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Category : Work & School

Guest Blog | TotallyADD Blog | Work & School

5 Steps to Avoid “Drama” at Home and Work

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Whether at home or in the workplace, human dynamics are complicated. As we start to plan for the post-summer-back-to-school-and-work season, we have an idea of how we want things to go once we get back into some routine. Wouldn’t it be great if everything could run smoothly? And still do what’s best for our selves, or our families, or our job?…

Guest Blog | Tools, Tips & Tricks | Work & School

Tips For Teaching Kids With ADHD

By Team TotallyADD

The beginning of school is a huge transition for everyone involved, but especially for children who have ADHD. As teachers of children with a range of attention difficulties, we’d like to share with you some strategies we use to make this transition go as smoothly as possible.

Rick | TotallyADD Blog | Work & School

Finding a Job You Love… That Loves You Back

By totallyaddauthor

You’ve heard the advice, usually from people who are fabulously successful: “Follow your passion!”
If only everyone would do that!  Why, then… who would collect our garbage?  Or work in a noisy warehouse?  Or stand behind the counter at the bank serving customers for 8 hours a day?

Rick | TotallyADD Blog | Work & School

Lessons I Learned From Being Bullied (And You Can, Too – Without Actually Having To Be Bullied)

By totallyaddauthor

(And You Can, Too. Without Actually Having To Be Bullied.) His name was Charles Philip. That’s not his real name. His real name was Steve Markham. That’s not true, either. The name doesn’t matter. It’s not that I don’t want to embarrass him—I’m not even sure he’s still alive. It’s that he represents every person who ever bullied me, from Grade 3 to last summer…

Rick | TotallyADD Blog | Work & School

Going To College With ADHD

By totallyaddauthor

Recently I was named a Distinguished Alumnus of Renison College University, part of the University of Waterloo.  It was a wonderful ceremony and a tremendous acknowledgement, especially of what we’ve done with TotallyADD.com.  (I say we, because it’s a team of dedicated people.)