The “God” I believe in is unconditionally loving, wants the best for us, and doesn’t go around punishing anyone, because S/He doesn’t need anything from us. Just my opinion!
Having struggled with recurring episodes of major depression throughout my life, and having gotten the ADD diagnosis in middle age – well, what can I tell you but I have found there are many people in the world – family members, teachers, religious leaders, and even therapists who should know better – who will claim ADD is not real, or who will call depression a moral failing. And that can be discouraging and demoralizing, especially when it’s necessary to interact with them on an ongoing basis. What I’ve found, and continue to need to practice, is that it really doesn’t matter what other people think. There is no shortage of people who believe they know everything, insist they are right, and refuse to hear anything different. For me, believing and knowing God loves me (as evidenced by my having been created in the first place, as the omnipotent Creator can do whatever S/He wants) goes a long way toward alleviating the impact of the judgments of others. On days when I have my own doubts about ADD (i.e.. is this just another fashion trend in the therapeutic community?) I remind myself it doesn’t matter what’s true – what matters is getting my life to work better, finding ways to focus on the things I do well, and making time for those things.
I don’t know if this helps at all, but I would encourage you to do what you need to do to take care of yourself. If other people don’t get it, that’s no reflection on you.