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Category : attention disorder

Adult ADHD | Life With ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

People Mean Well, Don't They?

By totallyaddauthor

People mean well, don’t they? I mean, usually.
Oh yeah, sure, there are hate mongers out there. But even when they are spreading lies, or terrorizing people or attacking their fellow human beings, it’s because they have decided that their beliefs; political, religious, or whatever, are more important than the other person’s freedom, or their right to choose, or even their lives….

Articles | Medication for ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Medication For ADHD

By totallyaddauthor

It remains a hot button topic for parents and kids, fodder for scary headline writers, and of course ‘the enemy’ for websites promoting all-natural cures for ADHD.
How do you ‘cure’ ADHD?  I mean it’s not like a wart or cancer where you can see it is there, treat it, and then see that it’s gone.

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog


By totallyaddauthor

“I don’t believe in ADHD.”  
“Isn’t that just a big Pharmaceutical scam?”
“It’s just the internet.”
You’ve probably heard stuff like this. Probably again and again.  You may be sick of hearing it.