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Category : adhd resources

Comedy + Holidays | Emotional Journey | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

A Different Kind Of New Year's Resolution

By totallyaddauthor

At this point, we’re well into the New Year. This year seems to be as turbulent as any other year. And I assume with all that’s going on – in politics, the weather, celebrity scandals, and your family – one can be forgiven for letting one’s New Year’s Resolutions fall by the wayside. If you haven’t forgiven yourself, please do so now.
Studies have shown that very few of us stick to our resolutions…

Adult ADHD

New Year's Resolutions

By totallyaddauthor

Made your New Year’s Resolutions yet?
Forgotten them already?
Even better.
Now you can create some new ones. I don’t know about you, but I’m like a lot of adults with ADHD—I love ‘new.’ Plus I have a problem sticking to long term goals.

Adult ADHD | Guest Blog

Reducing Distractions

By Team TotallyADD

By Tara McGillicuddy – There are just so many distractions in our world today. These distractions make it challenging for the average person to stay focused and be productive. When you have Adult ADD / ADHD these distractions intensify these challenges…

Adult ADHD

Stifle Yourself!

By Team TotallyADD

When I was growing up, there was a TV show called All in the Family. It was about a stereotypical all-American W.A.S.P. family in the early 70s. The head of the family, Archie Bunker, was fond of telling his wife Edith to stifle herself, something no man would say to me — and live.
ADHD, ADD, behaviour, annoyingStill, as a child, my unbridled (and noisy) enthusiasm gave my mom headaches and disrupted the classroom; as an adult, it was unwelcome at work and embarrassing at social gatherings.

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog

Don’t Believe Everything You Think

By totallyaddauthor

There’s a meme that keeps popping up on Facebook that has a great deal of wisdom in it: ‘Don’t believe everything you think.’ That simple phrase popped into my head when we were interviewing Dr. Edward ‘Ned’ Hallowell at his home in Massachusetts. I had driven down to Boston to appear on WGBH, the local PBS station, when they debuted our program, ADD & Mastering It! We were talking about anxiety and depression, two common spinoffs of life with ADHD, especially before it’s diagnosed. Ned said, “Never worry alone. Call someone.” He calls it Vitamin C. ‘C’ as in Connection. Connect with someone…

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog | Work & School

Disciplining a Child With ADHD?

By totallyaddauthor

So, unless this is your first day on the Internet, you’ve doubtless heard the story of the ADHD boy in Kentucky who was handcuffed by a Sheriff’s Deputy because he was acting out. No self-discipline, unlike the Deputy. And just to prove justice is blind, the Deputy also handcuffed a 9 year old girl with ADHD.

Adult ADHD | Rick | TotallyADD Blog


By totallyaddauthor

Last year we took a poll during one of our webinars. We asked: “What are the biggest issues you want us to address?” Number one? Procrastination. No surprise. And we’ve been working on a Procrastination video for a while now. (Insert your own procrastination joke here.) Second issue? The tornado of emotions that erupt when you, or a loved one, receives the ADHD diagnosis. We’ve been asking a lot of experts about this furious funnel of feelings that can send an already racing mind into a tailspin. And, man oh man, do we have some stories to tell…