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  • in reply to: PMS + ADD = Danger Zone #92279

    Post count: 53

    Alright Mike, are you sure you want to hang out with the girls :-). Ladies…I’m about 2.5 weeks away and I’m great relaxed, not eating a lot of carbs or chocolate. I’m not aggitated or tired…very nice. I have monitored myself for the last 3 months and what I can tell you focus, decispline, organization way out the door each month. Oh and I can sleep standing up. I can someimes be aggitated for no reasons but it really depends on the month. I am a cancer survivor i had uterine 18 yrs ago and sometimes I find that I have good months and bad months. Last month was good…lets pray for another good month. I do find that since I’ve had the meds it feels different not so much physically but mentally. Who knows let’s see what happens…I’ll keep you posted ladies and Mike ;-)


    in reply to: Understanding a partner with ADHD #91553

    Post count: 53

    Dr. J made a really good point with we can all dwell on our weaknesses whether we have adhd or not. I can sit at this computer and feel horrible that I have this terrible affliction called adhd or I can say tis who I am which is more important then picking on the fact that I lost my keys this morning again. What is always important to me is ME and when I can realize that it is a gift and I have survived it then look at what good there is otherwise I’ll stick my head in the sand and life is far too short. My thoughts have always been to live for today, can’t regret yesterday and I still have more hours to make a better today which will be yesterday and I know I created it.

    The other thought I would give you is please compare yourself to another person with adhd and not a non-adhder only because it isn’t the same and you can’t and will not have the same experiences or thoughts.

    Enjoy the life you have today because it is the only one you have today.


    in reply to: PMS + ADD = Danger Zone #92275

    Post count: 53

    well River since we are the only females on the PMS forum maybe we need to keep track of how we do every month. we don’t need to go into details but let’s come up with different ideas and see how we do. Keep me posted Elizabeth

    in reply to: How to succeed in a marriage when one spouse has ADD #91926

    Post count: 53

    Hello Rick, I do clearly understand what you are saying; however, I feel that relationships are about communication especially when one is down and needing support in a manner that isn’t the norm. when both can work on communicating to assist each other the excitement of getting what you BOTH need is the benefit. I hear comprising from you and your wife that is another form of communication. I don’t know of one person who in a commited relationship wouldn’t want to please there partner. I believe it comes back 10 fold in other ways whether it be intimacy, a great connections, validation you name it. If I can communicate with my husband and he feels valued and in turn he knows how to support my weaknesses; I believe is an absolute win win situation. I’m willing to take that risk.


    in reply to: Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances #92331

    Post count: 53

    Allright Fearwidg aka Glenn… I would never have noticed your name…I’d have to have read through all the post throughly…and you gotta know that is an ADD trait. Now, if you can can spell “antidisestablishmentarianism” backwards with your eyes closed and spinning then I’d be impressed. ;-) Otherwise, it doesn’t matter who we all are it really is about finding others who understand and can relate…sometimes it only takes a couple words, a long post, actors, leaders names or just provoking thoughts and ideas to create a positive feelings about ourselves that holds for the rest of our lives and changes how we think. I truly believe today I’m one day closer to “who knows” but I’m so excited about it.

    Enough serious…I can be funny!!!

    Why did tiger stick his head in the toilet?

    Because he was looking for Pooh.


    in reply to: Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances #92327

    Post count: 53

    You’re funny…thanks for the vote of confidence. I can so see Ozzy Osbourne and how his kids are probably as well. I know that ADD is genetic and that if 1 parent is add that the offspring has a 30% chance of having it but if both parents having the add gene that the offspring has a 50% chance of having add. wow we really need to education ourselves well and our partners so that our children can have a even better life than ours.

    Have fun…

    in reply to: Concerta #91361

    Post count: 53

    I don’t know about changing the wife ;-). I do know that I would be very careful about changing and experimenting with medications unless your doctor has ok’d it. I know that on the Concerta website it states that if cut it doesn’t release slow ly and may affect how you respond to it or whether you get the 10 to 12 hours. I would caution you on cutting it Talk with your doctor before you experiment with medication realy isn’t good for your system.

    in reply to: Famous people with ADD & other Brain Chemistry Imbalances #92321

    Post count: 53

    Hi everyone, Thanks for the list…it’s funny when I read that Bill Clinton had ADHD…I thought alright all is good. I’m so impressed by him. I’ve seen him speak several times and it is very inspiring so to me…I’m comparing my behaviour to his (not the Monica comparision ;-) ) as then I’m comparing myself to another ADDer which is apples to apples and not apples to veggies. So many times we want to be “Normal” and we want to compare ourselves to those who don’t and let me tell you it is a sure way to go crazy. I felt different almost immediately after I went into the website – how to explain that don’t know but I felt confident and excited that someone of his prominence goes through the same thoughts and difficulties that I do. I felt inspired. Thanks for the information

    Elizabeth “the next prime minister of Canada”…maybe funny…okay maybe not but fancy me it’s Friday.

    in reply to: It only took me 47 years to figure out why! #91600

    Post count: 53

    Hi zsazsa, great answer and comments I actually was shaking my head saying YAH! that is exactly how I feel now. Great job!!!

    Today, I wake up every morning thinking what can I do even greater today…it feels ten times better then before as I would be dreading what was going to happen today or what mess do I have to clean up today.

    We are all worth it as we were not put on this earth to be or feel miserable…I would always say keep your chin up we only live once!!!


    in reply to: PMS + ADD = Danger Zone #92273

    Post count: 53

    Hello River, I asked the same question to Dr. J and he gave me an answer so you may want to look under I think it’s under the Concerta Forum and he gave me an answer for PMS and ADD. Take a look


    in reply to: Money Management #92147

    Post count: 53

    Hi, River …thanks for responding. Money…it is fun to have and yet horrible feeling when you spend it even if those shoes look great. I did see my dr this Wednesday and told him how I was feeling. He had a different take on it and it actually made sense to me. He said your money wows sound like procrastination and disorganization not inability to control it. It really was an I opener…I always procrastinate when it comes to money…instead of doing what I need paying bills, shifting accounts, going to the bank….which I just dislike doing I find that I’ll do everything but that. I also then find that all day I’m thinking about what I was supposed to do. I’m ready a great book called the “Finding your focus” practical strategies for the everyday challenges facing adults add by Judith Green Eaum & Geraldine Markel. It talks time to understand and work through it but have faith and believe. Hope this helps.


    in reply to: How to succeed in a marriage when one spouse has ADD #91923

    Post count: 53

    Hi I can fully understand what you mean. I’m smart but can’t figure out how to have a conversation. I guess what has been working well for me is giving my husband ideas on how to speak with me. I say to him that it is important that when you are speaking with me that you ask me instead of tell me that I’m not listening or saying something like I’m feeling like your not paying attention to me is better then barking at him. It is easier for me when he says it in that manner instead of being accusatory…does nothing for my symptoms. I find that when I repeat what he says to me it reitorates i understand and he seems to respond better to me and feels valued. I also ask him to just touch my leg or arm to make sure that I’m being attentive instead of saying something like “hello are you there” which he found funny but to me it was demeaning. When your symptoms are reduced then his life is better and you can be that wife/partner that can support him and listen to his needs. Also, listen to what he says and what good can you take from that…you may realize that what he is saying is something that you can work on as well. Take the positive of what he is saying…ADD can be a gift if we look at the great characteristics it creates instead of picking on our faults…just makes it worse. Also, please don’t compare yourself to an educated non-adder…it’s not the same. You have add and education that is who you need to be comparing yourself then it’s apples to apples.

    Hope that helps!!!

    in reply to: Keeping a journal #91332

    Post count: 53

    Hi everyone, I was hoping that I could have a few suggestions. I have been really good at controlling a lot of my symptoms lately; however, money management has been very difficult. I find that I can’t seem to budget. I’m better but it seems that I save then it’s gone and I don’t have anything to show for it. It really brings me down and intensifies my symptons. I feel like i’ve failed and really I’m a very optimistic person; however, when I do something dumb with my money i’m not very optimistic. Boy do I have a lot of negative self talk…so I’ve been able to subdue the negative self talk but it doesn’t change that I don’t have anything in my account. I’ve asked my husband for help and he is understanding, but that again will only last so long because. Does anyone have the same issue? Feel good about yourself your controlling the symptoms then boom bad MONEY management brings you right back to where you don’t want to be. Let me know what you do, or site or book or something…download budget etc…I’m pretty open and feeling frustrated with this portion in my life.


    in reply to: It only took me 47 years to figure out why! #91598

    Post count: 53

    Wow, abslt0…first off you are not a “lazy, stuborn lazy ass”. ADD is a difficult to understand because we aren’t comparing ourselves to other ADDers we are comparing ourselves to non-adders so how do you do that? You don’t…I have been through a few stages since I was diagnosed this July 9th, 2009 at 44. Happy – finally I understand, then Mad – how come someone didn’t notice – how come I didn’t recognize this for my girls I’m a horrible mom – Depressed – oh my God I can’t believe my past what have I done and how come I’m still doing some of the same things even with meds – Denial – I don’t want this. I knew myself better before the diagnoses. Today, I’m at Acceptance – I want to live my life and be happy. Am I going to go through the stages again maybe but I’ll be better with each of them as it happens. I only have today.

    My girls were also diagnosed they are 21 and 19…all our lives we have been wanting to adjust ourselves to fit into a world that isn’t necessarily aware of what we need. I am determined to look at what is good about me and the great qualities my children have. I have had conversation with my husband to help him understand the symptoms and how they affect him, me and the girls. It is difficult for him because he says “why” can’t you just do it…I always say “It is like I’m being driven by something totally outside of my body” I know better but can’t seem to move in the right direction. I beat myself up enough…don’t need someone asking me “why” then telling me “how”. ADDers cannot be compaired to non-ADDers. I have explained that when he talks in that manner it only intensifies the symptoms. I have explained I needed him to ask me how he can help me because he doesn’t understand what happened. I find it easier then blaming or accusing me. Medication has really supported us in making better decisions but I still mess up now and then but now I find that I reflect more on my strengths then my deficits (have enough of those). My strengths are what keep me alive and happy…feeling positive and healthy mentally. Take a look at yourself…you have survived 47 years of someone saying “what is the matter with you?” now take a look at the next 47 years and say “what is great about me? “Live off of that and realize that we all have deficits and they will appear but your strengths are larger then that….I would suggest you write down somewhere what great characteristics you have and look at them everyday…BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!! you are worth more than anything…I know I am and my kids know that too…Keep your spirits up!! you were put on this earth for a reason and it wasn’t to be a labeled a “lazy stubborn lazy ass”. Accept that you aren’t always going to do everything the way you want or someone else…just KEEP BELIEVING…i’ll promise you that you will feel better about YOUSELF…I know I have. Hope this helps…bye for now your fellow ADDer friend.


    in reply to: Concerta #91350

    Post count: 53

    Hi there, First time posting I want to comment and ask a question….Dr. J is absolutely right. I’m on 72 mls and i’m 135 lbs and I’m almost thinking I may need to adjust my dosage. I see the doctor in a couple of weeks. Concerta for me has been great. I tried other meds and was very gittery…so you never know. I do have a question. I’m very tired, unfocused, gittery the week before my period. I’ve googled every site I know…and all of them are some what different. Some say adjust meds others say have to live with it…what is right…does anyone have any idea…Dr. J what do you think? I have been monitoring now for 3 months and the symtoms are always the same. Thanks Elizabeth

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