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  • in reply to: How has christmas been going and the holidays? #110653

    Post count: 226

    I know how your kid is feeling. Older by 14 years, but still feel that way. I am overwhelmed not depressed. Lucky for me I have boxing and kickboxing. Got hit with the bag. Going away for new years so maybe I feel. No snow for skiing though, or ice fishing. Yes, sitting there for hours over a hole waiting for a fish to bite. I know strange.

    in reply to: Does your ADHD affect your choice to have kids? #109773

    Post count: 226

    The truth is always wanted four kids. Last week I held a baby and watched it for ten minutes. The baby didn’t do much of anything and I was worried I was going to break it, but the mother was impress that the baby remained content in my hands.

    Now I want to adopt four kids at the age of seven through twelve. Babies I decided scare me. 😯

    in reply to: How to simply explain ADHD to others #110778

    Post count: 226

    I had these questions 3 times asked: what is your brain like, and what do you think about when you have ADD?

    My brain is normal for me. It is not normal for you because it is my brain, and I think my brain is too small for your head. Your head is too big. I have a small head. I can get away with a youth size hat. So I really don’t know what my brain is like,but I think it likes shiny objects, and some noise (not too much because then it gets overwhelmed), it can hear really well too.

    What I think about ADD? I hate math. Oh, you mean Attention something. It is really hard to think about ADD, because what is there to much too think about. Oh you can’t pay attention, you tap your feet, and blah, blah, blah. Well, for your information I can pay attention if I am interested in the topic. Once I want on for an hour about nature of birds. I can write pages of history about the Civil war. I might tap my hand instead of my feet, so there. So you can think about ADD.

    in reply to: Noise #110613

    Post count: 226

    Right now I can hear my dad’s head phones. Part of me wants to go over there and take them out of the ear, but I won’t do that. The TV is on.

    in reply to: What does Alcohol do to you? #110669

    Post count: 226

    Depends. I had some stories were I heard phones ringing, got too hot and took off my bra but kept my shirt on, started dancing, and couldn’t stop, laughed randomly and then cried, hid under the bed, because I thought it was cool. Normally, I don’t drink because of the reactions of the past. Always drink with people I trust.

    Since I don’t drink, I end up watching my friends drink and cut them off.


    Post count: 226

    Our family on both sides ended up playing games. One game, I forgot the name, but you had to pick a famous person, and guess who everyones famous person was. The name was written on paper. I was too happy when I got out. My cousin looked at me and said, “You know you didn’t win. Why are you so happy?”

    I smiled. “Now I can do this! I am going to get something to drink anyone want anything?”

    I got up and left the room. It was nice until we played another round. When it was my turn. I said this,” Hey, that was my famous person. Who wrote the name down? Huh, I guess it was not me. Okay, who was asked what again?”

    My aunt looked at me. “You just told us who you were.”

    “Yes, out again. Best game ever! Now who’s turn is it?”

    Of course everyone thought I was being a smart a** but I could not stand it any longer. I mean, sitting there and guessing. It was hard when you picked a music artist and you have the songs stuck in your head.

    Then we played Apples to Apples. Of course, I needed to defend my card and why I picked it. Then I got bored and put cards down, until I somehow won a card.

    Food drives me nuts. “Did you try this cookies, or here you can have more then one?” I sneak the food and want to hide, but sit with a group of people and eat. Then someone asks, “Did you like the salad?”

    Me: “It is okay, but so-and-so made the same salad and it was better last year.”

    FM: “Oh, and how about the potatoes?”

    Me: “I don’t know. I forgot. Um…the salad was better last year.”

    FM: “So you are sitting in the adult table.”

    Me: “I sat in the adult table since I was about 19.”

    FM: “You like it?”

    ME: “It is just a table. Do you want me to go to the kids table?”

    FM: “No, you can stay here.”

    ME: “You don’t have to lie. I go to the kids table.”

    Walk over to the kids table and sit down.

    Cousin “Why are you here?”

    ME: “Because the adult table is boring and stupid.”

    CO: “What is it like?”

    ME: “Boring and stupid. They just talk about food.”

    CO: “That does sound boring, but you can drink adult drinks and talk adult.”

    ME: “It is always about food. Borning. Did you see any good movies?”

    Then talk about movies we saw.

    in reply to: Have to sit in the back? #110755

    Post count: 226

    I wonder why my IEP back in high school stated that I must sit in the front of classroom. I sadly got it answered in my physiology class. The physiology class had this big project of doing things differently. So the professor put me in the back of the class. After three weeks of not turning in my assignment, no note taking (taking notes would help me pay attention to the class), watching wildlife out the window, counting the lights in the classroom, humming, even calling people on my cellphone, my professor wrote on my test to see her some time this week, which I forgot to study for. She stated that if I kept this up I would get an F. Normally, she would continue this project until the end of the semester. She thought it was unfair for me to fail because of my seat arrangement.

    The next week she noticed and I noticed a change in my behavior and my homework. Turned in the project write up in time. I got a C and knew I would have gotten a B. Hey, missing three weeks of home was huge. She let me do as many assignments as possible.

    I try to sit in front, because if I can’t see you then I am most likely not paying attention.

    in reply to: getting along with people …how? #95087

    Post count: 226

    I do better with social groups then just hanging out with one person. I had a friend tell the college consular that I don’t spend enough hanging outside of a structured setting. My response was I thought since I ate lunch, and we have been in the same clubs that I spend to much time with her.

    Then there is this one group that supposed to hang out and talk. No, they play games. I hate games. Once I won a game and started to cry and then I lost a game started crying. There was this one game that had 10 rounds. 10 rounds that is like a lifetime of playing cards! I only made two rounds. They let me quit because my face was all red and they thought I was going to have a panic attack if they made me play another round. Then one game it seemed to randomly end.

    They at least let me knit, because I would be bored. Worse they show up late. Normally I show up a half an hour early. I am usually half an hour early for everything.

    in reply to: verbally abusive how do i stop before #110320

    Post count: 226

    I knit for almost every emotion. Even if the pattern is evil. Then I throw the project against the wall. So now I am signing up for kickboxing, because kickboxing allows me to kick and punch a bag and no one thinks differently. I have to do that tomorrow, because that is when class starts. I did kickboxing before and loved it!

    in reply to: A perfect stranger knew just by looking at me…. #109035

    Post count: 226

    My friend knew, but I had forgotten about the ADD part. So at one point of my life, I totally forgot I had ADD. Mainly because I was off the medicine and did not have a social worker helping me. My high school, had social workers to work with a bunch teens with ADD. It was a good idea, however none of us knew we had, until years later. A girl from the group told me she was put back on medicine because of college.

    My mom told me that I still have it, but seemed to have a good grip on it. She has a doctor’s name incase I ever needed or referred to a doctors. How ever, last year I was not covered on health care. Now that I am now I can make an appointment but of course I am coping with changes.

    Some people just noticed things.

    in reply to: Closed Captions #108991

    Post count: 226

    Everyone that watches TV with me doesn’t enjoy the CC. For me it helps with focusing. You are listening, reading, and therefore understanding what is going on. One time I got a musical and the CC could not catch up with the singing and acting. A person who was watching with me laughed at the mashed up words trying to catch up with what was happening. It kind of made me feel like this is what I go through constantly. At that time I told the person I ADD and the CC feels like my mind when I am zoning out, but not quite. Then came the response, “But you are so smart. You can come up with so many words when I say only one. You are my living dictionary.”

    in reply to: Has anyone tryed any of the dragon software. #108978

    Post count: 226

    I did but the software took longer then typing a page did. It came up with totally different words. I said, “The theories of obesity are, process foods, boredom, lack of exercise, and many others. These are the main reasons that came across in my research.” Dragon typed this: The thoughts of Bess are: food, (a word I never heard of before), lack of aerobics–that is were I stopped. Oh, it took me 20 minutes to get those words down. I guessed I talked too fast, or maybe it was my midwestern accent. Who knows?

    in reply to: Caffeine! Wow. Trying to self medicate. #107816

    Post count: 226

    I had two cans of pop. Normally it is caffeine free, but somehow it slipped into my cart. Tomorrow I will be moody as heck but tonight I will get a good night sleep.

    in reply to: The joy of school… #108300

    Post count: 226

    InuKun My art teacher would grade us and I would cry. I hated art class, but loved music class.

    I had a hard time in grade school, but high school was fun and then college.


    Post count: 226

    I am right.

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