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Category : Emotionality

Adult ADHD

I Believe in ADHD! Finding Out You Have ADHD

By Team TotallyADD

Anonymous Guest Blog
Dear Rick, your recent blog about the experience of people dismissing ADHD really struck a chord with me. I am living this experience, it seems, constantly at the moment.
I have ADHD. I am also a doctoral researcher…

Adult ADHD | Emotional Journey | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Emotional SENSITIVITY – A Small Trigger Sets Off a Huge Explosion

By totallyaddauthor

Before I understood my ADHD, when I’d make small mistakes and they were pointed out, I’d often brush them off, miffed, ‘Whatever! You get the point.’ I felt like, ‘I’ve created the Mona Lisa for God’s sake, who cares if the frame has a chip in it!? Nitpickers! Critics! Complainers!’ By the way being ‘overly sensitive’ and ‘prone to drama’ are very common for many of us.