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  • in reply to: Random thought #111609

    Post count: 119


    That’s a good question!

    I think somebody copies and pastes excerpts of “Knitting with dog hair” into my posts, just before I hit “Send post”.

    I’m pretty sure it’s not me. Not that I can remember anyway.

    *edit: removed first paragraph containing excepts from chapter 3 from “How to cook husbands”*

    in reply to: Can't do anything right. #103567

    Post count: 119

    @TheGameGuy let me catch your attention by stating: YOU’RE WRONG!

    Ah.. there.. I have your attention? ;)

    One of your thoughts is: “I can’t do anything right”

    It’s probably even a belief you have. And everything that turns out wrong is used by you as proof of this “fact”.

    Let’s ask a judge. You’re charged with “NOT BEING ABLE TO DO ANYTHING RIGHT”

    What would the proscecutor (you’ll excell in that role) present as evidence?

    “Well, this one time… “

    What would your attorney (ask a friend or your spouse) present in your defense?

    “You posted a well written post in a forum expressing your frustration!”

    “You feel you have a problem and even though you’re very judgemental towards yourself, you came here and asked for help!”

    Try and make a list. What will the ruling of the judge be?

    I’m putting my money on “NOT GUILTY”

    This really isn’t splitting hairs, because you are saying it to yourself like that. And you are angry with yourself for who you are.

    Change the thought to: “I did that the wrong way”, so you can be angry at what you did. That’s less destructive!

    You’re probably doing things wrong, but that doesn’t make you worth any less!




    Post count: 119

    hmm.. I didn’t translate that Dutch article yet….

    I noticed that the “watchdog” role that the pharmacist plays, is also mentioned on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharmacist

    Most important thing I get from this is: In the end, I’m responsible for what I do, concerning my health. And given the correct information from both the perspective of psychiatrists and pharmacists, I’ll be able to weigh the pro’s and con’s to decide what’s good for me.

    I’ll never be an expert medically or pharmaceutically*, I’ll have to lean on the professionals for that. I’ll bring the experiences into the mix. That’ll be my specialty ;)

    * unless I study to become a psychiatrist or pharmacist, obviously

    in reply to: How in control are we, really? #95652

    Post count: 119

    Wow.. that’s quite something to deal with.

    I assume your psychiatrist asked of you both to describe the situations and the events that lead up to the ‘explosion’?

    That’s always been a very interesting part of my therapy. The simplest of things provide the strongest eye openers, in my experience.

    I hope you’ll be able to ‘enjoy’ your growth as much as you do eachother!!

    Wish you a clear mind and a lot of happy insights!

    in reply to: How in control are we, really? #95647

    Post count: 119

    I want to ask you a few things, a lot of things actually!

    Maybe to clarify your story to me, maybe to clarify your story to you?


    Why do you need to change your behavior?

    What exactly is causing the problems? (behavior?/ADHD?/Patrick’s sore toe?)

    Whose problem is it, just yours?


    What needs to be managed and who’s responsible?

    Who’s putting the effort into it?

    Is it your sole responsibility, or do you just feel like it is, because ‘it’s your disorder that’s the root of all evil’ ?


    What do you want him to help you with?

    What does he think you’re asking him to help you with?

    are you on the same track:

    Do you feel that he’s taking the right amount of responsibility and putting in the right amount of effort?

    Does he feel that you are?

    in reply to: So embarassing…but skin picking, anyone? #93424

    Post count: 119

    I’ve stopped biting my nails years ago when I started biting my cuticles and hangnails as well. I always have small wounds on a couple of my fingers, and develop Paronychia every couple of months. It’s quite painful, but that doesn’t seem to stop me. Whenever there’s a loose end, I’ll pull it, tear it and bite it. My middle finger that had a nasty Paronychia, has nearly recovered and already I tear off everything that’s not supposed to be there. (Ofcourse everything about that little nasty wound is meant to be there, until it falls off. I’m always willing to give nature a little hand, usually before nature’s done repairing my skin)

    Playing guitar and drums helps, but there’s always times that I’m not drumming or playing guitar….

    in reply to: Question brought up by a video #95520

    Post count: 119

    no no no I don’t like competitions..

    which is why I’d applaud Shane to chase after the balloons.. while I..

    *Looks around* Now where did they go.. “Anybody know of a shoe store nearby?”

    in reply to: Question brought up by a video #95517

    Post count: 119

    No, I think they went for the groups of women, in the end. :)


    Post count: 119

    And I always keep in mind, that even though doctors and pharmacists are the professionals, the responsibility for (or even more true: the consequences of) what medication I take, is mine and mine alone!

    I noticed that both my doctor and my pharmacist have their own specific perception on and knowledge of the medication involved and that is what I lean on to make the best possible decisions.

    I found this (old) article concerning the collaboration between the two:


    A part which I found particularly interesting was:

    “Complementary roles:

    The roles of the doctor and pharmacist are complementary and it has been established that the expertise of pharmacists when

    channelled through a co-operative relationship with doctors has a positive impact on patient outcomes. The benefits of such collaboration within the hospital environment include the taking of complete and accurate drug histories, the provision of drug information by medicines information pharmacists, the use of evidence-based prescribing, improved detection of prescribing errors and improved drug safety through careful drug level monitoring. Furthermore, close collaboration has been shown to improve the

    cost-effectiveness of prescribing. Closer interprofessional collaboration may lead to greater knowledge, skills and satisfaction for staff and a better service for patients.When teams are running efficiently patients will benefit from simple outcomes such as getting the correct medicines at the correct dosing intervals and getting their discharge medicines in a timely fashion.

    Poor doctor-pharmacist collaboration and communication may have a negative impact on the healthcare provided and the outcome

    for a patient, for example, failure to detect or communicate a prescribing issue.”

    I found an even better explanation on a Dutch site, but I’ll translate that before posting that.

    (Oh. btw.. ‘Infatuation’ switched from PCH to Ritalin and is feeling better already!)


    Post count: 119

    Oh my goodness, you’re making me blush! :D


    Post count: 119

    Hey verliefdheid, ;)

    For the Dutch (and maybe other European residents) who are lactose intolerant, Rubio, which contains no lactose, could be an alternative.

    Rubio is also a generic version of Ritalin. (Spanish manufacturer)

    The only downside, I’m experiencing is that my pharmacy only offers the 5mg pills.

    I have read that Rubio also comes in 10mg, so I’m gonna shop around to see which pharmacy can provide me with those. The amount of pills I take home every month is ridiculous..

    * People might start thinking I have some kind of disorder…. o.O * ;)

    in reply to: Fairytale to Heart Broken #95342

    Post count: 119

    That’s a tough one to deal with Jennifer. I can’t give you any advice on when to throw in the towel, or whether you should.

    I’m the ADD’er in my family. I had no idea how much my state (before I knew I had it, initially I went for help with a depression) affected my wife and my three year old son. She literally told me, that she can’t handle taking care of a kid and an adult, as if they were both her kids. I was supposed to help her raise our son, we chose to do so, when we decided to bring him into this world. If things were to continue like this, she would not live with me anymore.

    If he’s in a cocoon like I was, he has no idea. He may think he’s the only one suffering and feel he’s not hurting anyone but himself by not taking care of this. I had my diagnosis at 38. So I have no idea what he has been through during childhood, concerning his ADD or the treatment he received.

    My wife is .. there’s no words for it. She’s an amazing mom and has always been (and still is) very supportive, but she came to a point where she had to stand up for herself and our little guy.

    Now that you’re beginning to understand a little about where he’s at, you may be able to find a way to let him know that he’s not the only one that suffers from his disorder. I hope you’ll be able to get through to him.

    I’m sure one of the experts on here can help you with advice on what kinds of help you can get, to help you decide what path to take and where you should draw the line.

    I wish you strength and understanding!



    in reply to: Impulsivity vs compulsivity question #94334

    Post count: 119

    @Roachella I think you’re describing yourself, what the ‘internalization’ is about. The process from being extraverted to being – more or less forced – introverted. As we grow up we learn that we experience less obstacles, and less obstruction from others, when we keep our restless tendencies hidden from the outside world, so that’s what part of our strategies develop into. (to name one aspect of it)

    A couple of my friends admire my calm nature. :D They were so surprised when I told them about the tornadoes that roam my brain! :)

    If you re-read your own example, I think no other examples are needed..

    -*- Unless we’re not getting what you’re not getting… or something. -*-


    in reply to: Impulsivity vs compulsivity question #94330

    Post count: 119

    *little off-topic, perhaps*

    I’m in a group right now getting educated on ADD as a part of my treatment. It’s there where I found out how many facets there are to this disorder. I recognize my symptoms in the others, but scattered across the whole group. We have so many similarities, but none of them have the exact same form as anyone else in the group.

    Simplification is the only way to get a grasp on understanding what you’re looking for, but the stereotypes never match any of us completely.

    I am learning so incredibly much about myself, through the group and through this site, that being clear can be even more overwhelming than ‘road-running’ through my thoughts was, before I got diagnosed.

    I’m not sure if my little puns come across as cynical or anything. I’m mostly making fun of myself, but I’m sure you get that :)

    There’s no way to show you how grateful I am for your contributions, without getting an immediate manic attack! ;)

    I guess that’s the emotional rollercoaster, for ya!

    So, thank you!

    in reply to: Being a teacher #93148

    Post count: 119


    YES, definately

    I always describe it as being paralyzed. There’s so much and it’s overwhelming and I don’t know where to start. And then I start to think about where to start. And that gets interrupted by feeling guilty for thinking about it.. again.. and not having started yet. But how am I – mr. Chaos – going to get anything done without structure? So I start planning it again… which I’m really not good at. Then I see that I have so much to write down… that I don’t know where to start and that brings me back to the beginning….

    And that makes me feel like a failure. And all this takes place in my head… and I do nothing about it. So frozen or paralyzed… yep!!

    So if you’re drowning…

    put on your scuba gear…

    start breathing…

    take a good look where you are…

    enjoy the scenery if you can. (a coral garden isn’t that well organized either)

    and if you know where you’re at…

    accept it…

    and slowly start your ascend.

    breathe Paula!! ( there is a surface somewhere up there ;) )

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