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  • in reply to: Help me – Help my son #124230

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    Sometimes with the behavior part it kinda feels like 25%adult thinking,50% random flying thoughts and emotions,and 25% little kid thinking.Trying to control the random flying thoughts and emotions are very challenging.Just once your really upset about something logic just flies out the window.So the trick is to try and still think logically as much as possible while your feeling emotional.For me what helped me start to think more logically before flying off the handle and going on a city rampage.Is the dude I’m currently dating atm moment.When ever i start to get upset and get emotional He will get on to me.I’ll tell him what I’m upset about and he will explain how pointless it is to be upset about.I used to get into head to head arguments about they weren’t and i would never let it go.Then it ends up both of us unhappy,most of the day gone,and just in the end i realize how pointless it was.So thanks to him I’ve gotten where i can stop myself and ask if it’s really something to truly be upset about.If I do start to argue at least now I’m able to turn it around and end the day on a happy note which is a first.Just idk about everyone and what all works for them,but it does help to have another person by your side helping you get better with your actions.Doesn’t have to be a girl friend/boy friend to help you.A best friend or close family member is just as good.As long as it’s someone who totally gets you and accepts you 100%.

    Also ADHD/ADD is kinda like the quote from Charles Dickens “It was the best of times.It was the worst of times.” So you have your very high ups with it and then you will have your very low times. Not much of a middle because it’s not really born there you have to create a middle for all the craziness it can bring you.

    With the forgetting where you put stuff or losing things The joke I have started.Like I used to be horrible with miss placing my shoes and take apart the whole house trying to find them. If I end up failing to find them I will just say,”darn gremlins stole …….”

    @sdwa Like you said about needing the break downs step by step on how to start something.In school I never wanted to raise my hand and ask questions or let the teacher know I didn’t understand.Like others I didn’t want anyone to know I honestly had no clue and the teacher just wasn’t explaining it well enough for my mind to process the information.I felt to ashamed to want to ask and have everyone in the room know I have a learning impairment and start thinking I’m some stupid person because of it.I still have issues not feeling stupid or upset about getting behind in a game I’m playing with someone.Then they end up having to wait on me.I just honestly can not stand someone labeling me as stupid just because of my impairments.

    I would say make sure your son always knows he can ask you anything and you wont judge him at all.Not saying if you do or not just I know with my relationship with my mom.Sometimes I’m to afraid to talk to her about somethings or ask.She doesn’t have ADHD/ADD so sometimes it does feel like she’s judging me some and think I’m crazy.Even more when i do have my episodes of the symptoms being worse than most days.How she always puts it just makes me feel like she thinks I’m some mentally insane person who needs to be in a mental hospital.

    ADHD/ADD does make your life more of a challenge and also for people close to you.It also makes it into a big funny adventure.Always try to see it in different good ways.With my ADHD I feel like I act like characters from anime.


    in reply to: Help me – Help my son #124087

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    I’m not sure how it might feel for adults finding out they have ADD/ADHD. I’m 22yrs old and my parents took me to the doctor for an assessment when i was like around the age of 5.

    That’s the same way how me and my sister are.We are 100% complete opposites,lol. My mom was also the same with the stress and worrying.With out her getting on to me all the time i probably wouldn’t have done as well as I did from per-school-high school.Also i would probably be in much worse shape so i really appreciate all the times she would push me to do things.

    Honestly if he really does think he might have ADD/ADHD he really should see a doctor to confirm it.It’s much better to know than to never know.

    The last time i saw a doctor for any type of  assessment thing it’s really nothing to freak out over.Mainly just answer some questions and talk to the doctor and then hear what he thinks.Even if the doctor tells y’all that he does have ADD/ADHD It doesn’t mean the end of the world.

    Just remind him not to think that if they say he does that it doesn’t make him any dumber or smarter if that’s one thing he’s worried about.It doesn’t change your life to much just some small changes.To me the biggest part having ADD/ADHD really impacts is school,relationships,and jobs.Even then with school just having a tutor can be a big help with grades and dealing with school.Relationships just need let the other person know and educate them about it.The job part is trying to get out there,be on time,do what the boss wants,and not wander around.

    If your still badly worried then i think you should both talk to a therapist.Atm i see a therapist and the dude is freaken awesome and super helpful.He’s helped me be more open and honest with my parents than i have in my entire life.Me and my parents still aren’t really buddy buddy but we talk much better.

    I hope i was helpful in some ways and wasn’t to off topic,lol.

    in reply to: Prescription process pain in the butt – USA #124069

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    Not sure on why Walt-mart does that.I go to Kroger to get my meds and all they ask is your name and birthday.

    Idk if this is all insurance but when it kicks in doesn’t it make vyvanse go down to like around 30 dollars?

    The pain in the ass thing about the vyvanse is more of having to call the doctor to write down the prescription.Then either drive to the doctors office or have them mail it and wait.Then there can be chances of them not writing it down or forgetting.Then once u get it take it to kroger,wal-mart,ect.I’ve had the women not even write down to mail me the prescription for it and i had to go 2 days without vyvanse.It wasnt to bad just was a little more irritable,really hard to focus,and would snap easily.So lesson learned you must keep calling and asking them if they sent it in the mail.

    in reply to: What games do you play? #124058

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    @shutterbug55 yeah going to places like that when basically the people there aren’t people your close to or even know.Just makes you want to sit far away because sitting close just feels weird or well to me i end up feeling weird and awkward. The last family gathering i went to was this Christmas thing.I ended up packing my lab top,the stand it’s on,and the mouse.Just i knew i wouldn’t really talk since i don’t really know that side of the family well.Also didn’t want to end up sitting there with nothing to do bored out of my mind,lol.Thanks to the dude I’m in a relationship right now I’m able to play different games on my pc. So the game i ended up playing at the family thing was The Legend of Zelda-The Phantom hour glass.It’s meant for the DS but you can download stuff so that it will run just as fine on ur pc.

    The only non tech games i have fun playing that you need people for is like any card game,Imagine if,apples to apples,and Clue.

    The 2 online games i’m playing atm are Grand Fantasia and League of Legends.Grand Fantasia is awesome to be in a guild with others and pvp is fun.Sometimes you’ll have people saying in yell chat funny things.With League of Legends i mostly just play that game with the man im in a relationship with and bots,lol.The game isnt really people friendly.Also it’s hard to keep track of everything going on but you can pick which lane you want to play in and just focus on that one.

    The other online games I’ve played are Rise of Nations Gold Edition,Wizards 101(i know it’s mainly for kids but it’s fun),Eden eternal,Luna Online,and Need For Speed World.
    with video games I love puzzle and strategy games the most.So the games i have played so far are Most of The Legend of Zelda games on the wii and PS.Kirby Wii,Mario Kar WII,Mario party 9,Super Mario Galaxy,Arc Rise Fantasia,Tales of Symphonia-Dawn of the New World,Super Smash Bro’s Brawl,Final Fantasy 10,Final Fantasy 12,and Disgaea.

    in reply to: Being diagnosed as a child doesn't make life a cake walk #123850

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    Maybe you should ask your doctor if they could raise your vyvanse? For me my vyvanse is the big reason why i can be my normal hyper but be able to focus well.Some days even with vyvanse it’s hard to focus on anything or stuff for to long.But most of the time it helps make focusing easy even with things i hate.

    Even though you said it’s at a point where not having a job is an issue of survival.At least you are able to get that little time to breathe.Any time of stress and feeling like the walls are closing in are worse than hell.Also if you find getting hired for another job to feel almost impossible.Try not to feel like it’s your ADHD/ADD that might have got in the way.Not to make my older sister feel bad but right now she is 25.Went to college for like 6yrs and got her degree.She doesn’t have any learning issues and have like a 3.5gpa in college.For 1yr since she graduated she’s been having trouble find any one to higher her for a job in the field she studied for.So to me that just reminds me that sometimes it doesn’t even matter if your super mega smart,do everything right,and never fail with jobs you do.Basically all the people who hire are super mega picky and can be super jerks,lol.

    Even though atm I’m only 22yrs old so far the major turning point in my life.That got me to grow up some and become a little more serious about my life.About almost 3yrs ago I wrecked my car and it got totaled. I was going the speed limit around a curve and it was night like around 9pm.Normally the road i was on was never busy or had anyone driving them around that time.So i figured it wouldn’t matter if i went a little over the yellow line.Thanks to my luck a car was coming around when i was on that side so i got on my side fast enough.The other person didnt slow down at all and felt like they had their bright lights on.I ended up over correcting went off the road a little,got back on the road,over corrected again,off the road,back on,and then lost control.The car flipped once or twice i think.Then landed upside down and lucky for me one window was busted so i had to crawl out from that one.I walked away with a cut on my lower neck from the seat belt because I’m short and a really sore body.Sadly ever since the wreck I’ve been to scared to try and drive again.

    I knew that if i was really serious about becoming a personal trainer i needed to start working out more constant.It took me a yr but now I’ve been constant with working out for 2 months now.Main thing that makes it easier for me to work out more constant is i have a treadmill in my room,lol.So i set my computer high on something and have some show playing while i walk other wise i would be bored and couldn’t do my walking for 1hr,lol.

    in reply to: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours? #123843

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    Ok i have 2 stories starting with the first one…..

    When i was a kid i think i was between the ages of 7-9yrs old.Me and my older sister stayed at my grandma’s house.We where playing outside and the sun was setting so still had some light.My sister then points up to the sky and say’s “Bat.” I look up and see the bat and i scream and run to the other side of the house.Then after getting to the other side the bat had flew over the house and to where i was.Swoop down at me and i dodged and still screaming my head off.Running around the whole house with my sister laughing and pointing at me.Then i finally realized all i had to do was run to the door and get inside.So i sprint and get in the house hyperventilating. My grandma asks me what happened and while i tried to breath I just told her,”BAT…..ATTACK!”

    Now story number 2 I was either 8-10 yrs old when this story took place.I was in elementary school waiting in the gym for my mom to come and pick me up.Sitting with the rest of the kids I had this blue pin i was trying to write with but it stopped working.I ended up having an idea thinking maybe if i take the back part off and suck on the ink part it will unclog it or fix it some how.So i did that and all the blue ink went into my mouth and i spitted it up onto the floor.I have no clue if anyone saw all of this i wasn’t paying attention or looking around.So my mouth ended up stained blue while i waited.Then my name was finally called and i went to my moms car.So no one could see my blue mouth i covered it with my hand.My mom saw that i was covering my mouth and asking me why was i doing that.I then removed my hand and showed her.Then she also then had us go to the store which sucked even more,lol.

    in reply to: Being diagnosed as a child doesn't make life a cake walk #123842

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    Yeah having the severe hyperness  has it’s ups and downs but it’s mainly a pretty good positive.Like nothing can put me in a bad mood when im hyper because thats when I’m nothing but super happy.Also When my aunt had my 2yr old little cousin at her house.Her and my other cousin ended up dead tired.So then i started playing games with him and not to long he ended up sleepy and tired,lol. It’s also weird as hell with what makes the hyperness go speed of light seeing everything in slow mo speed.Soda’s like coca cola,dr,pepper,and even most energy drinks don’t make me feel more hyper.Red Bull seems to be the only one that can but i have to have a HUGE can of it and drink it all fast.Now the number one enemy of already being hyper is……coffee.*scary music starts to play* Omg i cant have coffee at all it makes me so hyper i feel like i could bounce around walls and run around the entire world 5 times in less than 10 seconds.Then i end up like im going to have a heart attack from the extreme hyper,lol. It doesnt even need to be a lot a very very small cup can cause all that craziness,lol.

    Today me and him talked some about it.I told him straight up that the cycle of screw ups will be harder to remember to not do again.But that i could promise i can work on how bad i react to whatever has set me off and make me want to destroy a village.

    Omg yes the “stuck” feeling is the worst.It’s like in your mind your trying to talk yourself into climbing a really high mountain that will take days.At times it’s like “yeah!I can do this!” then a couple of seconds after actually trying to climb up it,”Oh god please don’t make me do this!How about we try again in never.” then your other self is having to chase and catch the other and yelling at them to stop being a scary cat and do it.Then that back and forth yelling,fighting,crying,making up,trying,and then starting the fight all over again.Well idk who all has this battle in their mind,lol.

    You are a very brave person for having that one job in the first place.I think about getting a job at like some normal store in town and i start to have a panic attack.The career I’ve been set in stone for 1yr now and haven’t changed my mind about is become a personal trainer.I love working out and i like helping people and i don’t see how i could get bored while doing it.The only giant wall that’s in the way of starting to go for that is taking come college classes to become certified. I’m trying very very hard to avoid anything that makes you go in a class room.I’m hoping i can find a really good one that i can do online.Now i just need to stop hiding under my bed and build up the courage to get started,lol.

    Reading both comments I ended up thinking about all my ADHD funny moments from childhood till now.Like once when i was like 5-6yrs old around that I would have a yelling fight with my older sister.This fight was over for some reason i was 100% convinced that my birthday was before her’s even though she was older.I didn’t back down at all i believed it so strongly.Finally i came to my senses and realized i was wrong,lol.


    in reply to: Being diagnosed as a child doesn't make life a cake walk #123834

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    Thank you for the suggestions i agree completely with you now i just need to remember to break the different things i say up,lol.

    Well idk if this other thing happens to everyone who takes vyvanse but I know for me 50mg is the amount that works for me and doesnt cause any side effects like if i go to 60+.Anything over 60 i end up with a little bit of shakiness,a little more paranoia,and tic/muscle spasms.

    The main drive for my fear of screwing up and if anyone else is the same.It’s mainly like over time when u do screw up end up having people a lot of times yell at you for it.Then they end up making you feel 10 times worse.

    On the helping with job interviews *finds notebook and writes down “find someone to help me with interviews.” After having 2 small type jobs i’ve made me a little scared of having bosses.First job i ever got was at this plastic factory type place and the boss liked making jokes about seeming like he was mad then saying just kidding.Then i ended up doing the job faster than how the machines went so it took like 5 mins for the machines to catch up.While standing around for 8hrs.The stand wasn’t so bad since sometimes having racing thoughts is a good thing and makes u forget if ur bored or not,lol.How i lost that job was i ended up seeing others not staying at their machines the whole time so i asked a friend who worked with me if that was allowed.They replied,”as long as udont get behind and get the job done.”So even though i never got behind and did my best they didn’t smile about walking around,lol.Then the 2nd job was at this ice cream shop which was epicly awesome ex when the place was dead and u had nothing to do but stand and try to find something that needs to be done.Then on super busy days the boss would yell at me to go faster even though i was going as fast as i could while remembering all that the ppl ordered.How i lost that one was because i wanted to find a higher paying one and i got a call.Was hanging out with friends that day and kept telling them how i had that interview later.Then time past and i ended up beng late.The place was closed and i had told the manager at the ice cream place about it and so she let me go the minute i told her.So that was a lesson learned.

    Yes,i’ve told the guy im with about me having adhd and i’ve sent him some sites to help him learn about it.I read them first then would send them to him.I try not to bring up my adhd issues to him because in fights it ends up just seeming like excuses to him.He end up repeating about how i’ve had 2 yrs to fix all those issues i have yet i keep doing the same mistakes.Then when i do make promises that i wont screw up again or do those things again.When i end up lose my temper or something upsets me i screw up again.Just i don’t know how to fix what i messed up.Even when he tells me how to fix it just the wires in my brain are not putting them together right so the signal isn’t really making it through.I’ve always described it as like when you try to speak english to someone who doesnt know english at all.The person is hearing the words you say but doesnt understand their meaning.So then when i hear him or others talk it’s like im hearing the words but i dont understand what they mean at all.In most ways it almost seems like the words sound more like a blob even though im focused.I’ve always been curious if all people with ADHD have this happen to them as well.

    in reply to: Pregnant with ADHD #123830

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    I also have never been pregnant before but I do also take Vyvanse 50mg.Then i take sequel xr 50mg for my anxiety and if i don’t take it at 5pm every day i cant sleep at all and end up staying up for 24hrs.Then i also have asthma and the meds that the doctor tells u to take.YES! the PMS is the worst i’ve always been worried about since i take vyvanse to help me keep my sleeping and everything else under control.Then having to go without it from being pregnant would even be possible.Just to me in my mind i’ve ended up just thinking i never want to ever get pregnant and have kids over that factor.Just i know if i ever wanted to have kids i would have to stop taking as much meds as possible ex the asthma ones because i’ve already had my asthma doctor yell at me for not taking them and telling me if i didnt when im 50yrs old i’ll have to use an oxygen tank.Anyways then also the worries about after having the baby trying to remember to take care of them,pick them up from stuff,ect.Just the thought scares the living daylights out of me to ever forget to do important things for any kids if i ever have any.I do know if u end up screwing up the times when u take ur vyvanse and u black out,forget,and later noticed u took that vyvanse as ur night med.It’s a horrible nightmare and u feel like ur blood veins r going to all burst in ur body,u become shaky,dizzy,and ur heart is racing like mad.Then u end up staying up all night which is even worse because of the fear of if u need to go to the hospital for that.Any ways,lol i know working out helps out MAJORLY! After working out i feel so much better and the level of needing to move and stuff goes down.Also helps making myself feel more tired at night.Im not sure if i’ve answered ur question or anything to well but i hope i’ve helped in some kind of way,lol.

    in reply to: Being diagnosed as a child doesn't make life a cake walk #123829

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    Like your title says how even if they tell you when ur a kid still doesn’t make life easier.I was also diagnosed as a kid.The docs told me i had ADHD but i dont remember when i was told just going off what my mom told me that it was around the age 4-6.Something like that she told me that my pre-school teacher thought i was a demon child,lol.Right now I’m 22yrs old going on 19 mentally,lol.Like what both y’all said about college it’s a big struggle.I tried to go to college after high school but after the first year i felt like no matter how hard i tried i just kept failing and drowning.Kept changing my mind on what career path i wanted to go on seems like a million times a day,lol.I took meds in elementary school  but then in middle school they started to make me feel depressed so i stop taking them.Didnt take anything in high school but then started the summer before college.I swear it Vyvanse is like the most greatest ADHD/ADD med to have ever been made.It’s like a huge life save once u take it correctly,lol.I used to be horrible about remembering to take meds,at a right time,ect.Took me like 2yrs to start taking them right and getting my mind more under control.I ended up having to buy like those med containers that tell wat days of the week and AM/PM. I got it after this one time i ended up blacking out then trying to remember if i took my night meds which i felt like i did.Later around 10pm i started to notice side affects and ended up learning i ended up taking the vyvanse at night.It was horrible because my heart rate sky rocketed,my blood veins felt like they would all explode inside me,shaky as hell,and dizzy.I couldn’t sleep all night but the funny thing was i had a doc appointment that day so i could tell her all about my mess up,lol.Also like the last person said yes the low-self-esteem is a bitch to try and pick urself up with because it’s hard to stop focusing on how sad u feel.Like u feeling that ur just a mistake or burden to any person u meet.Trying to stop thinking that negative and think positive is hard most of the time. Most of the time it works when u just drag urself away from what sad thing ur overly focused about and watch some funny show,cartoon,or anime.Anime’s are pretty good for that because of the funny faces.With my hyperness part of having ADHD i feel like im living a life like anime chars do with the dramatic expressions,face expressions,and crazyness.Which i don’t hate at all i do hope I’m just like an anime char.Sadly i do know that for any guys i get in relationships with after a couple of weeks or months i end up driving them so crazy they run for the hills.Which is depressing at times but then i realized i really didnt have to much of a connection with them ex this one guy im with which i keep fucking up.Which makes me hate myself a lot because he’s awesome as hell and the only person i’ve ever felt comfortable with.Im not sure how well im staying on topic now,lol.Any mawhozals( i dont care that isnt a real word because it’s my word so it stays spelling corrections thingy!) Also i loved the part the guy above said about over energy with the slipping coffee,knocking things over,destroying houses.Sometimes it’s funny to tell others how u want to do that but at times ppl get mad at u for it.Also did anyone else who had ADHD/ADD and still do as an adult……damn it i lost my train of thought of wat i was going to say after…..give me a minute to try and remember……maybe a couple of hours…….NOW I REMEMBER!Ok to wat i said above but adding when you where a kid u didnt have really bad stress/anxiety but then when u became 17 or around that started to developed really huge horrible anxiety and paranoia? I know I’m barely an adult by law not really mentally but i ended up having that issue.Like if i think about having an interview my mind goes crazy with negative thoughts.Like “what if i ask the wrong questions?what if i dont ask important questions at all?Oh god what if i answer what they say wrong?! Oh no even worse i might not understand what they ask me and if i ask them they will get mad and yell and call me stupid.Oh….for…the…love….of….god!!!!!WHAT IF THEY THINK IM CRAZY AND I DONT GET THE JOB!” *spirals down in a pit of disrepair* Yeah i suck at trying to stay cool and not worry if people dont like me and stuff like that.Anyways same as the dude first i just wanted to let ppl know some part of my story of it all.I probably got far off topic but thats ok i was having a rough day to begin with.Started a fight with the dude i’ve been with for almost 2yrs now wich is a world record for me i’ve never made it past a year.Sadly iv’e really hurt him and i feel lower than dirt atm but typing this did help me feel a little better.I hope anyone who reads my crazy writing here smiles to.

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