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Category : Emotions

Adult ADHD

I Believe in ADHD! Finding Out You Have ADHD

By Team TotallyADD

Anonymous Guest Blog
Dear Rick, your recent blog about the experience of people dismissing ADHD really struck a chord with me. I am living this experience, it seems, constantly at the moment.
I have ADHD. I am also a doctoral researcher…

Adult ADHD | Emotional Journey | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Emotional SENSITIVITY – A Small Trigger Sets Off a Huge Explosion

By totallyaddauthor

Before I understood my ADHD, when I’d make small mistakes and they were pointed out, I’d often brush them off, miffed, ‘Whatever! You get the point.’ I felt like, ‘I’ve created the Mona Lisa for God’s sake, who cares if the frame has a chip in it!? Nitpickers! Critics! Complainers!’ By the way being ‘overly sensitive’ and ‘prone to drama’ are very common for many of us.

Adult ADHD | Guest Blog | Women & ADD/ADHD

ADHD and PMS: Good Luck!

By Team TotallyADD

Your ability to pay attention, problem solve, plan, and regulate your emotion is managed in part by certain chemicals in your brain. One of these important chemicals is Dopamine. Studies suggest that an ADHD brain does not release or reload dopamine effectively, which leads to problems with all of those executive function activities listed above that we need to use on a daily basis.