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  • in reply to: I am tired of feeling alone. #128521

    Post count: 60

    Hi Mika, I can relate and I thank you for putting your struggle so well into words. I feel like an oddball all of the time and feel much depression/anxiety/social isolation. The communication problems I experience daily are endless and my restlessness and search for belonging too. I joined an online bbok club on goodreads so if you want to join https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/18975-readers-with-add-adhd here it is. I don’t know if you live near Hamilton, Ont. but there is a live support group if you can make it, it might be helpful https://www.eventbrite.ca/o/adhdok-adult-adhd-in-hamilton-4298009931 I wish I could help more but I feel like I’m falling through the cracks too. I can’t find any specialists and I’m tired of defending myself all the time. Chat me up anytime. P.S. this website is undergoing construction for awhile and it’s annoying 🙂 Cathy

    in reply to: Hello again! #128520

    Post count: 60

    Hi Shutterbug! I’ve been AWOL too. Everything okay in the neurotypical world? Would you like to join my book club? https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/18975-readers-with-add-adhd I would like more members to share recommendations of books about ADD/ADHD. Thanks. Happy New Year!

    in reply to: Making Coffee with No Pot #128473

    Post count: 60

    Yeah really eh? Where is that miracle med NZT from the Limitless movie? Or WHYPHY from 22 Jump Street https://www.modup.net/blog/whyphy-22-jump-street/

    in reply to: Internet addiction of the Facebook variety #128277

    Post count: 60

    Addiction risk comes with our dopamine deficiency. Keep that in mind when you carry cash or have access to alcohol/drugs. It is what it is. No finger pointing, just that’s why I don’t keep any of these things conveniently in the house. I don’t go near malls anymore. If I walk, it’s a nature walk, and I leave my bank card at home. I also stay away from LCBO and have switched to flavoured green tea. I cancelled my facebook account and joined futurelearn (free online courses) and public library. I have a crossword puzzle addiction as well. Nobody gets hurt and I haven’t died from boredom.

    in reply to: ADHD is a code word for "retarded." #128241

    Post count: 60

    That was a cruel remark made by someone who sounds like a bully. People like this are insecure and feel the need to put others down to redirect their misery about themselves. Also there seems to be a lack of understanding about different learning styles. I have limited patience with these soul crushers. I’d say hang around more uplifting folk, but then I’d need to take my own advice!

    in reply to: Guanfacine? #128240

    Post count: 60

    Interesting guanfacine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guanfacine  Looks like a chill pill to me. I like reading up on meds I haven’t heard of before. Thanks for bringing it my attention!


    in reply to: I think I screwed up. Again. #128158

    Post count: 60

    Honey, it’s okay. Please don’t beat yourself up for being human. Stress can overwhelm at times. Maybe you need to step outside yourself and be the loving parent to the child you are inside? I know it sounds weird but what encouragement and care do you think you need to feel able to succeed? Be kind and don’t criticize. Reaffirm with positive statements, treat yourself to favourite meal, rest then go for brisk walk. You know you can do it and deserve the very best!

    in reply to: Adult Diagnostic Advice Please #127831

    Post count: 60

    What was this medication that helped you before, may I ask?

    in reply to: Thank you TotallyADD! #127787

    Post count: 60

    That’s awesome buddy. I rejoice with you in your success. Thanks for spreading the hope around 🙂 🙂 🙂

    in reply to: Affording your treatment when you're failing at having ADD #127772

    Post count: 60

    I think you are right to suggest a life coach. But how can someone pay for one when finances are an issue? I haven’t figured this dilemma out yet. Your story resonates with me, so know you are not alone. Keep fighting, my friend. I suspect there is a planet somewhere for us to belong.

    in reply to: Sudden Spacey-ness #127718

    Post count: 60

    I looked up clonidine and some of the side effects which need attention and they were confusion and dizziness, if that’s what’s you’re describing. If this is taken for high BP then I guess you need it, but since I am not an expert., I’d say take it easy until tomorrow and get medical help about what to do next. Avoid driving and take into account an acquired sensitivity to a previously well tolerated drug. I had a similar reaction to Gravol. Fine for years with it then all of a sudden I was sweating profusely with a racing heart. My sister had the same reaction and needed a beta blocker. Be careful and hang on until first thing in the morning. Tell your family what you’re experiencing too. Have a Merry Christmas by the way, well as best as you can under the circumstances!

    in reply to: Adhd and dreams #127704

    Post count: 60

    My trouble with sleep is staying asleep. 3:30 am is when I usually wake up and cannot fall back asleep. I still sometimes take Melatonin 5 mg but the only way I can have a full night’s sleep is by taking Unisom (formula) 2 with active ingredient  Doxylamine Succinate 25 mg. Too bad they don’t sell it here in Canada. Even with our low dollar I might have to cross that border and stock up. While I am there I might have to stock up on Dunkin Donuts coffee grind (turbo blend please. Sorry Tim Hortons). Funny how my life seems revolve around trying to get a good night’s sleep and then trying to be fully awake with a lot of caffeine to start my day. I think I’m beginning to understand how Johnny Cash & Elvis ended up the way they did.

    in reply to: Taking Vyvanse While Pregnant #127678

    Post count: 60

    First of all, Amber, I am sorry you are going through this dilemma, however, congratulations that you are having a baby 🙂 A doctor would be the best to ask and then another opinion would be good, maybe from a pharmacist. There’s a certain amount of risk always even when they said don’t know for sure or say there is little or no harm. From what I hear, when a mother is on antidepressants, for instance, the fact that she is suicidal is probably riskier to her and unborn child, so I hear the medical field will often say stay on your meds for the pregnancy, which makes sense to me -one risk outweighs the other risk. It’s sad though if your family cannot support you more right now if you asked them for help. It’s hard to communicate a need, I understand, but if they did pick up the slack around you for the time being, so that you could avoid your meds for the duration of your pregnancy, would that seem like an ideal solution for you? It’s your decision. Just please find a good doctor to advise you and best wishes for you and your family!

    in reply to: lost my keys #127632

    Post count: 60

    lol, good ideas! Don’t forget about that great War Amps program where you give a donation and they give you a tag for your keys and in the event of a loss, hopefully a decent person finds them and puts them in the mailbox. Once they are sent to War Amps, then because you were so generous already, they have your name on file that matches the serial number and they send them to you!

    in reply to: Am I just an ENFP or do I have ADHD? #127625

    Post count: 60


    Maybe you are both? This is a fun test. I got introverted-mediator type.

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