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  • in reply to: Assessment for adult women in/around Toronto, ON #127252

    Post count: 60

    Alina Kislenko on Cork St. in Guelph was nothing short of pure genius! She has ADHD & Aspergers herself so she truly understands. I believe on the first Thursday evening of the month, she offers a free evening group session, followed by a discounted rate of $12/hr. I highly recommend!

    in reply to: Can anyone relate to this childhood symptom #127238

    Post count: 60

    Yes mbendezu, that is exactly what it feels like when you have adhd. I keep waiting for my spaceship to pick me up and take me back to whatever planet I came from. I usually spend time in groups just nodding and smiling to hide my inability to keep up which likely makes others think I am a very agreeable individual, however I am missing out on real communication, I know this. I prefer speaking one on one with people as a result. Humour helps a lot!

    in reply to: need advice #127226

    Post count: 60

    Hey there sb12,

    I think you are right about inflammation. Ever have those weird string of events where all signs point to yes? Just before your post I had a nurse at the hospital tell me ‘you know, you wouldn’t need these iron IV treatments if you took care of the inflammation in your bowels that prevents you from absorbing iron in the first place!’ Oh silly me, I was taken aback, well then “why didn’t my doctor tell me this if this was true?’ I asked. She told me that ‘they’ wanted me to stay sick so I they can make more money (creepy!) Next stop, at the grocery store. Standing in the spice aisle, a friendly clerk who I’ve been acquainted with for a decade, hands me a big bag of tumeric, just randomly, and tells me he heard this prevents breast cancer (his young wife died from this years ago) so I politely take it and buy it as it costs only $2.29 and he also advises drinking five cups of green tea a day, with no sugar :(… Anyways, the truth hurts and I am bloated and my skin is horrible and I feel lousy. A few days earlier my night school classmates all commented that I looked pregnant and I know for a fact that I am not! So, thank you for your suggestion, you’ve been the kindest from all the solicitations I’ve received, by far and it’s nice that you took the time to show you cared 🙂

    in reply to: need advice #127218

    Post count: 60

    Hi Kristalina, no, I’m sorry I haven’t heard about ‘focusene’ but it sounds interesting. I prefer homeopathic remedies whenever possible as I seem to experience more side effects than most as I think I am over sensitive to everything. While I’m here, does anyone have arthritic like symptoms on bad days? I wake up in the night with aching hands and know tomorrow will be a slow minded day for me. I think my depression is a complete package of mind/body/soul…just something I noticed.

    in reply to: 19 year old girl and finally everything makes sense #127217

    Post count: 60

    I second that motion! Very well put. I feel more accepting of myself the more I read letters like yours -full of wisdom. Thanks for sharing.


    Post count: 60

    There could be a connection to ADHD and music taste, no doubt. Two of my kids who have ADHD happen to like house music and find it stimulating. Maybe age is a factor? I used to like punk rock in my youth before there was house music. Now I do still like a beat but am prone to examine lyrics and want my music to have rhythm and soothe me…like this one:  https://youtu.be/nruUewOQZiQ?list=RDnruUewOQZiQ


    in reply to: need advice #127128

    Post count: 60

    Oh my goodness, it took me two hours to pay my gas bill yesterday. I finally found my bill (2 months late) then look for a pen, locate my chequebook, while misplacing the bill. look for the bill..lose the chequebook, find the gas bill from last month, read the newspaper, daughter finds the current bill on light switch…only to find out I lost all my stamps from my wallet! What will my senior years be like? I shudder to think about it!

    in reply to: need advice #127117

    Post count: 60

    That’s great advice domadhd. Experience does speak volumes. I have a question for ya. Please see your inbox. Thanks!

    in reply to: Binaural beats help! #127077

    Post count: 60

    I think I like the sound of this link better. It was right beside your binaural beat link suggestion on youtube (which sounded like a helicopter lifting off) This is an interesting alternative therapy and I’m glad you brought this to my attention! Just wondering…am I supposed to use headphones while listening, to get the dual sound effects delivered properly? lol

    in reply to: Binaural beats help! #127053

    Post count: 60

    Thanks Pinkdex,

    I will try it tonight. I avoid my meds cuz I can’t stand the racing heart sensation.


    Post count: 60

    I hear ya Laila! Do  I ever wish I had advice but I that would be like the blind leading the blind. I have big dreams of being that minimalist who purges herself of all clutter and has a spot for every item and has gleaming surfaces surrounding me. I have visions of being on an intervention show where experts come in and blissfully fix up my place once and for all and I learn my lesson and never resort to living in a chaotic pig pen again! I dream that my European relatives come over to admire my house and approve of my domestic capabilities at last! But no such luck…and definitely NO judgement of you coming from me. You’re not alone. Take care my friend 🙂

    in reply to: ADHD Genetic Connection Found #126917

    Post count: 60

    Hello! I dug out this interesting old post & found it relevant to my latest questionings. Now almost five years later, do the experts know anything more? My 25 year old daughter told me last night that she has decided not to have any children because she doesn’t want to pass on the ADHD gene. She is sheer exhausted simply by trying to live up to everyone else’s normal level of functioning at work. I was recently diagnosed last year so I wonder if I would’ve reconsidered having kids? (2 of my 5 have it) I don’t know. Then again, life is a gamble and perhaps we can successfully treat ADHD? I know educators are becoming aware lately but we have a long way to go still. There are other genetic problems we can pass on unknowingly so I guess I shouldn’t feel bad. My sister found out a few years ago that she had the CF gene, passed it to her daughter and now her grandchild has it. She did not see this coming! Please try not to judge too harshly, but no matter how careful you are in life, there are always surprises awaiting. We have to do the best we can with what we have, and hopefully in the end, it will all make sense. Embrace neurodiversity!!!

    in reply to: Rick's Presentation for the Ontario Brain Institute #126902

    Post count: 60

    7% of kids have it, 4.4% of adults have it (70% of us have comorbid disorders like depression, 85% of folks don’t know they have it!) Wow Rick, those are startling stats man! Everyone ought to watch this! Keep educating Rick -Hats off to you!!!

    in reply to: Could I Have ADD or am I just really lazy? #126829

    Post count: 60

    http://totallyaddconnect.com/forums/topic/increased-productivity-with-lack-of-medication/Hello Tatltael,Nah, in my unprofessional opinion I’d say icksnay on the lazy. I put a link from another forum topic. Look for Rick’s reply about using non-linear methods to tackle projects. Having ADHD can make us feel guilty about things beyond our control. The fact that you’re concerned shows that you care, which is more than I can say about alot of people! Also you sound pretty intelligent from your knowledge and vocab. Only 14 eh? I’d have you pegged for an educated adult. I got a feeling you’ll be successful in life. All the best to ya…okay, somebody else help me out here with advice. Where’s Blackdog & Larynxa?!?

    in reply to: Do adult ADHDers commonly talk in higher voice? #126812

    Post count: 60

    Me, I tend to slur a lot. People might think I’m drunk, even though I’m an abstainer (alcohol makes me quite depressed) I also seem to talk fast and ‘on the run’ -maybe to avoid eye contact? So, no surprise, I much prefer the written word as a result these pesky behaviours!!!

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