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  • in reply to: ADD friendly jobs #100671

    Post count: 303

    Thanks, KrazyKat! Great advice :)

    in reply to: Migraines and ADD #105929

    Post count: 303

    Well crud, you gotta sign up and pay for the full version.

    in reply to: ADD friendly jobs #100666

    Post count: 303

    Awesome thread!!!! @ADDisME, my dad is a retired Marine. It was the perfect fit for him. It was only his last year, when his job got to be more a 9-5 desk type thing, that he was bored. He still did a great job, but he hated it and was very grumpy when he came home. REALLY grumpy!

    For me, I’m at home with my 3 kiddos right now and contemplating a move back into the paying job force. Very handy thread! I’m considering going into business for myself. Any comments on that?

    in reply to: Migraines and ADD #105928

    Post count: 303

    Oh, I love Google! Look what I found:


    A paper from a Journal of Attention Disorders (There’s a whole journal???). Looks like these people have found some sort of correlation, but not the exact connection. I just read the abstract. No time to read the whole thing. Meds have worn off and it’s past my bedtime.

    in reply to: Migraines and ADD #105927

    Post count: 303

    Oh we are all soooo ADD. LMAO!

    I get no side effects after stopping meds, not even the auras. I think the dietary changes help more, maybe. I dunno. I just figured out I had these migraine things. Really, I never experienced them before Christmas of last year

    It seems weird that this is all coming up now, but I do believe stress is a major part of both why I started to experience these auras and why my ADD got so horrendously bad. I had a really, really horrible string of stressful events, last Fall. Just too much going on all at once.

    Also, I’m close to 40. Somebody said your body does weird stuff then. I thought turning 40 was going to be fun. Oprah is a liar!!! LOL!!!

    in reply to: Psychiatrists aren't real doctors #105759

    Post count: 303

    Not that there is anything wrong with a good psychiatrist….just wanted to clarify. :)

    in reply to: Psychiatrists aren't real doctors #105758

    Post count: 303

    Kansas, eh? LOL! Me too. Yes, it is dang hot!!!

    In the US, in most offices during any medical visit (excluding psychiatry), blood pressure is taken by the nurse prior to the doc coming in (while he’s with another patient), so it’s not a time waster. Nurse takes it every single time for every visit, even for a splinter in the toe. My dentist has now even taken to doing this, even for my regular cleanings. Plus, a visit to a psychiatrist is usually an hour, not 20 minutes, so if they really wanted to, a psychiatrist could at least get a good vitals check.

    If you’re near Lawrence, I know a guy. He’s a family doc, but actually spends time both giving me an exam and listening to me for as long as I need, too :) He actually listens much better than the mental health specialists that I’ve seen.

    in reply to: Questions about Ritalin #99793

    Post count: 303

    Is your ADD a psychologist or a psychiatrist? A psychiatrist is an MD and should be able to prescribe, I think.

    Some docs probably have experience with all sorts of patients, and have seen people become addicted to all sorts of drugs. Being human, he probably is just applying the few anecdotal experiences to everyone. I had a doc like that. For the most part he was great, but he would have these odd warnings based solely on things happening to one of his patients.

    in reply to: Anybody else feel like a zombie??? #105148

    Post count: 303

    How bad is it that I completely understand your rambling? LOL!!!

    Thanks about the name. Geoduck (for those who don’t know, pronounced gooeyduck, and is a gigantic clam) is the mascot of The Evergreen State College, my alma mater. Wish I could say I was more inventive and creative, but hey, it works :)

    I had about 25 to lose when I started…two years ago. I would exercise like 5 days a week, 1.5 hours a day, but not watch what I ate (well, I got really hungry). Or I would really watch what I ate and not exercise. Once I got on the medication, it seems I am doing a better job at both. However, I think my hubby being put on a low fat diet helps, and me being put on one, after my recent surgery, helped too.

    Hubby likes to cook, and he would always have some sort of delicious snack coming out of the oven. Since he can’t eat that way anymore, he’s not doing it so much. It’s really hard to eat right if the people close to you aren’t really on board. Kind of like smoking. If a person wants to quit smoking, he’s got a better chance if his spouse quits smoking, too. Otherwise, the temptation is always there.

    25 pounds doesn’t seem like a lot, but really, I think those last 25 are the hardest to lose. Good luck!

    in reply to: Games! #105293

    Post count: 303

    Try popcap games. I like Zuma and Plants vs. Zombies. You can play some of these on-line for free to try them out.

    Doesn’t your hubby know that the faster you are at Jeopardy, the better? LOL!

    in reply to: Anybody else feel like a zombie??? #105138

    Post count: 303

    I’d love to look at the book. I’d really love to be more on top of things regarding nutrition and what I actually need. The little nutrition knowledge that I have is from when I was pregnant and nursing babies. It’s definitely not the same type of eating, I’m sure. I have a lot of tips for losing weight, as well, but none for maintaining weight. I’ve only got about 5lbs. to lose, and I really would like to maintain my goal weight once I get there.

    My midlife bulge comes from multiple pregnancies. I’m sorry to say that, as I’m now so dang close, the mommy pouch is not fat, just stretched out mommy tummy. It’s still there :( Even with lots of ab exercises.

    Well, I have cute babies, so if that’s the price I pay, it’s well worth it.

    in reply to: Anybody else feel like a zombie??? #105136

    Post count: 303

    Oh, and don’t forget protein!!! That’s great for the ADD, too :)

    in reply to: Anybody else feel like a zombie??? #105135

    Post count: 303

    @no_dopamine…Talk with your doc about this, but salads. Lots and lots of salads with as little dressing as you can get away with (I usually only do a tbsp. or so). Plus this low-fat thing my surgeon has me on works well.

    Off the medication, and on this diet, I lost a good six pounds in just a couple of weeks. That’s with 0 exercise, unless pain counts. I could have burned tons there.

    I also use a website called “www.myfitnesspal.com.” It has a great calorie tracker and you can friend others like in facebook, so you can cheer one another on. Helps with the cheating, too. My hubby, who is on the same diet, because of his cholesterol, and I both have dropped about 15lbs. in about four months. Not bad.

    The downside is that it doesn’t teach you about good nutrition, but there is lots of info on the internet for that. Lots of leafy greens, yogurt, and minimize simple sugars. This is including juices…you get nothing from the juice. All the vitamins are in the pulp and skin, so go for the whole fruit, instead. However, I’ve been able to have the occasional beer, and it hasn’t been a problem. If you keep with the less heavy ones, it’s alright occasionally.

    Oh, and I don’t care what you heard on TV. Don’t take a day off from the diet. I was doing that and it was killing me. That and frozen custard. Frozen yogurt is a good substitute, though, and I don’t miss the custard.

    in reply to: Anybody else feel like a zombie??? #105134

    Post count: 303

    took 5mg of adderall yesterday. OMG I feel so much better. Think I found the right one, for now. Oh, and the exercise helps. I hadn’t been exercising, of course, the whole time I was laid up. I keep forgetting the little things about this whole program, now that I’m trying to get back into the swing of things. Hmm…I wonder why? LOL!

    in reply to: Constant foot and leg shaking #102921

    Post count: 303

    KNITTING TOTALLY ROCKS!!!! It’s wonderful for ADD, especially the part where you feel like your hands need to move all the time. However, for your legs, might I suggest learning the fine art of spinning wool, particularly on a double treadle wheel? This is awesome, too, although less portable.

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