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Category : ADHD or bad behavior

Adult ADHD | Medication

Are You ADHD? Or Just A Bad Person?

By totallyaddauthor

Something has been bothering me for a while. Stewing away.
And I think the seasonal question of “Have you been naughty or nice?” has brought it to the fore.
It’s something I was asked a long while ago.
“How do I tell what’s ADHD, and what’s simply bad behavior?”

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

ADHD Planner? The Path To New Habits…

By totallyaddauthor

I’ve mentioned recently that at my lowest moments, despairing, I thought, “I wish I’d never been diagnosed.”
That’s not true, of course. Having an explanation for some of my challenges, an explanation that I can work with, has been hugely helpful.