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Category : Focus

Adult ADHD

Deep Breathing For The ADHD Mind and Body

By Jackie Gaulton - Yoga

Just BREATHE – Let the dinosaurs chase someone else for a moment!
We have all heard the old adage at some time in our lives.  When overwhelmed by panic, stress, or fear someone has encouraged us to take three deep belly breaths to help us calm down. 

Guest Blog | Parenting, Children, School | Work & School

Back to School with ADHD

By Team TotallyADD

He’s failing two classes again. The teacher keeps telling me he isn’t handing in his homework. I go through his bag and there are blank worksheets. He thinks they might be work he didn’t finish in class, but he says he doesn’t remember. I have no way of knowing. There’s a missing piece of communication somewhere. Who am I supposed to ask?…

Adult ADHD | Guest Blog

The ADHD – Tennis Matrix

By Team TotallyADD

When I was about 45 I took up tennis. More or less by accident. We had bought a timeshare at a place in Florida for the winter. To keep busy while we were there, I took a one-hour tennis lesson every morning—it was a workout AND entertainment AND added knowledge. Multi-tasking!