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  • in reply to: Fighting about money :( #115600

    Post count: 55


    Online banking has helped me too. Without it, I would probably be in financial ruin. I’m kind of glad that my husband and i had our argument. It forced me to take a peak at my online account and see that I had spent quite a bit more than usual. I was supposed to go out with friends last night (something a rarely do as a busy mom), but I chose to stay home to save money.

    Just so much to work on at the same time (spending habits, cleaning habits, eating habits, future career possibilities), I feel a little overwhelmed.

    in reply to: My ADD is really bad lately!! #115592

    Post count: 55


    Now I’m wondering if PMS might be the culprit. It really could be…hmmm. Either way, your story sounds a lot like mine. Really nice to feel understood :)

    Something is definitely off lately. I just got a call from my mom to let me know that I had forgotten Dad’s Bday. I rarely forget his Bday


    Time to make a phone call before I forget again :S

    Oh, and Tiddler, I did see a videoclip about how symptoms can get worse during peri menopause. Yay, something else to look forward too ;)

    in reply to: My ADD is really bad lately!! #115588

    Post count: 55

    Thank you for all the pointers! My photography is more of a paying hobby right now. Until I have everything figured out (pretty much all the points Larynxa brought up) and clear in my head, I won’t feel comfortable making my photography services “official”. I have no idea where to go about contracts. I think I saw something about purchasing them online….

    As for preparation, I visited the wedding locations beforehand, even brought a friend who does this for a living with me! I also attended the wedding rehearsal. I showed up where I was supposed to be on time, except for being 5-10minutes late for the formal shots because I took a wrong turn (even after having driven there before to make sure I knew how to get there!!). These little mishaps shake my confidence a lot!!!

    I’ve tried notebooks and such, but I either forget to write in them or lose the book. My wallet is clipped to my car keys to make sure I don’t forget one. I just do so many stupid things when I’m overly anxious it’s crazy! And all this time I was never able to explain it, until now of course! I’d love an Iphone, but I keep misplacing my regular cellphone! Even if I have a spot for it, I somehow get distracted on my way to putting it where it belongs (by another phone ringing, the kids, my husband talking to me) that I sometimes don’t recall setting it down, but somehow I did and I can’t figure out where!!

    When I booked this wedding, I had no idea I might be ADD. If I had, I would have made sure to get treatment well underway before booking. My sister is actually the one who recognized the symptoms.

    I think I put off using the term “professional” because to me it equals high expectations. I’d rather lower the expectation and wow them in the end. This being said, I always behave professionally. I just don’t like the title :S

    So many people came up to me during the wedding rehearsal (including the parents of the bride and groom) to tell me how much they loved the engagement pics I took and how they thought I had real talent. One should feel good when this happens, but in my case I felt so much pressure to perform at the same caliber for the wedding (with absolutely no previous experience).

    At the wedding reception, a retired professional photographer even came up to me to say how he thought I had talent for this type of thing. For a split second, it felt good, but then before I knew it I found myself worried that I wasn’t up to par with the shots I had just taken.

    I read that many ADDers sometimes feel like a fraud, when they achieve something and can’t do it again. The higher my education (I have my Masters in Nutrition) the more I feel like a fraud because of the stupid things I still do or say.

    I’m always doubting myself and this causes me to make foolish mistakes :(

    Sorry, I’m just down lately when I should be feeling good…..

    in reply to: A quick question… #115262

    Post count: 55


    Your story is so much like me! I wish I could have people over and entertain, but with my inability to keep the house organized…it’s hard. I feel I’ve pushed our friends away because we rarely invite them over. Sure, having kids has something to do with it (more mess to clean up), but I’ve always been this way. When I was working, I would often run late and my husband needed to be somewhere. Let’s just say there’s nothing more motivating (when trying to finish work) then knowing your MIL might see your messy house if you don’t get there on time lol!

    Man, I’m having a hard time today… I rewrote this paragraph 3 different ways and I still don’t feel like I’m saying what I want to say. I’ll leave it at that I guess. It’s just really comforting to know someone else thinks the way I do.

    in reply to: A quick question… #115258

    Post count: 55

    Ipsofacto and Rick, thanks for sharing your stories and tips with me :D

    . I am still awaiting diagnosis, but what you are saying makes complete sense to me. I will be shocked if the results of the testing I did this week shows no signs of ADD!


    Post count: 55

    Ok, I’m a little off topic, but seeing as some of you did acting and such, I was wondering….were you the type who didn’t want to practice, but shined the night of the show? I did a bit of acting in school, but was no fun to rehearse with. I never wanted to do it “for real”. I only went throught the motions and rehearsed in my head a lot. The night of the show, I would suprise them by doing exactly what I was supposed to and sometimes even better. We you like this or was it just me? I think the stress of the perfomance made me hyperfocus.

    in reply to: A quick question… #115255

    Post count: 55

    My sister gave me a trick of her recently. She told me if she had to declutter quickly (for guests) she just threw the contents of the countertop in a box and put it away to go through later. I tried this, it worked well. I have completely forgotten about the contents of that box. It made me realize that I could probably live without it. Somehow though, new things have found a home on my countertop.

    My mom sometimes tells me I’m starting to resemble her sister (who is a hoarder). The idea frightenes me. My aunt has been diagnosed with major depression, manic depression and now they say she has something with her frontal lobe. All this makes me wonder if she didn’t simply have ADD all along. Makes me sad. She has been fighting with doctors all her life, resisting medication as much as possible almost all her life and now I wonder if she was right to second guess everything.

    in reply to: A quick question… #115253

    Post count: 55

    You brought up a good point there. I’m always afraid that people think I actually like chaos. I do have a somewhat organized chaos. If someone moves something, it throws me off. I once had a cousin visit me while in university. She was a neat freak, so she thought she’d surprise me with a quick organization of my room. She didn’t put everything away, but she did move many piles. I was so upset with her :( I feel bad about that. She just had no idea how my brain worked I guess….

    in reply to: All of these descriptions sounds like me (undiagnosed) #115041

    Post count: 55

    I felt happy reading your post, happy that you are 14 and looking for answers. I wish I had this info when I was fourteen, but hey, I can only go forward. I am 39 and I just started questioning this about me a couple of weeks ago and have been on a non-stop search for more answers since.

    I have a Master’s Degree and I feel like a fraud because I don’t really understand how I managed to get there. A 2 year program took me 5 years to complete. My excuse was that I was really kind of “part time” and that I also worked part time. I also went on sick leave due to stress. My list of “failures” don’t end there. I was always the slowest at any job. If work ended at 4, I was there til 7 or 8 going over things, making sure I didn’t miss anything because I knew I made stupid mistakes sometimes and I really wanted to do well.

    All this to say, if early testing can help you avoid this or something similar down the road, by all means get evaluated :).

    I wish you the best of luck finding your answers. I will be looking for mine too :)


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