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Category : clutter

Adult ADHD | Rick | Tools, Tips & Tricks | TotallyADD Blog

De-cluttering and Procrastination

By Team TotallyADD

By Rick Green
Which aspect of your ADHD do you dislike the most? Which trait, or if you prefer, ‘symptom’, does the most damage?
It’s a valuable question to ask. For several reasons.
One payoff for identifying the trait that undermines you the most? It requires you to focus, and you won’t drown in good intentions, trying to manage every symptom at once. (A recipe for overwhelm as I found out after when first diagnosed.)
Another payoff? Mastering the bugaboo that most sabotages you…

Adult ADHD

New Year's Resolutions

By totallyaddauthor

Made your New Year’s Resolutions yet?
Forgotten them already?
Even better.
Now you can create some new ones. I don’t know about you, but I’m like a lot of adults with ADHD—I love ‘new.’ Plus I have a problem sticking to long term goals.

Adult ADHD | Guest Blog | Women & ADD/ADHD

From Clutter To Coach, One Woman’s Journey

By Candace Taylor, B.Sc. B.Ed. ACG

By Candace Taylor,
Woman Under Clutter “Why does our house look like this?” That was the question tossed at me one day by my then eight year old son, upon returning from a play date at a friend’s immaculate and organized home. He walked into the kitchen, looked around as if he smelled something funny (which may have been the truth), fixed me with a suspicious and accusatory glare, and asked the same question I had been asking myself for years.
Why indeed did my house look like this? “This”, being precarious piles on every flat surface, calendars from 5 years earlier still on the walls, and endless projects of every description with no end in sight. Cleaning house was an archeological dig. and my desk had become the Bermuda Triangle of important papers – the more important the paper, the quicker it sank from sight, never to be found again. The best response I could come up with was…