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Category : who should I tell about my ADHD

Adult ADHD

I Believe in ADHD! Finding Out You Have ADHD

By Team TotallyADD

Anonymous Guest Blog
Dear Rick, your recent blog about the experience of people dismissing ADHD really struck a chord with me. I am living this experience, it seems, constantly at the moment.
I have ADHD. I am also a doctoral researcher…


Should I tell anyone that I have ADHD?

By totallyaddauthor

You have ADHD and you’re not sure who to tell about it, and who not to tell about it.
There are potential risks and rewards in sharing information about your ADHD.

Rick | TotallyADD Blog | Work & School

I have ADHD. Who Should I Tell About it?

By totallyaddauthor

I’m coping, everybody’s coping, and we can’t talk about it! 
Those early days, after I was first diagnosed with ADHD, were heady times.  My first reaction was a mix of relief, excitement, and alarm.  Bouncing between “This explains so much!” and ”What does it all mean? And I damaged?  What do I do about it?”