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  • greentree
    Post count: 16

    Hi Joe,diddo the same to you from me.
    Hear!! Hear!!to all the above who have taken the time to support you here. To you Joe for reaching out and sharing your level of depression. There’s possibly not one who hasn’t felt what your feeling me included mate.
    I have saught behavioural therapy for mine and my anxieties.
    Some strategies I learnt.
    Keep a gratitude journal.
    It can be as simple as food to eat, a roof over your head, family or a pet to keep you company. A past or present thing.
    Change the neg thoughts
    Every time you have a negative thought change it for its positive, eg wish I, TO if I, if that’s hard think of something that lights you.. family member, pet, beach, favourite food, fav colour what ever it takes untill it gets easier.
    Do someting nice for someone else. Doesn’t need to be big. Carry a bag. Give a smile. Say hello. Do it with enthusiasum even if it’s fake just for a minute that’s all. Watch what you get back from others. Not all the time but most. At the end of the day you can say whats good, what good you did today. You have an answer. This builds emotional reziliance to your negative talk to yourself because you are validating your worth with actions.
    Facke it till you make it
    No matter how hard it is there’s someone worse off. Help out at a food kitchen for the homeless and you will see more to be grateful for. .
    Negative thoughts set up a cycle which changes the chemicals in your brain which perpetuates the cycle.
    Break the cycle, exercise too and say an enthusiastic hi to those you see on your walk.
    Neg creates neg positive creates positive. It all sounds so easy, I know it’s hard!. Just start with one thing and build on it mate. Buddhists say if you change your thoughts, you change your reaction to it. A few years ago I was planning my death. Layed on the bed could barely shower. Sooo glade I fought for me or I would have missed sooo many good things that have happened since. 9
    Fight for you Joe. STAY CONNECTED. Yes we are humans who Inately need to be socially connected as we are social beings. Got to be a good friend to have a good friend. Make opportunities. Seek out a club, maybe a walking club or around something that you like or even used to like. Maybe a mentoring role share a skill/ knowledge you have through a club. Connect with a support group that supports fthose enduring depression.
    Keep talking here with people that understand the chalenges and learn from what’s published here around all things ADHD. Stick with people who build you up, stay positive and flick the rest.
    Will send out thoughts for you.
    Sunshine days mate.
    They will come 👍💚

    in reply to: New member just starting meds……. #130559

    Post count: 16

    PS Green tree again. Forgot to mention my brother took 2 dex every 3 hrs. Our meds the same but dosages/times different. Very relevant to the job you do too. How switched on do you have to be, imperitive to your job. I was an AIN at the time, assistant in nursing, lots of time management ,attention to detail. Now I’m unmedicated as my job has changed to disability sector, job role changed, i can manage with stratagies and mindfulness. My brother was a TA in theartre so had to be really on top of things. He too is now off meds retired and managing with strategies including mindfuless.

    in reply to: New member just starting meds……. #130552

    Post count: 16

    Hi it’s greentree hear.
    I would like to comment but do remember I’m speaking from my own experience here and not from a qualified perspective. I would like to comment and say that many people when talking about meds seem to be refering to general GPs perscribing and directing the delivery and decisions of meds in many posts I’ve read here. Is this the same in your case?. If so why are you not diagnosed, seen and meds managed by a qualified phychiatrist who specializes in the field of brain disorders, your case Adhd. These guys are brain gurues who have also done the medical, which means they have expertise of meds and the brain. They are medical specialists of this field. I am in Australia and while under this standard of proffesional, meds are trialed , but it’s slow and steady in increments keeping a medication diary with written notes on your physical, mental respons to dosages, by you, who is the only one who can trully know what’s working.It was done this way in my case untill meds were sorted. It is a science of everyone’s brain and med dosages and med types being individual, needs to be tailored to you. This is what my guy said to me who is one of Australia’s top phychiatrist in ADHD and ASD disorders. Would you continue to see an optomitrist if you had a detatched retna or would you seek out an optomologist. I would seek out the latter. If you are seeing a phychiatrist who specializes in ADHD then he would have explained that meds have a span of time before they wear off depending on the dosage you take and time intervils between dosages. I was started on dex at quarter tablet working up to 1 with different times between dosages working up in dosage quantities and working out with the doc the time intervills over the coarse of a month 5 weeks. I was told then if meds dosages dont suite then you move to a different med. Sounds like your docs doing a bit of lets just try another one size fit all approch to it. My Older brother was accidently turned on mentally when he was perscribed meds for weight controle by his GP. Who then sent him to a specialized phychiatrist in ADHD. He too had the same methadologies applied to his journey in meds of dexamphedamine. He lives in another state to me. He was almost 58 at diagnosis, now 64.5, I was 55 now 59. Meds were explained in much detail to both of us. He too saw a leading specialist phychitrist in his state. Or maybe it’s just different in your country who knows. Sorry for such a long post
    Good luck with you and your sons journey mate,
    Sunshine days always 👍💚

    in reply to: Adhd and dreams #127762

    Post count: 16


    Hi Frustr8ted,

    I first experienced night terrors with my daughter not knowing what they were. I understand scarry,a hopelessness in frustration not being able to help during the event. I would try talk and console my daughter then 3,4,5, and have her screeming running from me while calling out mummy. My understanding of it is that it is a form of sleep walking. I remember having many !! Bad dreams as a child and being terrified to go to sleep. My Brother who has adhd undiagnosed would sleep walk and go to the toilet in wired places when a younge teenager. I know of a 5/6 yr old boy who is undiagnosed who has them. The sibling of one of my clients. I Suggest you research in reputable sites seek proffesional help,Is it a by product of Meds? Heart breaking for a parent. Sunshine days .



    in reply to: What's your superpower? The Sequel #125834

    Post count: 16

    Supper power well I thought it more of a wierd gift of burden but yes supper power is more positive.once again blck dog we have the same story. Lovely to experience another who is much more like another me in some ways rather than similar. Since I was 16 I would have people of all ages telling me their wows and very personal information without me asking. With no deliberaty,in my mind in seeking information. is this a word?, From bus stops, shop customers, shop owners, social events and work environments, colleges an clients.during their conversation they will say. I dont know why im telling you this I normally wouldnt disclose, ending with big thankyous for my listening. Im often told i should be a councilor.My experiences are from younge to old of many different demographs.in my chosen proffesion it has been benificial and the last teacher I worked with I told her of the oddity. She experienced it first hand a number of times and was quite taken back as to how it happens. My mother told me it was her lot in life and its something you have in you that others see. You will have it all your life so you need to learn to cope with it. My daughter has this too and it started for her at a younge age with friends and stangers.i told her the same as my mother did me, explaining its a privalige and information should stay with you and not passed on or youll create problems foryourself. So I listen and I clarify what they have said and boost their short comings eg confidence and worth. I leave greatfull for what I have and happy to have helped someone along the way. I feel people and know them without words. I can judge a charecture visualy without verbally conecting. I am never wronge. In a matter of secons to minutes I know if you are good or bad or evil. Within these categories are degrees which I feel on an emotional level.weird I know. The stronger it feels the scarier it is for me. I know I have felt very evil scarry people who have done terrible things this really upsets me.  mostly men some women. These ones Are mostly people I encounter on the street. I remember two men which I felt the need to confront head on with eye contact not backing down from gaze untill he did. One left the beach after 10 min of constant gaze from app 10 mtr away during my daughters nippers morn. The other moved on while I was in a public place where many gathered thats all I can remember of that one. I can be in a physical proxcimity and feel happiness saddness or evil in degrees . This is un nerving thing not that this happens often . On going around oz with hubby some year ago we visited many places an I had it a lot then.old buildings graves prisons war sights. Some times I had to leave as the evil which is very stronge gets intense.  No I am not religious nor crazy. Bloked it out as a young 20 yr only in my 40 s aloud it back in as was too much to cope with. Now in my 50s can accept its part of me. I have been told by some I have met I have a strong heeling precence. I do not go in for readings and such having strong beliefs in the sciences and facts. These are my true facts. Take it or leave it.

    in reply to: Experiences with Dexedrine? #125208

    Post count: 16

    Started dexamphedamine 13days ago headaches to start, they have stopped 2days ago. Dry mouth last few days last dose had no dry mouth. Have not noticed much difference in myself other than getting to sleep better as I have no inner chatter while trying to sleep. Anxciousness around my new job of 8 weeks has been reduced but dont know if this is just because I have reach that point naturally or with dex. Read very long words fluidly during reading. Understand whats written better.My brother talked of being turned on ,brain  wise.Seeing better, concerntration, remembering , turned his life around. All started in the first week. I am now up to 1, 5mg first then another 3 hrs latter, then 3 half tabs  over the next 9 hrs  3 hr intervills. Still doing fast, missing things verbal and visual, still using written lists needing to double check myself for shortcomings. Making silly mistakes still. Can some one share knowledge of this med or their owen. Thanks in addvance disapointed greentree.

    Seeing doc in2 days to talk .


    Post count: 16

    Still waiting and it seems like an eternity.  Eger and fearfull but still feel I need to see it through with meds  journey to answer and relieve any doubs around posible benifits. New jobs going fine made a couple of misstakes but no bigies, especially concidering they have me working all around the establishment which is big. A few high care areas and a few hostel care areas. All different sifts in each area diff people in each with only a few core staff which are constant in each area. Thats just the work side then theres the residents which are all diff with their own individual needs. So a pat on the back for me  or no other will. Just a little vent for me sorry. My first day of two off after working 9 days straight. Sunshine days .

    in reply to: Did anyone else actually do well in school? #124830

    Post count: 16

    Well TRASHMAN I can relate to you. I wanted to go on in high school but was told by a teacher I addmired not to return, too hard for you. Best you get a job. Always strugled but was tenasiouse. so to work always believing I was doumb.found I had a brain at colledge going back at 24. Child care coarse.did well learnt I had a brain but woked really hard!since upgraded and struggle with interpretations of the written word on papper . Recently diagnosed at 55 un medicated yet. Psycoligist said learnind disability due to history of writting is hard to keep tidy, reading diff and spelling never realy kicked in. Yet he says I have an above average inteligence. I did do a lot for him as in answering questions on computer. I dont get it. I know I love learning in my time at my pace. For this I LOVE the internet. I too went through school in the 70s  trashman. They didnt have any idea. I look back too and recognise two boys who were bullied by teacher and I know now they had teoretts syndrome.

    in reply to: More focused late at night? #124829

    Post count: 16

    Yes I agree, while studying I used to set an alarm and rise at 2am ,stay up till 4, get heeps done. Its the stillness of the world that helps. A lovely feeling your the only one around. My favourite time of day is just before night fall when all turns to siloets. Pitty its soo short a time each day. And now that I am older I have reverted back to when I was younger to a symtom of up at night many times an unable to sleep. The up side is that its just me as the world sleeps. Provided the inside talking isnt too bad.

    in reply to: Rate problems when speaking #124826

    Post count: 16

    Ps : I have 3 brothers. One can only write in upper case lettering. The other writes side ways , quite extrodernary to watch. I can not write unless my papper is on a 45degree angle and my youngest brother has the messiest writting papper on an angle. He and I are ampidextrouse at some things. You should see him weld. His bosses are in astonishment two hands at once job done no lags. Thats weld talk for no mistakes. Interesting  info I thought anyone else like this?

    in reply to: Rate problems when speaking #124825

    Post count: 16

    Well this is all interesting talk when one can relate so well to the comments. I have times when I talk very very fast usually when im excited, but just the other day I refered to myself as Elvis in an office environment turning up for an app for our government  job search organization.  My name sounds  much like Elvis but isnt and to help the elderly people I look after at work to remember ,Iv told them ill answer to Elvis .Many have degrees of dementia. So thus my brain confusion. Much to the ladies astonishment each time I went to correct it , it hapened once more, looking at my husband trying for the last time, instead trying ,to use my daughters name. My husband eventually said youd better stop, ill talk , as we laughed the lady was on the outside looking in on something she was not even going to try and understand. Her face was blank unknowing just what to do or say . Im sure she thought I was high or something. Having worked with special needs chn for many years who more often need proccesing time around the spoken word. I have had much experience having to slow , simplify and wait when it comes to speeking to and listening to others. I seem to have much patience in this areena. Maybe because I know what it is to have things be difficault. I often join the first half of one word to the lastvof the next when I speek. I do this when I write as well as spell. Some words missing leleters or there back to front , fine example of difunction just prior.My daughter used to have to read things back to front, backwards before she could read forwards. Poor thing. Often had to leave shops because of it. Thank god thats no more. I also make up words in conversation which sound really good. There adaptations of the english language that sound real so much so I think they are often. My husband says , my god your talking your own language again.He agrees often its good. O well thats my input. Sunshine days all.


    Post count: 16

    Thankyou kc5jck yes I will take that on reg my hubby. Sunshine days to you and yours. Greentree 🙂


    Post count: 16

    Im so greatfull for your kindness in returning my posts. I look forward to a response and think of getting on my tablet as soon as I get up to look. THANKS. To tell others at work I feel would not be wise, co workers or establishment.  There liabilities in care would over rule any compasion to the condition. Then theres personal ignorances and preduceses which one can not control. If I were working with my old intervention team it would be no prob but I will have to remember them as a highlight of chns career. Your support in taking a week off conferms my thinking so might go that way and taking the op of saying im not feel right at work aking others to watch my back. Thats one of the legacies of my intervention team, great loss there.If i feel its detremental to my elders then ill make that judgement. Worried i wont be able to recognize though.  As for organize I am always willing as my ocd takes care or that yet the constant double checking tiers me emensly.  If I have a lot on yes I get  overwhelmed so will minimize. Hubbys coming so  covered there.  Need to go have an app so till next time. Sunshine days my supporting friend.


    Post count: 16

    Thanks for your  kind words . I cant believe im out there again. I must need this verbal release as part of my journey. Being anonymous helps im thinking. I have read so many others stories of meds not allowing them to function properly or coming down feeling bad. Being in a peoples well being field of work and responsible for their safety, I need to know im present and functioning. These are questions for my psychologists off sider gp I suppose , but i have to wait a couple of weeks now untill i see her.I feel those who live it know much more detail and can add variance of experience. Would I be better to take a week off work to see what happens. My brother was diagnosed at 58 after an incidental exposure to dexamphedamine. After a week of taking a small amount of it in another drug for weight loss his brain changed after a fortnight it was unbelievable . Then to psychologist for proper meds ,brother said it was nothing short of phenomenal. His brain turned on and he could see better.sure th hope thats my story. Brother said as others have theres some fiddling of dosages? Thanks again greentree. Sunshine days all.

    in reply to: My marriage #124775

    Post count: 16

    Well hello all. This is green tree. Just started my jouney even though iv known I had add for many years  having worked with special needs kids specificaly for the last ten years. Anxiety has gotten the better of me to seek help at 55. As for the marriage my husband has been quiet a support over the years but not just recently through my diagnosis untill phycatrist app. I know he gets so frustrated having to say things over and over . I often feel its my fault but I contantly tell him I try my best and its not that I dont try. I know its hard for him but I feel the same too yet with added frustration that I carnt do it better, this is it for my short comings. He has added that there are parts of who I am with add that he had fallen in love with. Good luck with yours remember you carnt bet up over who you are. Its not done in malise. Sunshine days green tree.

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