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Patte Rosebank

Patte Rosebank

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  • in reply to: Therapist does not believe in ADHD #126327

    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    @BSPearson, it’s very distressing to hear that your soon-to-be-former therapist is being so willfully ignorant of the proven scientific facts.

    You’re a psychologist with many years of experience with ADHD, so you have the knowledge and experience to be able to confidently challenge this psychological luddite.  But most of his other patients don’t. He’s harming these very vulnerable people whom he’s supposed to be helping.  Therefore, I feel that he ought to be reported to his professional association for malpractice.

    “Malpractice” is a very strong word, but most of what we now know about ADHD was learned in the past 10 years. And in “ADD…and Loving It?!”, Dr. Anthony Rostain says, “What I learned about ADHD in medical school, we would now consider to be malpractice.”

    in reply to: CBD and ADD/ADHD #126294

    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    @Ajfincher, I learned about ADHD and marijuana & CBD from this video:  http://totallyaddshop.com/products/marijuana#.VIBqjslNBZM.

    I’d also suggest that you watch the three archived webinars with Dr. Charles Parker (http://totallyadd.com/webinar-archives/)  He talks about ADHD meds and how the body uses them, in great detail.  Often, it’s not that meds are all wrong for a person; it’s that the person’s doctor doesn’t know all the latest information about exactly how each med is metabolized and which neurotransmitter genes it works on.  He also discusses how specific sensitivities can cause problems with meds, and how to solve them.

    in reply to: CBD and ADD/ADHD #126292

    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    @Ajfincher, it comes from marijuana, and it’s the chemical substance that doesn’t produce a “high”.

    It may help with social anxiety (which can often be comorbid with ADHD), but it doesn’t help with the Executive Functioning problems that define ADHD.

    Also, it hasn’t been tested nearly as much as legitimate ADHD meds, nor is it nearly as well-regulated as ADHD meds.

    More testing is needed, but so far, we know that: It doesn’t treat ADHD symptoms; it’s not as safe, and it doesn’t last as long, as legitimate ADHD meds.


    in reply to: A means to the end? #126279

    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    @Helpwithboyfriend, 6 years is a long time, especially in an unhappy relationship. What made you see things clearly and decide to move on?

    When you say it will take “a couple of years to prepare”, what do you mean?

    in reply to: Buproprion & Headaches. Please say they go away #126257

    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    @Maxbronz, headaches are a common side effect of that med., but severe headaches are less common and more serious, especially if you’re also experiencing extreme confusion.

    Here’s a *legitimate* webpage, about Bupropion/Wellbutrin: http://www.drugs.com/bupropion.html. Do read it, because it’s important to know about the meds you’re taking.

    Note that it is not officially approved for treating ADHD. It’s actually an antidepressant that can sometimes help with ADHD symptoms. But this is an *off-label* use, which is at your doctor’s (and your) own risk, because the drug company is not responsible for anything that happens during off-label use.

    I’d suggest talking to your pharmacist first, because they often know more about meds than doctors do. And then, talk to your doctor, ASAP.

    in reply to: where to vent in real time? #126252

    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    @Johntherunner, there isn’t a real-time chat feature here, but you’d be surprised how effective venting in the forum can be, even though it can take a while ’til someone responds. Just getting it off your chest helps a lot!

    in reply to: Just started Vyvanse – I have questions #126247

    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517


    Not only has your doctor not followed the proper titration procedure, but seems to be unaware that ADHD medication dosing is NOT based on a person’s size, but on numerous metabolic factors.

    I strongly suggest you talk to your pharmacist about this.  Often, pharmacists know more about medications than doctors do.

    I’d also watch the 3 archived webinars (on the “Webinars” page) with Dr. Charles Parker. They talk about ADHD meds, symptoms and neurology, in great detail.

    in reply to: Head full of nothing #126234

    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    I hate the crying and squealing and tantrums of babies & children too.

    I certainly wouldn’t have one in my home.

    (Though, I might have one on toast.)

    in reply to: Head full of nothing #126227

    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    @Lisa, I’ve experienced some of the sensitivities that you have, and I’ve had to be very aware of them and my limits, so I can either avoid them, or leave before they become too much for me.

    I can physically feel the increased stress when I’m in restaurants and food courts. Those places are just big boxes full of hard surfaces that noises bounce off of and amplify and blend together. And it’s even worse because they’re full of unnecessary, obnoxious music, at unnecessarily high volumes, so people have to talk even louder to carry on a conversation. Needless to say, I do not go to nightclubs.

    I can’t tolerate music that’s too loud, or heavy bass sounds, which I physically feel pounding through my body.

    I can’t tolerate repetitive sounds, because my mind zooms into hyperfocus on them, and they become like a dripping tap or the Chinese Water Torture.

    Ever since I was a baby, the Time Signal (a repetitive electronic tone) has evoked a visceral terror in me, though I can tolerate it now, for a few seconds.  I find the CBC’s Time Signal (800 Hz) a lot more traumatic than the BBC’s (1 kHz), though this might be because the BBC’s is only for 5 seconds, and the CBC’s used to air for a whole minute. My theory on this is that these sounds are nearly identical to the beeping of life-support equipment, which was the first thing I heard as an emergency C-section baby.

    The sounds of crunching, chomping, slurping, and talking with mouths full drive me crazy! And yet, there are advertisers who use these sounds in commercials…commercials which I have to instantly turn off, usually while uttering some choice expletives.

    I don’t seem to have trouble with sound coming from speakers that are behind me, but they’ve always made my mom feel very nauseous.

    Fluorescent lights always hurt my eyes and make me feel headachey, especially blue-white ones. So, at work, I wear amber-tinted clip-on sunglasses, to filter out the harsh blue-white light. Soon, I’ll have prescription computer-glasses, with a faint orange tint and blue-light filter-coat. This should be a big improvement!

    in reply to: Overcoming School Challenges #126226

    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    Rory Bremner (a comedian in England) has been quite vocal about living with ADHD.

    In this short clip from a recent BBC Radio interview, he talks about living with ADHD, including his struggles as a child being constantly punished, and the lifelong effects of it: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p029hv1r

    in reply to: ADHD jobs. is there anything out there? #126205

    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    @Liamfriar199, if you’re in the UK, I’ve heard there are special schools there exclusively for people who’ve been kicked out of the regular school system for not being able to function in the standard structure.

    The special schools start later in the morning, and classes are more loosely structured and shorter, to accommodate the different learning styles of the “special” students.

    One of the other people on these forums talked about how much better they’re doing in one of the special schools.

    in reply to: Head full of nothing #126197

    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    As if I needed more proof of my hypersensitivity to stimuli…

    Today, I had my eyes tested, and this included having the pupils dilated.

    The eye doctor uses the mildest dilating drops there are, and she says that they usually take about 15-20 minutes to fully dilate the pupils, and about an hour to wear off.


    In me, it took about 8 minutes for them to fully dilate my pupils, and, 7 hours later, my pupils are still dilated enough to be painfully sensitive to light, which is why I’m wearing sunglasses indoors.



    in reply to: New to Vyvanse. Not sure about it. #126196

    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    @Stockholm, I can understand your concern about those unpleasant effects.

    I’d suggest discussing this with your pharmacist, because they often know more about meds than doctors do.

    Your pharmacist can look up the product monograph for every drug they dispense. That monograph includes every detail about it, including dosages, good effects, interactions, and (most importantly) bad effects including ones that warrant seeing your doctor immediately.

    in reply to: Nutrition, Supplements and Vitamins #126195

    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    Something else about protein for breakfast…

    There’s an Anti-Jet Lag Diet that I follow when I travel to different time-zones, to reduce symptoms of jet lag. A big part of it is having a high-protein breakfast and a high-protein lunch (to rev up the brain and the energy levels), and a high-carbohydrate dinner (to calm the brain and make it drowsy).

    The Protein-Protein-Carb system really does have an effect on a person’s brain and energy levels. Whether or not you’re travelling to another time zone.

    in reply to: I think I lost my mind this week… #126139

    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    @RitaFaye, this is why I add rhinestones to my glasses…and my cellphone.

    Wherever they’re hiding, my flashlight will make them sparkle, and they’ll catch my magpie-eye.

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