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Category : ADHD women

Women & ADD/ADHD

How Women Can Win with ADHD

By Dr. Sarah Cheyette

Winning with ADHD describes how to remove some of these rocks from your backpack so we can perform at our personal best. So what does it take to lighten the load?

Adult ADHD | Guest Blog | Women & ADD/ADHD

Her FAST MIND – Women With ADHD

By Team TotallyADD

Perhaps the most under-served segment of the ADHD population are adult women. So often, their ADHD is overlooked, not on anyone’s radar, or misdiagnosed as Anxiety or Depression. Our friend, Zoë Kessler, author of ADHD According to Zoë kept telling me, “YOU HAVE TO HAVE DR. TIM BILKEY DO A WEBINAR WITH YOU! He has developed some amazing stuff around women with ADHD!” Being a woman with ADHD, I trusted her opinion…

Adult ADHD | Guest Blog | Women & ADD/ADHD

ADHD and PMS: Good Luck!

By Team TotallyADD

Your ability to pay attention, problem solve, plan, and regulate your emotion is managed in part by certain chemicals in your brain. One of these important chemicals is Dopamine. Studies suggest that an ADHD brain does not release or reload dopamine effectively, which leads to problems with all of those executive function activities listed above that we need to use on a daily basis.