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Category : ADD Blog

ADHD in Adults | Adult ADHD | Most Popular

5 Superpowers of ADHD

By totallyaddauthor

I am going to suggest that there are some potential benefits to having ADHD. Symptoms that can be impairing in some situations can work for me in other situations. However, before we dive into this…A Caveat.  A Clarification.  A Disclaimer. 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is not a gift. 

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Is ADHD over-diagnosed?

By totallyaddauthor

‘Oh, everyone thinks they have ADD nowadays.  It’s over-diagnosed.  It’s the internet.  And cell phones.  And everyone’s trying to do 9 things at once.  Fifty years ago there was no such thing as ADHD.’

Adult ADHD

ADHD Burnout and Exhaustion

By Sandy Pace

Have you experienced ADHD burnout or exhaustion? When you think of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder do you think of things […]

Adult ADHD | Articles | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

ADHD Strategies

By totallyaddauthor

You’re reading this because at some point you, or a loved one, saw a video, read an article, did an online test, or took our Unofficial ADHD Quiz, and the penny dropped, you thought “maybe I have adult ADHD”.

Adult ADHD

An Eventful Week

By totallyaddauthor

An eventful week! And it’s not over.
On Tuesday I went to Queens Park, the seat of government for the province of Ontario, where I had lunch with the Speaker, the Hon. Dave Levac. Mark Tishman, from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care joined us as well. Very moving conversation.
For me, it renewed the hope that we can keep doing what we are doing at TotallyADD.com. Because at the moment the future is by no means guaranteed. Many ADHD organizations are struggling. Some have had to close down. This week we were sad to hear that ADD Resources in Seattle is no more.

Guest Blog | Work & School

10 Tips to Achieving Focus in Today’s Busy Workplace

By Edward (Ned) Hallowell, Psychiatrist

1. Do The Impossible. People focus most intently when they take on a challenge, when they are working in an area where they are skilled, but where they are also stretched. Often, amazingly enough, what seemed impossible becomes possible. 2. Trust Your Way. Perhaps the single most clichéd song lyric ever…


Love My Job. Can't Stand My Colleagues.

By totallyaddauthor

Let’s talk about what may be the most important decision of your life.
No, it’s not who to blame for your ADHD.
Or whether to watch the entire second season of House of Cards all in a row, or spread it out over two whole days….