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  • in reply to: Finally! #125042

    Post count: 42

    Hell, I’ll take all the advice I can get 🙂

    in reply to: Finally! #125023

    Post count: 42

    Thanks for the advice, black dog.  I’ll keep it in mind.

    I also started therapy today to help me get a handle on my anger issues, and to learn to get organized.  Doc gave me a lot to think about over the next week.

    So far, so good.Mtfbwy



    Post count: 42

    No other takers?  Wow, that’s unusual.

    True Resurrection is a high-level miracle that can be performed by priests in the Dungeons and Dragons game.  Since the Forgotten Realms is a D&D setting, half credit to BlackDog.  Guess I’m the biggest nerd around online, just like in real  life lol 🙂

    in reply to: Finally! #125013

    Post count: 42

    All right, as of 7:30 Eastern, I had a mild headache, but two motrin got rid of it.  Having a decent night at work.  Oh, dry mouth, but I’ve been sucking on hard candies, and that’s helping.

    Other than that, smooth sailing so far.




    in reply to: Finally! #125008

    Post count: 42

    Step two complete!  Went to the doc this morning, came home with a script for 36 mg Concerts.  Took the. First dose @ 12:30 Eastern (Greenwich +4), no side effects so far.  leaving for work in half an hour.  I’ll update later today with effects, side effects, etc (assuming I remember lol).

    May the Force be with you.




    Post count: 42

    Black dog’ I’ll give you 25 points–you’re half right 😉  Any other takers before I reveal the correct answer?

    in reply to: Finally! #124924

    Post count: 42

    OK!  I did it!  Went to the psychologist, and got a diagnosis: inattentive subtype ADD, with hints of hyperactivity here and there.  FINALLY, someone who listened!

    Next step:  family doc, sometime next week.


    Post count: 42

    …or, as I like to call it, True Resurrection Day (fifty nerd points to anyone who gets the reference lol)

    in reply to: How do I Explain this to Others #123089

    Post count: 42

    Wow…TOTALLY forgot the talking stain!  ROFLMAO

    Truthfully, I’m not sure which is a better depiction of what goes on in my head–some days it’s the stain, some days it’s the strattera ad (Strattera did absolutely nothing for me, and the side-effects were BAD with a capital B).

    I always suggest people watch the March of the ADD Penguins video, and then tell, “Ya know how the announcer just didn’t stay on topic?  That’s what my mind does–ALL THE TIME!”

    in reply to: Funniest ADD Moment — What's yours? #122989

    Post count: 42

    Last weekend, my wife and I were cleaning house.  We tend to keep up a running conversation while we work, just to keep things from getting too boring.  Anyway, I was washing dishes in the kitchen while she went through papers and bills in the living room, and after awhile, things got real quiet in there.  I had music playing in the background, so I just kind of tuned into the song.  Well, after about five minutes, I hear my dear wife say, “God, I can’t focus!”

    My response?  I threw on a depressed, whiny voice and said, “How’s it feel?!”

    She laughed so hard she fell off the couch!  LOL

    in reply to: I don't understand the emo roller coaster #122765

    Post count: 42

    >> My emotions are more like a hot water heater with a defective relief valve. Pressure builds until there is a massive explosion. Sometimes things get destroyed in the explosion and sometimes not. I start over and the pressure builds… It’s a cycle<<

    Wow…that describes me perfectly.  Get out of my head LOL

    Seriously, though, I’m the ADHD partner, and my poor wife has to put up with this all the time.  It actually happened to us the other night.  Long story short, I had dealt with an hour of frustration from my 4-year-old not listening while I was trying to cook dinner.  The reason I was dealing with it is because my wife fell asleep on the couch due to exhaustion (she’s an insomniac).

    I finally got diner done and woke the wife up, then had to sit down and shovel mine in so I’d have time to get the munchkin ready for her dance class, and again, she decided to keep playing instead of listening when I asked her to do things–take off your socks, take off your jeans–no, don’t step on them, sit down and pull with your hands–wait, where’s your leotar–HEY!  GET OUT OF THE BATHROOM!

    I lost it on that last one, screamed it.  Instantly felt horrible, but the wife came in a moment later and started (justifiably) laying into me about how I was treating our daughter, and that made it worse.  I ended up talking a long walk, like about two and a half miles, while the girls went to dance class, power walking and chain smoking the whole way.  Twenty seven minutes later (two and a half miles in twenty seven minutes–damn, I was almost running!), I was calm and level, and have been ever since.

    GOD, I need a heavy bag!

    in reply to: clumsiness and/or poor hand eye coordination? #122764

    Post count: 42

    Oh, there was nothing graceful about it, shutterbug–it looked like what it was: desperation LOL  I asked the guy who was sitting on the baggage cart if I at least looked cool doing it, and he didn’t chuckle, he didn’t laugh, he straight up f**king GUFFAWED and said, “Heeell naw!  It looked like you was tryin’ not ta break yer damn fool neck!”  LOL

    in reply to: clumsiness and/or poor hand eye coordination? #122754

    Post count: 42

    Heh…clumsy…yeah, that pretty much describes me 🙂

    The funny thing is, if I’m not thinking about it, I seem to have “mad ninja skills”–for instance, a couple of years ago, I was working at Detroit Metro Airport as a baggage handler.  One day, I was riding in a pushback tug while a coworker was driving.  This particular tug steers from the back like a boat or a forklift, and you stand up on it rather than sitting down.

    He was driving it at about 20 miles an hour (32 KPH, give or take).  Well, long story short, he made a quick left turn as he stopped to park the thing, and, as Isaac Newton predicted, I went flying off  in the direction we had been going.  My feet hit the ground, and somehow, I spun around twice and spun while dropping my hips, and stayed on my feet, much to the amazement of the guy who was driving, another coworker sitting on a nearby baggage cart, and of course, myself.  I didn’t have time to think, I just reacted.

    A few days later, the guy who was sitting down watching and I were walking to the time clock to punch out, talking and joking.  I dropped the coffee mug I was carrying, and my left hand just shot out and snatched it out of the air.  Again, all without thinking about it.

    However, any time I TRY to catch something I drop, or to stay on my feet in a bad situation, disaster is inevitable.  Wish I could just shut down the conscious part of my mind and run on subconscious processing LOL




    Post count: 42

    Welcome, vyv.  I, too, am a noob here on the forums (although I’ve been following the blogs on the site for awhile).  I did lurk here for a bit, and I’ve found that the people here are pretty good people.

    I’m in my late thirties, and am only now going through the diagnostic process; I went to parochial schools from kindergarten through high school, and I guess the staff a t those particular schools wasn’t trained in recognizing ADHD.  God, when I think of all the things I could have accomplished, if only someone had said, “Hey, you’re showing some symptoms of ADHD–you might wanna talk to a doctor…”

    Anyway, we’re all in this together.  I’ve only been prescribed strattera, and I had to quit taking it because of the side effects and because it wasn’t doing a damn thing for me, so I can’t offer any insight on the vyvanse.  My insurance doesn’t seem to want to pay for anything else at the moment, because of my age.  Friggin’ Medicaid!  Don’t they realize that the only reason my family’s ON Medicaid is because I NEED the damn prescription?  If they’d just pay for the damn drug, in about a year and a half I’ll finally have my associates and be able to start working as an engineer, and then I can get OFF Medicaid and save the taxpayers a BOATLOAD of money…

    Anyway, I digress (ADD LOL go figure).  I wish you the best with your new meds and new job, and keep us posted, ok?



    in reply to: Dopamine not the problem? #122706

    Post count: 42


    In my situation, it doesn’t seem to matter whether the doc prescribes the stimulants or not, my insurance doesn’t want to pay for them.  The only script I’ve actually been able to get filled so far is strattera, and it didn’t do anything but make me irritable, mainly because of the side effects and the fact that it wasn’t helping my symptoms any.

    Been fighting with the insurance company for two months now on this BS.  It’s not like Ritalin is an especially expensive drug, or an experimental one.  In fact, it’s a whole lot cheaper than strattera, which has only been recently approved.  I don’t understand the thinking there.

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