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Category : strategies

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

The Power Of Teamwork

By totallyaddauthor

So I’ve been blogging about how I, an ADHD adult, managed to train for a 368 mile/6 day bike rally in less than three months. Bearing in mind that I was out of shape, didn’t have a bike, hadn’t ridden in years, and the other 190 riders had been training for 6 weeks.
I pulled it off using the same strategies I’ve used to manage and even master my ADHD…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Make Things Work For You

By totallyaddauthor

Once I’d committed to doing the rally, I started training. But I had to use a mountain bike with ancient knobby tires. Even adjusting the seat didn’t hide the fact that it was a girl’s bike.

Adult ADHD

ADHD Strategies: Chunking it Up

By totallyaddauthor

I had to break the bike rally into chunks. Manageable chunks.And since I didn’t own a bike, hadn’t ridden one in a decade, was out of shape, overweight and late to start the training regime, those chunks had to be very, very minute to be manageable.