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  • in reply to: ADHD and… #92178

    Post count: 121

    dude! i seriously think we’re twins. b/c i too have had this discussion with my docs. my DO confirmed ADHD diagnosis. i’m so glad that you found my thread on the other forum and it linked you here. i hope you find the answers you seek. good luck!

    in reply to: When other people don't believe #92170

    Post count: 121

    brio! uhm, are we like twins? but you are an “i” and i’m an “e”….. btw, word vomit and i are total BFF’s. hahahahaha

    “And high maintenance” [ironic that I’ve come to associate that word with the highest insult possible.]” i despise that term

    “I’m terrified of being “difficult” yet quite convinced that’s exactly what I am] I just interrupt, and share tmi, and mouth vomit, and talk too much, and fidget to madness, or sit in a corner munching on chips in an attempt to shut up and give other people a turn,” ahem, yeah… this happens to me. and add that my hubby, ya know the isfj… when we go out and i do these things, like interrupt and give out tmi, or word vomit, he totally and completely makes me feel self-conscience for being me.

    i have the same questions you do. and i’m trying to find resolution on those things as well. personally i believe it’s better to let people know that you have adhd, rather than lacking self-control, whether they believe you have a valid issue or not… who cares… you know what you have and it’s time to work on it. don’t waste your time on the non-believers. i just don’t bring up the topic with them and if they try i change the subject or direct them here now. are you on meds? have you tried to find help with a doc? i think that a lot of your feeling and emotions stem from a business still in your head. i promise these questions get easier and easier to answer as the days on meds go on. you do find clarity. and you learn that some people will just never understand. good luck! hey PM me your email addy on Type C, would ya? i really want to have a dialogue with you about this.

    and uhm…

    sticky notes ARE fun! *insert kool-aid smile here* oh yeah!

    in reply to: Adderall Questions #92061

    Post count: 121

    belien, i’ve already begun that process. and it’s something i believe i majorly have a problem with. this will be addressed with my doc.

    thanks for the input!

    bishop, you crack me up. so how long are you on rit? when will they re-evaluate the med choice?

    in reply to: vacuum, it's not really THAT loud #91956

    Post count: 121

    brio! yay! it’s nice to have someone here from type c. excited! hahahaha. man you totally described my hubby to a “T”. i was in a motor vehicle accident once and he totally made himself sick with worry. he sucked himself into his shell.

    see you round, lady!

    rick, great great movie. and i need to remind myself of that. thank you!! :D

    in reply to: Adderall Questions #92058

    Post count: 121

    awe, bishop… it’s actually weird to have the instant gratification. i’m on day 6 and coming down from that “high”.

    any hoots, next question…. hunger. i lack a feeling of hunger since i started taking the meds. do you get this feeling back eventually?

    oh! and headaches…. i saw the side effects my include headaches… does this mean i need to adjust the dose, or are these fairly common when you start and then they fade away?



    Post count: 121

    “In an ideal world, we could carve out a lucrative living by providing brilliant ideas to those with the ability to see them through to completion.” ~TheBishop72

    damn! i couldn’t have said that better myself. nice perspective.

    i do however believe that i disagree with you on the rest, though. i have lived without medication for the last 12 years. i was diagnosed around 19 or 20. denial set in and stayed for a long while. but during that time… i was soooooo head strong on making it through my day the easiest possible way i could…. by becoming organized and writing everything down. the only problem with this is that i was living day to day with no future hopes in sight. all b/c i couldn’t focus.

    it’s funny how things just come into play. this past week i was talking to my hubby about going to see this therapist, FINALLY…. then she calls and cancels that day. i thought that it just wasn’t meant to be. i had almost given up hope (b/c it took so long to find a doc and she would be booked for a few weeks out). at this point i’m almost desperate to go in and talk to someone, b/c it’s just so loud in my head, then…. hubby suggests i go seek some advice from my DO. scheduled an appt, went in to talk to him…. he helped me have some clarity and allow me to know that this is “normal” for me, so not to be ashamed. wrote the script, asked me to journal for the next 2 weeks and return to speak to him sooner if i felt i was having a problem with the dose.

    the next day i wake up a whole new person. the noise stopped (like i’d mentioned before)… and i was scheduled for training that day at my job and almost forgot. the training was “Time Management and Goal Setting”. my instant thought “Holy moly, you mean they teach these things?! you mean to tell me that all the people that are already doing this, have been taught this and they weren’t just born with this inatte and canny ability to do it… just like that?!

    so, now i have this ability to be organized (that has until this day, been an EXTREME mental chore!), this new medicine, and someone is going to teach me a skill on how to use these tools together… and i get paid for it?! uhm, when do we start?”

    life coaches, team leader builder seminars…. these are just 2 resources that i’m going to utilize within the next 12 months. my creativity is still there, i work in a corporate environment that embraces my individuality and brainstorming ideas, and they’ll pay for school. at first i would tell myself that the job sucked…. that it was “a bunch of ‘corporate ladder climbing’, these people don’t care what i have to say… i feel so ignored… under appreciated…” blah blah blah….


    i found that as soon as i started the meds and was able to focus my train of thought. it helped me realize that the negative things i was focusing on, was counter productive. the world, from that point on, just seems to be my oyster, now.

    if an individual (whether they have add, or not) finds the resources they need and puts those resources to good use, then they too shall find a successful and rewarding life. i know i’m know being grateful and appreciating mine. this is the first time, in don’t know how long, that i feel like i am actually going to have something to show for all the hard work i’m about to put forth. and it feels GOOD! :D

    personally, i’m tired of making myself promises and not following through with them. i’m tired of making excuses. i am looking forward to the adventure of finding my life’s purpose (which in reality is really what i make of it), and also having a “i just found the most AMAZINGLY PERFECT career!” thread. good luck to you bishop and your journey, as well.

    “all we are is the result of what we have thought” ~buddha


    Post count: 121

    dude, i envy the fact that you at least had/have some sort of direction. the photography thing, led you to a different path (which was cool at first, then you had to “work”, so it became not-cool for you). i have been struggling with feeling like i have not been able to find my life’s purpose, then add the adhd and WHAM! you have a very confused individual. and now i have kids.

    i just started taking my meds today. i feel like all the voices in the room are gone and i can finally hear mine. but now i have to learn what the difference is b/w a characteristic of my personality type and my adhd. and both have a lot of similarities.

    my largest struggle is the fact that people always get frustrated with me. they think i’m so smart and have all this potential and no drive. the fact is that i start out at lots of jobs driven, eager to learn and willing to try new things… but once the “honeymoon phase” is over i get bored and want to move on. it’s not that i’m not smart or have no drive… i’m just so bored most of the time.

    i’m like you. i want to do something fun! for a living. and i’m afraid i’ll never find it. (((hugs)))

    i feel ya.

    in reply to: Adderall Questions #92054

    Post count: 121

    question #1: is it normal to feel an “instant gratification” sensation when you start to take it? or is this medication something that should take a while for you to notice a difference?

    question #2: once you start taking it, is there anything that i should be on the look-out for that’s NOT normal?

    i’ll post more as they come.

    thanks in advance for your responses.


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