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  • adhdwife1
    Post count: 9

    “Fake it til you make become it”

    I need that tattooed on my body

    thanks for this video… I actually watched all 20 minutes, pausing and rewinding a few times of course

    in reply to: "You'll get to used the noise.", NO! #119984

    Post count: 9

    Ok I accidentally double posted and don’t know how to just delete the duplicate. Sorry!

    in reply to: "You'll get to used the noise.", NO! #119982

    Post count: 9

    sudden, loud noises are the worst for me. I can’t even explain the terror/panic/shock/rage it sends me into. And yes rage is a part of it, it makes me ANGRY. Things like when my dog starts barking, a train whistle or a loud jet overhead, or even people just talking loud.

    Don’t know if I can even have a baby because listening to a baby screaching???????? What a nightmare! Knowing me I’d end up in jail for the rest of my life for shaken baby syndrome.

    I have some friends on various adhd meds that say when they’re on them, the whole world is quieter. Well, that’s not my experience so far!

    The rest of the world is at a 9 and they need to bring it down to a 2 or 3. Inside voices please.

    in reply to: Feeling "In Trouble" Most of the time #119981

    Post count: 9

    @crapiforgotmyusername – that is sooo me. I’m also in sales and also afraid of the customers and also forget my username almost every time I try to log in and have to click on the “I forgot my user name” button. It’s not even hard! (I think it’s the 1 at the end that gets me everytime)

    I DO always think I’m in trouble too, or that I could get fired at any second from my job.

    I read in the most recent blog post something about being busy all the time but not productive. That is me – I try so hard and spend so much of my “free” time on my job but still can’t keep up or do what I’m supposed to.

    Customers are always mad because I screwed up or forgot something, so I make up a bunch of lies to cover it up. I lie to my boss about stuff all the time too which makes me feel bad – I really truly don’t want to lie but don’t know how else to explain myself. I always feel behind, I always feel in trouble, I always feel like everything could fall apart at any second, I always feel like I’m in too deep.

    OK not always, but often enough to suck.

    in reply to: A Gift? #119664

    Post count: 9

    Thank you both for the encouraging comments. And in response to comorbities – I definitely think I have one or some but can’t figure out what because I have shoved my feelings down for so long, I don’t even know how I feel. anxiety, depression, autism – maybe all 3. I was also diagnosed as primarily inattentive but I think I’m combined and also had ODD as a child/teen. Ah well Ill hopefully figure it out.

    in reply to: Social expectations #119625

    Post count: 9

    Sign me up for your beanie club immediately!!!!!

    in reply to: A Gift? #119573

    Post count: 9

    I can see and appreciate that there are some things I like about myself that can be attributed to my add (same things already mentioned), but in general it just makes me miserable. I just feel awful about it, hopeless. Left alone in my own sober mind is torture, the boredom creeps over me and literally sends me into a panic. I have so much deep rooted motivation that I can’t seem to put into action no matter how bad I want it. I’m aware of distractions but can’t help it, fall for them every time. I blurt out inappropriate, embarrassing, and/or offensive things all the time YET can’t for the life of me organize my thoughts and articulate them when it counts. I inadvertently cause and start fights all the time and look back at the blazing exploding fire like, what how in the hell did this happen.  I hate myself and talk down to myself all the time which is not fun but no one can convince me i dont deserve it. I feel completely hopeless. This is a thousand percent a curse

    in reply to: Dopamine and willingness to work #119572

    Post count: 9

    currently leading* is what I meant to say in last sentence… Dang autocorrect

    in reply to: Dopamine and willingness to work #119571

    Post count: 9

    Dr J, how I would love to have lunch with you one day and pick your brain. What you just started talking about is EXACTLY the type of info I’ve been looking for. I’ve been reading through some research on PubMed and looking around the net but there is just sooooo much to suss through.

    Do you know of any good (recent) published reviews on ADHD research? Any round tables? Anything that basically expands on specific genes, receptors, etc? I am obsessed with genetics.

    It sounds like much more research needs to be done in general. That’s true in most cases though I suppose. I do like the brain imaging studies but feel like we could develop ways to get more out of them. Do you know which specific universities or labs are currenareal earring the charge on this front?


    thanks Dr J for the info!

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