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Category : ADHD Bike Rally

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Getting In Shape

By totallyaddauthor

When I started training for the bike rally I was 20 pounds overweight, and had enough muscle to be able to get up from my computer, get to the dining room table and then make it to bed.   

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Make Things Work For You

By totallyaddauthor

Once I’d committed to doing the rally, I started training. But I had to use a mountain bike with ancient knobby tires. Even adjusting the seat didn’t hide the fact that it was a girl’s bike.

Adult ADHD

ADHD Strategies: Chunking it Up

By totallyaddauthor

I had to break the bike rally into chunks. Manageable chunks.And since I didn’t own a bike, hadn’t ridden one in a decade, was out of shape, overweight and late to start the training regime, those chunks had to be very, very minute to be manageable.