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Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

The Least You Need To Know

By totallyaddauthor

Like many adults diagnosed many years ago, I learned about the disorder by reading books… Okay, skimming books.
I have to tell you, there was far less information, but I was overwhelmed by what there was. And because the research is ongoing, today there’s even more to learn. In fact, there’s always more for me to learn… And some things I’ve had to unlearn because of new research and discoveries. Today it’s almost impossible not to feel overwhelmed by Blogs, Podcasts, E-Books, videos, and more.
Where to start?…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

I’m Glad I Know I Have ADHD. Not Glad I Have ADHD.

By totallyaddauthor

A few months ago I blogged about those dark moments, when things would overwhelm me, and I wished I’d never been diagnosed. “It would have been better to just carry on like I was.”
That despair engulfed me when my best efforts, latest strategy, or brilliant new tool, would fail. One step forward, 37 steps back. (Warning: Steps may be exaggerated for dramatic effect.)…