeing my life the military would loose half there recuits as those with ADHD would seek treatment and not need the military to straighten them out and the other half probably would not be able to complete basic trainning…


    Post count: 14413

    if i can muster up enough focus to read things properly the FIRST time, i’m having a really good day- i’m normally queen of the skimmers, and i have to read ‘out loud’ to myself inside my own head if i want to absorb anything beyond a sort of vague gut idea of whats going on in the writing.

    i feel quite honoured that you took the time and effort to read my post not once, but FOUR times, Njadd (and it was a bloody long post, too!). thats a compliment on a stick, right there! :D

    it really does sound like you’re headed somewhere good with all this change you’ve got going, and if the pace feels right for you, then you’re going at the right pace. stuff what ‘some’ nosey sods might feel about it- they should focus on being concerned about their own paces. :P

    the rewards of learning about yourself, understanding what, where, when and why ADHD is what it is for you, and seeing yourself moving towards interrupting the cycle of running headfirst into brick walls- they’re definately awesome ones- and something that money can’t buy. you’re gonna love it.

    i’m just getting myself some self esteem and enthusiasm together for the first time since i was about 5 years old, and i know i’m loving it- its still wobbly stuff cos its early days, but i can see that its gonna be really good, and every little success seems so great- cos they’re hard earned, and have been a long time coming. :P

    i know what you mean about people having negative assumptions about what might be going on with you. people are brilliant like that, hey?! – you can always rely on people to make a flipping soap opera- never mind a drama- out of a crisis! to be honest though, i kinda like feeling like i might be the target of gossip- at least that means i’m interesting enough to be worthy of being noticed and talked about!

    it seems that i have the sort of ‘itchy’ ADHD that makes me wanna poke or pick at stuff, and stir the pot, even when i know it’d be naughty or a bad idea- so personally i find it quite good fun to give them something to REALLY talk about once in a while, then watch them get their silly arses whipped into a proper little frenzy over it. maybe you should start wearing an oversized blue sequined hat, or saying “I LIKE TEAPOTS!” unexpectedly, or something? it’d be great to see their faces! :P


    Post count: 14413

    TOO funny Jenn………

    Yes I to also have to read out loud in my head. I put my hands over my ears and talk out loud so all I hear is my voice on what I am reading as to stay focused……….I did the skimming thing as well …….. I did it just to make myself feel complaisant that I was flipping pages…That is one of the reasons i like Totallyadd.com because the methods of communication work for my type of ADHD….. I unfortuneatly was not privy to a strong support system growing up (not blameing anybody as there probably was just not as much known about ADHD as today) Crap there was alot more than that but more than i can type. I was one that just kinda fell through the cracks and because of that many poor choices I made as a young adult (impulsive) and lack of a systemic and holistic team I layed a poor foundation…

    Because of a strong physical work ethic and my creative brain cells and survival skills I survived occaisionally but because of my strong lack of day to day skill sets and coping skills I could only work so hard until I floundered. I have also always been codependent in my life…… That is a cycle I need to change…….. That is one of the biggest challenges for me at age 48…. Self esteem WOW ……… with the way the world is today and my lack of educational and outdated vocational skills…..

    I always did physical work. A ton of it and my body has paid the price. I still (even though I shouldn’t) do a little busy work (to keep from jumping out of my skin) but afterwards my shoulder kills me and adjacent parts of my body aches and I am going to have to get surgery done soon to my injured shoulder and for some reason the surgery is making me feel uneasy. I have had surgeries in the past but for some reason this one is making me feel very uneasy… Probably because the surgeons that have seen my shoulder and the adjacent athritis conditions have suggested the physical aspects of construction are no longer for me anymore… Due to the economic conditions unfortunatey that exist employment options are not so great …………..So challenges ahead I have a ton …. Getting this ADHD thing fixed ….. the physical injury thing fixed and then getting the mental crap about an attack i succumbed to (ptsd diagnosis) and those issues in my head fixed I am dealling with because of that and a job and/or vocational training ARGGGHHH. But I will not give up…… :)

    Here is one for ya Jenn. I started typing this at 3:00 am ish and deleted added deleted changed added until I hit send at 7:20


    Post count: 14413

    nice, hahaha. i was asleep by then!

    you can do it, you know! self-esteem is just something you gotta work at, like anything else. just takes some searching and practice.

    if you’re experienced in construction there are lots of sidesteps you can take to get oaway from the manual side of things, and into more of a foreman, safety, educator or planning -type role. are you doing any adult education right now? not just classroom reading and writing stuff (zzz zzz), but also interpersonal stuff like team leading skills, conflict resolution, etc and more practical stuff like reading blueprints and whatnot?

    my old man is a truck mechanic who has screwed up his hands from lying upside down fiddling about with giant nuts and bolts for years, and he really struggles with carpal tunnel sometimes- he’s in the process of changing from being an old grease monkey to a managerial role- teaching new mechanics how to do things old-school, problem-solving and fixing big screw ups that leave them headscratching, performing tests, signing tickboxes for safety checks, etc…. and he didn’t finish highschool- so it is doable, you just gotta keep plugging away at it and find your niche. :)

    sometimes the most unlikely routes will take you to a great place, and those ‘negative’ experiences can become hugely positive ones instead- for example:

    who would be better to work with a group of wayward teenage boys who have fallen out of the good crowd, and into naughtiness like crime? boys who need to learn a practical trade and get themselves back on the rails. someone who has a bunch of degrees and excels at paperwork- but who has never experienced failure, or known how it feels to be totally lost and pissed off at the world? or someone who has been where they are, understands their challenges, and can totally relate and reach them on their own level- someone who can say “i sorted my messed up sh!t out at 48, with years of problems under my belt, AND ADHD- now don’t go telling me you can’t sort yours out, lads!?

    you no doubt have a bunch of skills and strengths that you don’t even realise yet, or that are just waiting to be teased out from just under the surface. get …um…. teasing. :P



    Post count: 14413

    Reading, wow dosn’t everyone start at the back of the book, or mag, first, just to see if you like it



    Post count: 529

    When I read the only thing I found to hyper-focus me into it was classical music. Bach to be specific. I found other music to be too distracting, but Bach gets me right in! That music and finding a quiet corner to sit in the library away from everyone is what saved my life in college!

    I finally read 3 novels for the first time in my life (each taking 7 hours to read and actually know whats going on), I had to turn on my Bach and if I was interrupted I was VERY VERY cranky because it takes so much for me to read.

    I was lucky in elementary school. My grades were always very good since I work well with a set routine. I did my work very fast, was always done before everyone else, and did very well (besides the teachers saying I should put more effort and have neater writing). I was never called stupid, and everyone wanted to be my partner in projects because I was so creative and went over the top! Not until high school was I deemed “stupid”. It was a new school and so everyone assumed I was dumb to begin with, and my grades dropped (since homework was IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME!!). I couldnt figure out what was wrong. I was so smart (top of my class) in elementary and middle school (4.2 average), now BAM! My brain was gone! That was a real hit to my ego. I knew I was smart, but no one else did and I just couldn’t prove myself. All my homework I failed, all my tests I did well which luckily made me pass!

    Going to college lots came easy to me, most was common sense and I excelled in those areas. As for studying, yeah right! I would hand in projects that were done at the last minute, getting an okay mark. But I ALWAYS KNEW if only I took more time on it! Why didnt I take the time! I would set the goal, but fail at it every time! And for the first time in my life I failed a class!! OUCH!! OUCH OUUUUCH!!! That one hurt A LOT! I had one chance left with a re-write…. And I had to study and study!! Luckily I discovered a way in my quiet corner, listening to Bach how to study and make it stick!! All I ever did in any of my class was doodle. It helped me focus… So I took all my notes and drew them out in an order and way I could remember! I would look at my cartoons which to everyone else looked like a HUGE mess and nothing, but they made sense to me and they worked! I now draw things I need to know, helps me. Using that I was able to pass. I JUST passed my college course, literally, just like I had JUST passed high school. I always felt I could do better though, like all of us here I guess, I always feel like the underachiever! I could have done more! Why didnt I spend more time!! Why, why why… Im so glad I know why I couldnt before!

    I feel now that I can do anything! All the things I have dreamed of doing (I want to go back to school), I can now do! I will be able to focus!! All my unfinished ideas, cartoons, sketches, art work, everything, I will be able to do!! I really cant wait now! Well… Here I am rambling off, I dont remember where I was going with this.. dang it! haha

    Oh yes! Finding out I have ADD has really helped my self-esteem, knowing “hey its not my fault, im not such a failure after all!” Since im 100% sure my dad has ADD (since we are the exact same) I want this to be a gift for him since it has hurt his self-esteem badly. My profile pic is of me and my dad, I just LOVE it, shows our true personalities hahaha anyways, sorry thats so scattered and long. I hope it made sense. Thats my lil story!! hahaha


    Post count: 529

    Whoops sorry, I didnt realize it was so long!!

    And this website just told me to slow down, im going too fast since I tried to post this one right after hahaha thats so funny, I love it!

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