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  • in reply to: Keeping a blog. #92514

    Post count: 121

    hey there, i’ve been blogging since 2006. some years are better than others. mind you all the blogging that i’ve done so far, is without meds. without direction. without a “path”.

    i’ve yet to blog this year, but will once i get everything in order and my schedule allows for it again. you’re right. it is a great release. and a great way to keep track of thoughts. enjoy!


    i’ll “follow” yours.

    in reply to: Adderall Questions #92071

    Post count: 121

    eh, i noticed them before i even got on the thread of yours and read about it. my husband has even teased me about it.

    it’s all good. you have been a lot of help actually.

    i had to push my doc appt to next week wednesday, schedule conflict. i’ll let you know what he says then. :D

    in reply to: Myers Briggs #92484

    Post count: 121

    ENFP here. brio and i are on a website that has oodles and oodles of info and scenarios for each personality type. that’s actually how she and i met. and i got her on here! :P hee hee

    it’s a great place to meet and learn about others with your personality type. http://www.typologycentral.com/forums/

    INTP’s are usually quiet, analytical thinkers (from what i’ve read).

    have fun exploring! it’s been a fun trip to be an ENFP with ADHD and no meds. believe me!

    in reply to: Confused about meds #92443

    Post count: 121

    personally i’ve not ever used cocaine, but i have tried to self-medicate with “herbal refreshments”, as i like to call them. and no you’re not a bad mommy, just human.

    i don’t think that you will feel as though you are “high”, more so that you “aware”. you may describe it as a “high” feeling, only b/c that’s what we’ve known (from the herbs), but you’re not “stupid high”, you are very aware of what is going on around you and you can piece together all your random thoughts that were so scattered before….. so, yeah i would change it to being aware (b/c you feel calm, but can carry on with life). with that, i leave you with this note…. get on meds.

    if you can get on meds. i recommend adderall, but only b/c in the past ritalin didn’t work for me and i had given up all hope of finding a med (12 years of denial). it wasn’t until recently that i HAD to make a change, not only for me.. but for my kids and my marriage, that i went in search of a doc to help me and he prescribed adderall. HUGE difference!

    go to my “adderall questions” thread under “medications” forum. it will answer some things that are probably plotting in your head. also, there is the “life after starting treatment” thread, that mannyc79 started in the “ask an expert” forum. he also had concerns about abuse and addiction.

    hope this helps. you will be able to cope…. i promise… if you get past the fear of getting on meds and move forward in giving it a chance. i’d say you’re a step ahead by realizing that you “have a problem”. when i was on ritalin in the past i used it to get thin, unhealthily thin. i was skeptical about starting the adderall, b/c i thought i would follow the same behaviors (since it’s just easy to fall into that, but what i hadn’t thought of was that now i’m AWARE). i’m aware that i had that problem in doing that. i’m aware of what damage that type of behavior does to my body. and now i’m aware of how (if i damage my body like that again) it will, in turn, affect my kids to see me that way. i am aware of the responsibility i have for myself and my family now… and i have that power to make the right decision in every aspect. and i know you do, too!

    go face your fears and get on with your life… for the better! :D

    good luck! we’re here if you need us.

    in reply to: Finding direction sucks when you don't have a compass #92396

    Post count: 121

    girl… it’s the “jill of all traits” scenario that unfortunately you have to deal with on two levels…. 1)your adhd, and 2) your Xnfp.

    i’m struggling with distinguishing b/w the two myself.


    in reply to: Adderall Questions #92068

    Post count: 121

    “Plus … The Pharma people are just getting ready to make a big push on their new ADD product, Vyvanse. My Doctor tells me this is because Adderall is now available (will be available?) in generic form and the Pharma-gang want a new high-priced ADD Med to replace it.”

    i’m in the states. dunno where you and bishop are, but here i get my generic brand for $15. $15 for an entire month’s supply.

    thanks for the info, glen… really! it’s insightful and interesting to say the least. i’ve found myself being more aware of my body and it’s corks while on this med and also found my attitude toward handling things to be a more positive one.

    i meet with the doc tomorrow about the tics. glen, do yours come on if you’re really tired? just wondering b/c the other night i couldn’t stop and i was really tired…. my hubby and i were just sitting watching t.v. it was so sudden and didn’t stop for about 30 seconds (which feels like a lifetime). my husband finally asked if i was ok, and i had to concentrate really hard on “not moving”, but to no avail. i just excused myself and went to the restroom. they finally stopped. but it got me thinking that i’d not had one of those type of episodes in a while.

    “Re appetite: Ah, now here’s a topic I KNOW. <g> Had to do a lot of research on this because the subject comes up all the time.

    Here’s what I’ve found (for ME). All of these meds really don’t affect your appetite, they affect your appetite TRIGGER. What disappears on meds is the SENSATION that you’re hungry. It feels like you’ve lost your appetite, but you really haven’t.

    It took me a while to realize that, while I didn’t sense the need to eat, all I had to do was place food in front of me and I DEVOURED it.”

    i understand it’s the trigger sensation of hunger that’s affected; however, i have to wait till my meds are slowly “exiting” my body to feel any ounce of that trigger sensation return. currently i’m on a 2-a-day, 20-mg. i take one at about 730 or 8 and the following around 1, so i have breakfast before the first and lunch prior to the second, but somehow by the time dinner comes around the sensation i’d expect to have returned doesn’t…. so i find myself forcing the food down my throat. fun!

    aside from that one side effect, i’m cool with the meds. i don’t have insomnia. which is nice. :D

    in reply to: Adderall Questions #92063

    Post count: 121

    bishop… how’s it going? what did the doc say?

    ok, on the the next Q. when the meds “release” throughout the day, is it normal to feel a sensation that you are woozy?

    in reply to: Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances #92309

    Post count: 121

    oh my gosh! you’re kidding… bush has add?!? i would have never guessed that! *snickers* sorry, couldn’t help it. hee hee it’s only b/c my bro (who also has add) reminds me of the former pres and if i knew that he wouldn’t be sensitive about it, i would tease him. *evil grin*

    river, you can add me to the secretary/PA/office worker. oh, wait! i’m not famous….. yet. (insert kool-aid smile here)

    this is a great list GN. me likey! thanks for posting. it’s interesting to see the great folks that made the list and all of their accomplishments. :D

    in reply to: WOW! What a revelation #92183

    Post count: 121

    thank you!! it’s funny cuz’ when i “do them” everyone in the room looks at me funny and my usual response is “what?” as they stare. then they say, “you ok?”. to which i have a tendency to say, “oh, it’s just the heebie, jeebies”. now that you mention what your partner said, it makes total sense that people perceive the ticks differently than i do. *blush*

    i have these ticks, where i twist my head and don’t even realize it and “bah” or “oh!”….. and they do usually happen when i’m under some stress or very excited about something that’s about to happen. :D *giggles* it’s probably the one thing that i can easily laugh at about myself. probably, b/c it’s something i can’t hide, so why be self-consciousness about it, right?

    i’ll bring it up to the doc next time i go in.

    you rock!


    in reply to: How to succeed in a marriage when one spouse has ADD #91924

    Post count: 121

    thank you elizabeth. i’m taking these tools you’ve mentioned and trying to work them into our conversations. so far it’s been a positive. :D

    in reply to: please elaborate, Dr. J #92260

    Post count: 121

    bump… anyone can give their input.

    we’re communicating more. i just have to stay focused on the goal. that’s my problem…. i get all “childish” when things become too much work for me. i am seriously going to through some major introspection. it’s tough, but nice. hubby and i both agree, baggage sucks. hahahahaha

    good luck to everyone on here. and thanks to the ones that have answered my Q’s.


    in reply to: WOW! What a revelation #92181

    Post count: 121

    i’m glad that you are able to recognize and fight against your body’s mechanisms. i like what you wrote here… “You’re not “on drugs,” You’re OFF ADD”. love it actually.

    question for you. or anyone else that wants to answer. i get these nervous ticks. they feel like the “heebie-jeebies” up my spine, they flow up and then i finally just “yelp” or let a big “bah!” out. i can’t control it. the urge has been there for a long time. they ARE less frequent since i began taking the adderall. my Q is, should i bring these ticks up to my doc?

    yours seem way worse than my lil’ ones. i’m just wondering if it’s even worth making a stink over them.

    in reply to: How to succeed in a marriage when one spouse has ADD #91922

    Post count: 121

    “What really frustrates my husband is that I’m university educated and yet can(‘t) follow a simple conversation with him at the end of the day (the most challenging part of my day). It’s a catch 22 – the more frustration he shows, the worse I feel about myself which isn’t helping either of us. Encouragement is huge!!! ” ~simple1

    i’m not university educated, but my hubby feels this frustration with our convo’s, too. how i can talk to some, but not to him. sucks.

    and instead of encouragement i just get frustration and rage. how do you work with that? how do you work on your own things, when your spouse needs help, too…. and dumps things on you? tells you that all you think about is you and how you don’t keep how you affect anyone else in mind. how do you stay positive when all they bring up is the stuff you’ve done and the negative that it’s brought with it?

    in reply to: medications #92099

    Post count: 121

    thank you!

    in reply to: Life after starting treatment… #91713

    Post count: 121

    sensation of un natural tunnel vision, very jittery

    a feeling good and high feeling

    these sensations fade. just be sure to stick to the prescribed dose. good luck! i’m rooting for you. :D

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