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Category : signs of adhd

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

The NY Times & ADHD

By totallyaddauthor

Saturday morning and I thought I’d been spammed. My Email inbox was filled with the same headline about ADHD and the NYTimes.
But each Email was from a different person.
Of course, it turned out that The New York Times….

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog


By totallyaddauthor

In my previous Blog I noted, somewhat awkwardly, that knowing I have a place for my car keys doesn’t mean they’re always there. Or, when life gets nuts, even mostly there. For example, ahem, I’ve had to borrow Ava’s key for the past two weeks. Not the end of the world. And yet, as I noted in the previous blog, it can fee like it. ADHD can be such a pain. Knowing what’s going on doesn’t automatically prevent me from making the same mistakes over and over again. And again.

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Where Did The Day Go?

By totallyaddauthor

“I don’t know where the day went,” used to be a familiar lament of mine.
Eventually, I stopped long enough to find out where it went. Because I really was missing it.
I realized that the day doesn’t go anywhere. I do.
And where do I go?

TotallyADD Blog

Coaches, Mentors and Partners

By totallyaddauthor

ADHD and ADD present so many different challenges to adults. Sticking to it. Avoiding procrastination. Generating motivation. Stay on track. Creating achievable goals. (Rather than pie-in-the-sky dreams.) This week I’m travelling. Our editor/jack-of-all-trades, Jimi, are on a four day road trip to PBS stations

Adult ADHD | Guest Blog | Parenting, Children, School

Using a Coach-Approach in Parenting

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Parenting ADHD kids can be stressful, overwhelming, isolating and frustrating. It’s complicated, and often unclear where you as a parent need to focus. Is it school-work? Is it respect at home? Is it everything at once? There are so many different options for treatment. How do you decide what to do next?…